What's new

Smartpoint Cloud is in a Early Adopter phase. If you are interested in participating, please contact your Travelport representative.

Refer to NDC airline capabilities for instructions on how to access information about each NDC airline's capabilities.

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NDC SAS Scandinavian Airlines (SK) seats

Seats can be added to NDC SAS Scandinavian (SK) orders for the following flows:

  • pre-booking and hold seats and flights

  • pre-booking and ticket seats and flights

  • post-booking to a held booking

  • post-booking to a ticketed booking

Note: There is currently a limitation with adding SK seats post booking. The agent can book (commit) seats one leg at a time. Agents can select seats for some or all of the travelers on that leg.

Release 4.19: March 20, 2025

  • Air search results can be filtered by connecting airport.

  • When searching for NDC flights and specifying a private fare code in the search panel, select an NDC offer, then hover over the new information () icon for fare type to display the type of private fare used for that offer, if it is available.

  • Fare Shop as Booked (FS) takes in account all the segments in the booked itinerary. The segment selection modifiers let you shop by a single segment (FS/S#), a range of segments (FSS#-#), or specific segments (FSS#.#).

  • When canceling or modifying seats or bags after a held or ticketed booking, the confirmation button label has changed to Confirm changes.

  • Prior to this release, GDS flights could be canceled or voided using the Change button. With this release, cancel and void is accessed via the new Cancel flights button and a new workflow.

  • NDC ticket issue can be suppressed at the PCC level based on the AAT setting TKLS - Electronic Ticketing. Set this field is set to N to prohibit an agency from issuing electronic tickets. When an agent in a PCC that prohibits ticketing tries to ticket, the following message displays: You do not have ticketing permissions. The agent only has the option to Hold; Book and Ticket are not available.

NDC SAS Scandinavian Airlines (SK) bags

Adding bags is now supported for Scandinavian Airlines (SK) NDC orders.

Release 4.18: February 20, 2025

  • Preferred seats are indicated by a blue seat () icon on seat maps.

  • When NDC carriers allow bags to be selected prior to booking, the Extras panel displays after the last flight is chosen for you to add bags. The new Bag option displays along with the Seats and Add-ons options.

  • When NDC carriers do not support bags, an error message displays and the Bag option in the Extras panel is grayed out.

  • The Help and Settings icons have moved from the lower left sidebar to the upper right corner of the window.

  • Amenity icons display in the flight details panel below each flight's details. Hover over an amenity for details.

  • When searching for hotels, the map displays the lowest rate for a property, or, if multiple properties are in the same general location, the map displays the number of properties available. Hover over a single hotel pin for more information. Click on a pin with multiple properties to zoom in on that location and display the individual hotel pins.

  • After booking a hotel, the graphical booking file displays additional information about the booking, including price details, form of payment used, payment type (i.e., prepaid, deposit, guarantee rate), frequent guest number if used, and the pin code for booking.com reservations.

Finnair NDC content: February 2025

Finnair (AY) NDC content is now available through Travelport+ (1G) as outlined in NDC content by country. Features and known issues are detailed in the NDC AY article.

United Airlines NDC in APAC

United Airlines NDC content is available in additional APAC countries as outlined in NDC content by country.

January 28, 2025

Multi-factor authentication

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is now integrated into the login process for this product.

What is MFA? It is a two-step verification process designed to keep your account safer. The new, secure login experience adds an extra layer of protection to your account. In the future, this update will simplify password recovery and improve self-service and registration.

As part of this process, a code is sent to your associated email address to authenticate your login. With MFA, your data and information are well-protected.

Discover Airlines NDC content

Discover Airlines (4Y) NDC content is now available as part of the Lufthansa Group. See the NDC LHG knowledge article for additional information.

Release 4.17: January 23, 2025

  • When searching for flights using a search modifier (e.g., carry-on bag), the modifier used in search cannot be unselected in the filter panel.

  • Flight amenities (such as seat layout, power, food, beverage, and entertainment) display when viewing brands and when comparing flights.

  • Agents can modify and cancel seats for British Airways (BA) prior to booking.

  • Bags can be canceled post booking for Emirates (EK) and Qantas (QF).

  • Bags can be modified prior to booking for Air France/ KLM (AF/KL), British Airways (BA), Iberia (IB), Qantas (QF), Singapore Airlines (SQ), United Airlines (UA).

  • Graphical booking file displays ticket information for canceled segments and offers.

  • When a passenger type code modifier is used in a fare shop terminal entry, the pricing options that are returned are specific to the PTC requested.

Release 4.16: December 12, 2024

  • Choose a preferred language for graphical menus and labels in General Settings. German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, and Korean have been added as supported options. The terminal windows are not translated.

  • Search results can be filtered up to a maximum price.

  • Enhanced Hotel search with additional filter options.

  • When working a queue in terminal, the queue title, number, and category display in the interactive booking file.

  • NDC carrier-specific updates:

    • Booking bags and seats in the same transaction is available for Air France, Iberia, KLM, and United Airlines before booking, after booking, and after ticketing, as per each carrier's NDC business rule.

    • Agents can cancel bags pre-end transaction for Qantas (QF) and Air France/KLM (AF/KL) NDC.

    • Paid seats are supported for Malaysia MH NDC offers during booking and post booking.

    • NDC order divide is supported by Malaysia Airlines and SAS Scandinavian Airlines.

Release 4.15: November 21, 2024

  • Booking bags and seats in the same transaction is available for British Airways (BA), Qantas Airways (QF), Singapore Airlines (SQ), and Lufthansa Group (LH) before booking, after booking, and after ticketing, as per each carrier's NDC business rule.

  • Bags can be canceled before booking for British Airways (BA), Iberia (IB), Singapore Airlines (SQ), and United Airlines (UA) NDC offers.

  • Search results can be filtered by low CO2 emissions and popular preferences.

  • When creating a new review booking file remark, default values of next day, current time, queue 12, and current PCC are pre-populated and can be changed as needed. You can also assign a queue category. Review booking file remarks can be assigned to a queue category.

  • Invoice remarks has new types available for back office accounting field (X*), canned remarks (CR), and design your own (DYO).

  • During hotel search, you can view hotel details, including images, ratings, amenities, description, and contact information.

  • Fare shop details display in terminal view.

  • When fare shopping in terminal, additional modifiers are available, such as direct flight, preferred/excluded carriers, permitted/restricted airports/cities, and departure time ranges.

  • When fare shopping in a terminal window, the active cursor automatically moves to the top of the window after a terminal entry. Press the tab key to move the cursor to the bottom of the list.

  • Interactive fare shop displays time in 12- or 24-hour clock depending on AgencyClock setting in the AAT.

  • From the queues panel, you can choose to begin working a queue from a specific booking file, rather than only from the first booking file in the list.

  • OSIs with SMNAME and SMNLOC are required to use marine fares. When these OSIs are added to the booking file, they no longer display in the Corporate ID section of the flight search panel. They remain as part of the booking file and display in the Other service information section of the graphical booking file.

  • Quickly access notepad, invoice remarks, and OSI messages in the graphical booking file by selecting the green links when viewing the booking file in a terminal window.

  • Manual reprice is now available for American Airlines, British Airways, Emirates, Iberia, Lufhansa Group, Qantas Airways, and United Airlines NDC bookings.

  • NDC carrier-specific updates:

    • Qatar Airways seats are available during booking and after booking.  

    • Avianca supports paid seats and bags.

    • Iberia priority boarding can be added after ticketing.

Avianca and Iberia NDC: November 11, 2024

Avianca and Iberia NDC content is available through Travelport+ in additional countries as outlined in NDC content by country.

Release 4.14.2: November 7, 2024

Seats can be selected after choosing the last flight segment (subject to carrier support) through the Extras catalog panel. The Extras panel is used both before and after ticketing for NDC and traditional (GDS) carriers that support seats.

Malaysia (MH) and Emirates (EK) NDC: November 5, 2024

Malaysia Airlines and Emirates NDC content is available through Travelport+ in additional countries as outlined in NDC content by country.

Release 4.14: October 24, 2024

  • Flight responses can be filtered by airport, non-stop only, and departure and arrival time window.

  • OSI, associated remarks, and Review Booking File remarks can be edited in the graphical booking file.

  • Name remarks can be added to GDS bookings.

  • A new terminal entry form is available for air availability search.

  • You can switch between different work areas using the drop down list in the upper right corner of the graphical window.

  • For interactive fare display, the line numbers for North American fare display are interactive.

  • Enter SON in a terminal window to launch the graphical Sign in dialog.

  • Enhance Hotel search by allowing agents to filter and sort hotel properties

  • Credit or debit card information can be added to a car booking.

  • Trip Quote allows quotes to be retrieved via a reference number.

  • Profile information can be displayed in a more user friendly format by selecting Enhanced view in General Settings.

  • NDC carrier updates

    • Iberia (IB) allows seats to be modified and canceled before ticketing.

    • Booked bags for NDC offers can be canceled for Lufthansa Group (LH) after ticketing.

      Important: Airlines do not offer refunds for canceled bags.

    • Bags can be added to Air Dolomiti (AN) NDC offers.

    • Bags can be added to United Airlines (UA) NDC offers before and after ticketing.

Release 4.13.1: October 3, 2024

Choose a preferred language for graphical menus and labels in General Settings. English, French, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese are currently supported. The terminal windows are not translated.

Release 4.13: September 26, 2024

  • Traveler names can be removed from a booking prior to hold or ticket or by right-clicking on the name in a terminal window and selecting Remove travelers.

  • Agent can use waiver codes in a search following an involuntary change (OCN) for QF and AA bookings.

    • For American Airlines, when a waiver code is entered in the Air Modify panel, the search results have the waiver code applied.

    • For Qantas, the waiver code is also entered in the Air Modify panel but the search result prices do not reflect the waiver code. Instead, the waiver code is applied at the review and confirm page at this time.

  • Multiple order divides are available for some airlines.

  • When you select the Sign Out button, you are logged out of Smartpoint Cloud and signed out of the Travelport+ host. If you have unsaved changes in a booking file, a warning displays for you to finish and save the changes or ignore and discard the changes before you can sign out.

  • Once flights are selected, the Fare Details section in the Review and confirm panel now displays both city names and airport codes, which is useful for cities having more than one airport.

  • In the Flight search panel, the cabin class modifier has moved from the bottom of the panel to below the Airline field.

  • If a billing address is already in the booking file and if credit or debit card is chosen as form of payment, the billing address option of Same as on the booking file is selected by default. To use a different billing address as the one on file, unselect this option to display the billing address fields to enter a different address.

  • A new Terminal entry form () icon is available for selling passive, active, and open segments. This panel can also be opened by entering #SELL in a terminal window.

  • Additional modifiers are supported for fare quote (FQ) and fare quote best buy (FQBB) entries when displaying brands.  

  • From fare shop results in terminal, select an aircraft type to preview a seat map. Seats cannot be booked in this view.

  • From fare shop results in terminal, you can display fare rules.

  • When a segment contains a change of plane, the plane change location and notice displays in the terminal's interactive booking file beneath the affected segment.

Release 4.12: August 29, 2024

  • Add priority boarding to an Iberia NDC offer prior to booking. When priority boarding is added, you must ticket (not available for book and hold). Important: Traveler details must be added using a terminal entry (N.) before searching for a flight in order to add priority boarding during booking.

  • In the graphical booking file: 

    • When an NDC booking includes commission, the commission displays at the bottom of the Booking Information display.

    • For NDC bookings, select the ticket number link to display ticket details.

    • OSI and Review Booking File remarks can be deleted.

    • When creating a notepad remark, you can also enter qualifiers defined by your agency.

    • The customer ID number displays in the booking information details.

    • India Good and Services Tax (GST) SSRs (GSTN, GSTA, GSTP, GSTE) can be added and displayed in the graphical booking file.

  • When viewing a booking file in a terminal window, you can open associated and unassociated remarks by expanding the remarks section and selecting the green label text to open that specific remark in the graphical booking file.

  • Credit card security code is mandatory for Air France, KLM, and British Airways in graphical bookings. When the security code is not entered for those airlines that require it, you are prompted to enter it before ticketing.

  • Agents can remove bookings from a queue.

  • From interactive Fare Shop, add an option to Trip Quote by selecting +TQ.

  • From interactive Fare Shop, when FS is entered, if a booking file is already retrieved, the response is based on the booked segments. From the response, you can choose to store the existing fare (if the lowest fare is already selected). Select Rebook to replace the currently booked segments with a different flight option.

  • From interactive Fare Quote Best Buy (FQBB) and Fare Shop, you can view and book specific brands.

  • Class of service and fare basis displays when viewing brand details for NDC bookings.

  • Agents can modify a SAS Scandinavian Airlines (SK) booking after travel commencement.

  • For SAS Scandinavian Airlines (SK), avianca Airlines (AV), and Qatar Airways (QR) bookings, agents can manually reprice the offer to extend the fare guarantee period and keep the reserved inventory. The offer price may have changed from the original booking; therefore, the agent will need to accept any changes.

  • NDC ancillaries

    • For British Airways (BA), bags can be added before end transact.

    • For Iberia (IB) NDC itineraries, bags and seats can be added before and after end transact.

    • Bags can be added for Qantas (QF) NDC itineraries before and after end transact.

Release 4.11: August 1, 2024

  • The graphical My queues panel lets you monitor, sort, and manage bookings files. Use the Queue options section of Settings to specify which queues you want to monitor, as well as the refresh (polling) interval.

  • Terminal font size can be changed through Settings.

  • Unassociated and invoice remarks can be edited and inserted from the graphical booking file.

  • The Void option is available from the Change link in terminal after changes are made to an existing fare.

  • The DV button retrieves a child or parent booking file from the interactive booking file in the terminal display.

  • Fare Shop as booked is available in terminal. When a booking file has booked segments, enter FS in the terminal to fare shop as booked to view shop options related to the booked segments.

  • You can filter fare shop results in terminal using the filter/search panel. For example, you may want to filter results to display nonstop only options or by departure/arrival times.

  • Additional car reservation information displays in the graphical booking file, such as shuttle information, business hours, payment method, additional charges, drop off charge for one-way rentals, price details, rate rules, and return policies.

  • City codes can be used as pick-up and drop-off locations for car rental searches. When a city code is chosen, a location list displays for you to choose a rental location.


  • Agents can now modify UA and EK NDC itineraries after travel commencement.

  • Agents can now modify the Corporate ID and Membership number when modifying an itinerary.
  • An error displays when the fare rules do not allow the modification.

  • For British Airways (BA) NDC itineraries, bags can be added pre-ET.

Malaysia Airlines (MH) NDC content: July 25, 2024

Malaysia Airlines NDC content is now available through Travelport+ (1G) in limited countries as outlined in NDC content by country. Features and known issues are detailed in the NDC MH article.

avianca (AV) NDC: July 15, 2024

avianca NDC content is available through Travelport+ in additional countries as outlined in NDC content by country. As a result, the following avianca subsidiaries are included: avianca Ecuador (2K), avianca Costa Rica (LR), avianca El Salvador and avianca Guatemala (TA).

Release 4.10: July 11, 2024

  • Flight search calendar is restricted to 362 days from the current date.

  • You can specify the ages of the passengers by selecting the Add passenger age link in the Flight Search panel. Some countries exempt passengers of a certain age from paying taxes.

  • Review and confirm page displays the offer time limit for NDC offers and the ticket time limit. NDC offers are only available for a certain amount of time. If the booking is not completed (hold or ticket) in that time, the offer is no longer valid and will fail to book.

  • For NDC searches, when private fares are returned, the type of private fare (agency private or airline private) displays in the fare type row (when a flight option is selected) and the comparison matrix.

  • You can now book bags for flights with connecting segments. Bags are available for NDC flights, both before booking and after booking, and for GDS flights after booking.

  • Associated itinerary remarks can be deleted from the graphical booking file.

  • Review booking file reminders can be added in the graphical booking file.

  • Other service information (OSI) remarks can be added in the graphical booking file. Messages can be sent to all airlines in the PNR or specific ones.

  • When viewing a booking in the terminal, a new Note link in the Remarks OSI SSR section of the booking will open the notepad remarks in the graphical booking file.

  • Select a pricing option from the Interactive Fare Shop display to open the brand details screen so that you can select a specific brand.

  • Align payment component for R&C and hotel screen.

  • Search for car using corporate discount, membership number, or promotional code. Select a car rental company to activate the discount and membership fields


  • Bags can be added to a BA itinerary post booking.

  • Agents can now modify a BA or IB booking after travel commencement.

  • Banked funds (unused tickets) can now be used as form of payment for an AA or UA NDC held reservation.

  • For SQ bookings, if an offer expires, the agent will need to reprice the offer in order to keep the reserved inventory. The offer price may have changed from the original booking; therefore, the agent will need to accept any changes. At this time, reprice is only available on SQ bookings on or after August 1. Other carriers to follow subsequently.

LHG NDC: 04 July 2024

Lufthansa Group NDC content is now available through Travelport+ in home countries (Belgium, Germany, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland) as outlined in NDC content by country.

Emirates (EK) NDC: 25 June 2024

Emirates NDC content is now available through Travelport+ (1G) in limited countries as outlined in NDC content by country. Features and known issues are detailed in the NDC EK article.

SAS Scandinavian Air (SK) NDC: 13 June 2024

SAS NDC content is now available through Travelport+ (1G) in limited countries as outlined in NDC content by country. Features and known issues are detailed in the NDC SK article.

Release 4.9: June 6, 2024

  • When a route includes a technical stop with the same flight number, the stop city displays in flight search results.

  • Airlines can be excluded from results using a new flight search modifier.

  • You can sort availability flight options in the terminal window.

  • Document itinerary (DI) remarks and traveler messages (unassociated remarks) can be deleted in the graphical display.

  • If the booking file has booked air segments, when either the Car search panel or Car direct sell panel is opened, the date, time, and pick-up fields are pre-populated from the air segments. These fields can be edited to fit customer needs.

  • For hotel searches, if a business profile is moved into the booking, negotiated rate codes are automatically added from the profile and included in each hotel search request. Negotiated rate codes can be added to an agency (MAR) or company (BAR) profile.

  • Some client files contain embedded host cryptic entries (sections that begin with > and end with a tab stop). With this release, when you move a client file that contains these embedded entries into a booking file, these entries display as actionable hyperlinks in the booking file display.


  • Ability to retry payment of ancillaries through Smartpoint Cloud, if ancillaries remained on hold.

  • Agents are able to book seats and bags in the same request.

  • Agent can now book and pay for bags on LHG ticketed bookings. Note: Bags cannot be booked on Air Dolomiti at this time.

Air Dolomiti NDC content

  • Air Dolomiti (EN) NDC content is now available as part of the Lufthansa Group. See the NDC LHG knowledge article for additional information.

Release 4.8: May 9, 2024

  • Booking file search is available in graphical view, which allows you to search by record locator or last name. Last name search can also filter on origin and destination, airline, flight number, and departure date.

  • An NDC label displays beneath the price options in flight search results so you can easily distinguish between traditional and NDC options.

  • Bags can be added before or after booking for Air France/KLM and Singapore Airlines NDC offers. Bags can be added after booking (either book and hold or book and ticket) for traditional bookings (GDS).

  • Airport and city destinations more easily identified in flight search.

  • Review and Confirm screen has been rearranged to streamline the booking process.

  • Notepad remarks can be edited or new remarks can be added before or after existing remarks.

  • When Other Service Information (OSI; format SI.) or review booking file information (format RB.) is added in a terminal window using formats, this information displays in the graphical booking file.

  • Within the booking view Flight drop down option, a new Manage Booking link displays to open the graphical booking file.

  • You can filter availability results in a terminal window.

  • Shortcuts can be launched using hash commands in a terminal window.

  • When profiles are retrieved in a terminal window, all profile information displays. You also have the option to show or hide line numbers.

  • You can search for and book cars in the graphical view, as well as cancel a car.

  • For hotels, virtual cards are available as a form of payment through Conferma Hotel Billback. Agencies must be provisioned for Conferma. For more information about Conferma, please contact your Travelport Account Manager.

  • The interactive booking file has been updated.

    • Details for booked ancillaries display by selecting *DAS in a terminal window.

    • When viewing a booking in a terminal window, select the form of payment (*FOP) to launch the form of payment area in the graphical booking file.

    • When viewing a booking in a terminal window, links for data exists sections only display if data exists. Prior to this release, categories displayed even if data did not exist.

NDC carrier updates include:


  • Agents can add bags to NDC bookings Pre-ET and Post-ET for Singapore Airlines (SQ) and Air France/KLM (AF/KL). Bags can be added after booking (either book and hold or book and ticket) for traditional bookings (GDS).

  • Agents can add seats to NDC bookings Pre-ET and Post-ET for Singapore Airlines (SQ) and British Airways (BA).

  • Agents can add free seats to NDC bookings Post-ET for avianca (AV).

Release 4.7: April 11, 2024

  • Add associated itinerary remarks from the graphical booking file.

  • From the Travelers drop down in Booking view, select the edit () icon to open passenger details in edit mode.

  • In the graphical booking file, baggage information displays for traditional bookings in the flight details section. Expand the Reservations section, then select the reservation summary section to display flight details in the right panel. Baggage information displays beneath each flight's details.

  • The graphical booking file now displays ATX (auxiliary), SUR (surface), and TUR (tour, cruise, group, package) segments if they are present in the booking file.

  • Rules can be viewed from a fare quote using the same flow as Smartpoint Desktop.

  • Enter *H in terminal view to display the complete booking file history. History can be displayed in standard or enhanced view. In enhanced view, you can filter which information you want displayed.

  • If you set one terminal window as the Booking File Viewer then display a similar name list in another terminal window, you can select a name from the similar name list to display the booking file in the Booking File Viewer window. This setup persists the similar name result list in one window so you can select another result.

  • NDC carrier updates include:

    • avianca NDC content is now available in limited countries. For more information about avianca NDC, refer to the knowledge base article.

    • Seats for Lufthansa Group NDC bookings can be added after book and hold or after book and ticket.

    • Seats for Air France and KLM NDC bookings can be added before booking (either book and hold or book and ticket).

    • Air France, KLM, and Singapore Airlines NDC bookings can be modified after travel has commenced.

    • Sub-agents can modify American Airline NDC ticketed bookings and put on hold.

  • Updates that apply to all NDC carriers include:

    • When major involuntary schedule changes occur for NDC flights, agents have the option to accept and reissue tickets or decline, which allows the agent to modify the flights and use a waiver code.

    • Airlines may offer a price guarantee until a future date for special events, which may be beyond the usual void period (midnight the current day). In these special instances, TST expiry date and payment time limit information is provided. When an agent retrieves the booking and selects Issue ticket, an option for Reprice fare displays if the price has changed between booking and retrieval. When Reprice fare is selected, a popup displays with the new price and the option to accept and issue tickets or accept but not issue tickets.

    • When an unused ticket is used as a secondary form of payment (when the traveler has to pay an additional amount), the confirmation screen shows both forms of payment. An unused ticket cannot be used as form of payment for booking with multiple passengers.

    • When modifying a booked NDC offer, you can add or edit fare types and enter private fare codes that may be different than the modifiers in the original booking.

Lufthansa Group (LHG) NDC countries: 9 April 2024

Lufthansa Group NDC content is available through Travelport+ in additional countries (Americas and EMEA) as outlined in NDC content by country. The following Lufthansa Group carriers are included: Austrian Airlines, Brussels Airlines, Lufthansa, and Swiss.

Qatar (QR) NDC countries: 19 March 2024

Qatar NDC content is available through Travelport+ in additional countries as outlined in NDC content by country.

Release 4.6: March 14, 2024

  • Preview seat map in flight search to view available seats.

  • Trip Quote disclaimer can be customized, saved, and hidden.

  • In Hotel search, negotiated rate codes are prepopulated from the agency profile.

  • Notepad remarks can be deleted through the graphical booking file.

  • Invoice remarks can be added and viewed through the graphical booking file.

  • When issuing tickets, you can add or edit ticketing details, which includes commission, endorsements, IT/BT type or tour codes.

  • For GDS bookings, you can choose to Cancel all GDS reservations from the Booking view menu to cancel all GDS segments, including air (ticketed and non-ticketed), hotel, car, passive, and low cost carrier content.

  • For a single offer, ticketed GDS booking, you can choose to cancel flight segments only, which cancels the ticketed flights without a refund.

  • Custom check information displays in the terminal view. Click *RU to list custom check rules, then click the green link to open rule details.

  • When a booking file is opened from within a queue, the record in queue header displays.

Iberia (IB) NDC: 12 March 2024

Iberia NDC content is now available through Travelport+ (1G) in additional countries as outlined in NDC content by country. Features and known issues are detailed in the NDC IB article.

Additional NDC countries: 05 March 2024

AF/KL, BA, and LHG NDC content is now available through Travelport+ in additional countries as outlined in NDC content by country. The following Lufthansa Group carriers are included: Austrian Airlines, Brussels Airlines, Lufthansa, and Swiss.

Qatar Airways (QR) NDC: 21 February 2024

Qatar Airways NDC content is now available through Travelport+ (1G) in limited countries as outlined in NDC content by country. Features and known issues are detailed in the NDC QR article.

Release 4.5: 15 February 2024

  • Selecting the Home () icon now displays the Smartpoint Cloud landing page. The options previously available from the Home icon (scripts, custom shortcuts, notepad, and recall) are now accessible from the Tools () icon.

  • GDS offers can be canceled prior to ticketing through the graphical booking file. Prior to this release, GDS offers had to be canceled using terminal commands.

  • From the Recall panel, you can edit previously entered terminal commands and run them.

  • You can search for text within notepad remarks and can filter remarks by type.

  • NDC

    • Qantas involuntary changes: can reissue tickets and use waivers on held bookings or modify ticketed bookings.

    • Paid and free seats can be added to AF/KL and LHG NDC bookings.

  • Hotel search now indicates sponsored hotels (featured property).

  • Hotel rate description now displays additional information for GDS rates.

  • The cursor position in the non-focused terminal window displays as an outline (). The cursor position in the focused terminal window displays as filled ().

Iberia (IB) NDC: 23 January 2024

Iberia NDC content is now available through Travelport+ in Portugal as outlined in NDC content by country. Features and known issues are detailed in the NDC IB article.

Release 4.4: January 18, 2024

  • Booking File Viewer is available from the terminal display. The Booking File Viewer provides an automatically updating view of the booking file so that you do not have to redisplay the PNR after each change. It is similar to the PNR viewer in Smartpoint Desktop. Use of multiple GTIDs in different terminal windows is not supported for Booking File Viewer.

  • Hotels can be searched by points of interest.

  • A Price details and Fare rules link is available on the confirmation page. Select the link to view a price breakdown for each passenger type.

  • Tickets can be voided from the options () icon in the Tickets card of the graphical booking file.

  • Notepad and unassociated remarks can be added in the graphical booking file. Remarks can only be updated or deleted in the terminal.

  • Enable cancellation of an automated exchange request while in process for BSP, ARC, and hold requests.

  • When searching for NDC only flights, if the fare type includes Private Fares, you can select a private fare qualifier, which will request private fares for the selected PTC, irrespective of the PTC selected for the travelers.

Singapore Airlines (SQ) NDC: January 2024

For Singapore Airlines NDC bookings only, some Order Change Notifications (OCNs) are placed on specific queues and also generate DI line messages.

Lufthansa Group (LHG) NDC: January 2024

LHG NDC content is now available through Travelport+ in additional countries as outlined in NDC content by country. The following Lufthansa Group carriers are included: Austrian Airlines, Brussels Airlines, Lufthansa, and Swiss. Features and known issues are detailed in the NDC LHG article.

Release 4.3: December 14, 2023

  • Calendar date picker has been updated to improve ease of use.

Release 4.2: November 30, 2023

  • The graphical booking file can be used to issue tickets for GDS bookings.

  • The flight information section of booking view now has a Seats button, which can be used to quickly access seat maps.

  • An intuitive feature to void all tickets is added for both the graphical and terminal views.

  • When modifying an NDC booking, cabin preference can be specified when searching for alternate flights.

Release 4.1: November 9, 2023

  • In a graphical booking file, click on the GDS ticket number link to display ticketing details, such as fare basis code, form of payment, coupon status, and endorsements. Detailed ticketing information is not currently available for NDC tickets through the graphical booking file.

  • When a traveler or business profile (or both) is moved to a booking file, the agency file moves automatically.

  • In Flight Search, enhancements to upsell cards and layout of flight search.

  • Hotel rate card and rate details provide the rate description and rate type.

  • Graphical forms are supported in custom commands. These forms can be used to gather user information and that information can then be used as part of a terminal command.

  • AAT "AgencyClock" preference of 12- or 24-hr now applies to Trip Quote and PNR details in the interactive terminal window.

  • For seats, modify is available from free to paid, paid to paid, and paid to free seats for held and ticketed bookings through the GUI seat map for NDC carriers UA, AA, and QF.

  • Seat maps are not available for multi-offer GDS bookings.

  • User experience improved for users of both Smartpoint Desktop and Smartpoint Cloud.

United Airlines NDC: November 1, 2023

United Airlines NDC content is now available in Canada and Latin America, as outlined in the NDC country list.

Release 4.0: October 31, 2023

  • Beginning November 3, 2023, Travelport+ NDC agencies can be configured to have NDC orders include a filed fare along with airline ticket number. NDC tickets for original book and modify/exchanges are also updated in the agency's Ticket and Invoicing number system (TINS). These updates occur in conjunction with the DI line updates.

    A new NDC identifier was also introduced in the filed fare, MIR, and agency TINS to distinguish NDC order from traditional.

  • The graphical booking file has been redesigned to provide easier access to information and actions.

    • For each traveler, you can view name, gender, date of birth, membership number, and security documents. Some of this information can also be edited.

    • More information is provided for each reservation, as well as associated and unassociated remarks.

    • Booking information (such as ticketing arrangement, email and delivery addresses, corporate ID numbers, and phone numbers) is easier to access.

    • You can view DI remarks and notepad remarks from the Document invoicing section.

    • The hotel card has been redesigned and more reservation details are available. You can also cancel a hotel booking from the graphical booking file.

    • Car segments can be viewed in the graphical booking file.

    • When seats are added or modified after booking, the "due price" displays the seats section.

    • European Rail segments can be viewed in the graphical booking file.

  • Expanded fare details are available in the booking file, offer details, and review and confirm screen.

  • For seats, modify is available from free to paid, paid to paid, and paid to free seats for held and ticketed bookings through the GUI seat map for GDS carriers that support seats. On November 11, this functionality will be available for NDC carriers UA, AA, and QF.

  • Traveler and flight information is now easily accessible from a new Booking View, which is available across the top of the window. You can also Ignore the current Booking File from the Booking View.

  • Enable agents to modify, void, and cancel trainline segments.