Cancel a Booking

For GDS offers, air segments can be canceled before and after ticketing or voided after ticketing if within the void period. You may also be able to exchange GDS tickets, depending on the ticket rules.

For NDC offers, the airline supports the cancellation of an unticketed NDC and a ticketed order if it was issued on the same day (cancel void). If an NDC order has been ticketed on a previous day, some airlines support the option to cancel and refund to the original form of payment (credit card or BSP for cash). Some airlines do not support canceling a ticketed booking. Please contact the airline directly to arrange a refund where applicable. Some airlines support canceling a ticketed booking and banking the funds to be used towards the purchase of a new ticket. For more information, refer to Cancel with a refund and bank the funds.

Note: NDC does not support the option to void a ticket without canceling the booked flights.

Important: Any cancellation of an NDC segment must be performed through the graphical booking file and not through terminal entries (i.e., XI to cancel).


Cancel options:

Cancel an unticketed GDS or NDC offer or cancel same-day NDC ticketed offer (cancel void)

  1. Retrieve the booking if it is not already displayed.

  2. Expand the Reservations section and select the flight summary. Flight details display in the right panel.

  3. Scroll to the bottom and select Cancel flights.

    Note: For itineraries with multiple passengers, when canceling a booking, agents cannot currently divide the booking file for a subset of travelers. All travelers in the itinerary must be canceled together.

  4. Confirm the cancellation.

    • If it is a traditional booking and the warning Changes not saved displays, select Try saving changes. If the cancel fails again, select Close and address the warning provided.

    • If it is an NDC same-day ticketed booking, the refund amount displays.

  5. A message displays confirming the successful cancel.

For NDC orders, the passive segments are automatically canceled. Cancellation information is added to the DI lines.

Cancel with a refund and bank the funds

Some airlines support canceling a ticketed NDC booking with a refund or with banking the funds for use toward the payment of a new ticket.

  1. Retrieve the NDC booking and open it in the graphical view.

  2. Expand the Reservations section and select the flight summary. Flight details display in the right panel.

  3. Select Cancel flight(s).

  4. The refund options display with the refund amount.

    • Select Cancel and refund tickets to refund the ticket amount to the original form of payment.

    • If the airline allows a refund as credits with the airline, you are given a choice of how to receive your refund. Select your refund method and select Continue. Select the Copy ticket number(s) to clipboard link to copy the ticket number(s) so that you can store them. Select Continue to continue with the cancellation.

      Important: The ticket number must be stored so that you can use the funds for a later purchase.

      A confirmation displays the segments that were canceled and the credited value.

  5. The DI lines are updated to reflect the original ticket number, the ticketed amount, and the date that the booking was canceled.

    Refund example: 

    13. FREE TEXT-#TAS01#REFUND31.24

    Carrier credit example: 


Cancel or void traditional reservations

For traditional (GDS) reservations, you have the following options for canceling and voiding tickets:

  • If you want to cancel all GDS reservations, including air (ticketed and non-ticketed), car, hotel, passive, and low cost carrier content, you can cancel from the Booking view menu.

  • To cancel or void a GDS offer, select the Cancel flight(s) button from the graphical booking file.

Booking view cancel

You can cancel all GDS reservations for a single offer using the graphical interface. When the Cancel all GDS reservations option is chosen from the Booking view menu, all GDS segments, including air (ticketed and non-ticketed), hotel, car, passive, and low cost carrier content, are canceled. NDC segments (status ZK), hotel API segments (status TS), and Trainline segments (TAU) are not canceled.

  1. Retrieve the booking by entering the booking file locator in the Booking view field then select Retrieve.

  2. Select the Booking to display booking file options.

  3. Select Cancel all traditional reservations.

  4. A list of any reservations that will not be canceled display. Select the Cancel reservations button.

Cancel ticketed traditional reservation

You can cancel a ticketed traditional reservation by selecting Cancel flight(s) in graphical booking display.

  1. Open the graphical booking file.

  2. Click on the flight in the Reservation section to display the flight information in the right panel.

  3. Select Cancel flight(s) to void or cancel flights.

  4. The options available to you depend on whether the flight is in the void period.

    Void tickets

    1. Select Yes to cancel flight segments.

      If you select No, you can continue to void and get a refund. The flights remain in the booking file after void. You can then return to the booking file to cancel the flight(s) separately.

    2. Select Void (only available if within void period).

    3. Select Continue.

    4. Information about the segments being canceled and/or the ticket being voided displays.

      • If you elected to cancel flight segments, select Cancel and void ticket(s).

      • If you elected to keep flight segments, select Void ticket.

      The voided tickets display in the booking file in the Tickets section under Inactive Tickets. Click on the blue ticket number to display ticket details, including fare, taxes, and fare construction.

      If you elected to keep the flight segments, you can return to the graphical booking file, select the flights in the Reservation section, then choose the Cancel flights button to cancel flight segments.

    Manual refund

    The Manual refund option is disabled if there is no filed fare present.

    1. Select Yes to cancel flight segments.

      If you select No, you can continue with the manual refund process. The flight segments remain in the booking file, and you can return to the booking file to cancel flights at a later time.

    2. Select Manual refund for the second question.

    3. Select Continue.

    4. Complete the refund information as required. You can choose a full or partial refund, enter any cancellation fees per passenger, and enter a waiver code.

    5. If you elected to cancel flight segments, select Cancel and refund ticket(s). If you elected to keep the flight segments, select Refund ticket.

    Cancel segments only

    When choosing the Do nothing option, the flight segments are canceled and returned to inventory but no action is taken for the tickets (no void or refund). An agent may choose this option when they are certain they want to cancel flights but they want to void or refund at a later time, perhaps to investigate exchange options or waiting on a passenger decision.

    1. Select Yes to cancel flight segments.

    2. Select Do nothing for the second question.

    3. Select Continue.

    4. You are informed that all flight segments will be canceled and the action cannot be undone. To proceed, select Cancel flight(s).

    5. If you now want to void the ticket(s), view the graphical booking file. In the Reservation section, select Other tickets. The ticket information displays in the right panel.

    6. In the right panel, choose Void ticket(s) to issue a refund (if within the void period).