Trip Quote
Trip Quote allows you to send itinerary information and quotes from your agency to travelers. Trip Quote provides the details of trip itineraries to travelers including flight details, passenger details, fare rules (summary format), mark-ups, admin fees, branded fare and ancillary data.
Topics included are:
Trip Quote during Flight search
Tip: Tap or select an image to view full size.
Trip Quote during Flight Search
Perform a flight search and select flights. The Review and Confirm screen displays.
Note: Flight options from can also be added to the Trip Quote basket from the interactive Fare Shop display by selecting +TQ.
Select the Quote button to add the flights to the Trip Quote basket. The Trip Quote basket on the left panel displays the total number of quotes added. The Quote button is disabled until the total price for the journey is calculated.
A success message displays when a flight is successfully added to the Trip Quote basket.
Note: The price can change from the original presented.
Select the Trip Quote icon in the sidebar to access the Trip Quote basket.
This example shows unbooked itinerary options on the Quote tab with three flight options and one hotel quote. A disclaimer message displays above the flight option list.
Using filters
Select and deselect options using the check box. On selecting / deselecting, the preview panel is automatically updated showing only the selected options.
Arrange the options in price order by clicking on sort selector next to Total.
Default sorting is the order flight options are added to the basket.
Top arrow highlighted: prices sorted from lowest to highest.
Bottom arrow highlighted: prices sorted from highest to lowest.
Delete a specific option by selecting
icon in the Actions column. Confirm the flight option deletion.
The deleted flight option is removed automatically from the list and the preview panel.
If all the flight options are deselected, an empty screen displays in the preview panel.
Clear options
To clear quotes in the Trip Quote basket:
Select Clear to remove all quotes in the basket, or select the check box next to one or more quotes and then select Clear.
An action message displays. Select Yes, clear options to proceed or select No, keep options to disregard.
If options were successfully deleted, a success message displays.
If all the flight options are cleared, an empty screen displays for the basket. This screen also displays if the TQ icon is selected from the sidebar when no flight options are added the basket (initial state).
NDC quotes
An NDC flag is displayed next to an NDC offer in Trip Quote. There is no indicator for a traditional GDS offer added to the basket.
Adding markups and admin fees
Open the Trip Quote basket.
Select the dollar sign $ in the Actions column to open a new screen to add mark up and admin fee.
Select the Apply to drop-down menu in Flight fees and select the flight option to add a markup or admin fee.
Add the markup (e.g., 10.00 fixed amount for 2 selected offers). Select Apply to add the markup to the selected offer.
After selecting Apply, the filters and reservation screen displays with a message to confirm that the markup is applied. The dollar sign changes to blue color.
Note: When a markup or fee is applied, the original price displays under Filters options and the Flight card price displays the marked up amount.
Clear markups and admin fees
Open the Trip Quote basket.
Select the blue dollar sign $ in the Actions column of the flight to be cleared of admin fees.
The Admin Fees form displays. Select the Clear button on the bottom right to remove the current admin fees.
The Apply button is now disabled and the $ in the Actions column is restored to the black color indicating no admin fees are active.
Add hotel quote
To add Hotel quotes to Trip Quote:
From the Hotel search results screen, select Quote. The icon counter on the side bar increases for each hotel room added.
Select the Trip Quote icon from the Smartpoint Cloud side bar. In the filter, the hotel quotes are displayed after the flight quotes.
To manage Hotel quotes information, select or deselect fields in the Reservation information of the Hotel card. An option can be removed from the list by clicking the bin icon.
Select Rules in the Reservation information panel to display a summary of hotel rules, if available from the hotel vendor.
In the preview panel, the rule’s related information is displayed. Note that this information is only visible when available. The screenshots below represent the fields related to rules service.
Save quotes to a reference number
Access the Trip Quote basket from the Smartpoint Cloud side bar icon.
Expand the Quote information section to add information the quotes record.
Select the quotes to save for a specific use and select Save.
Upon a successful completion, a success message displays with the reference number.
Select Copy Reference number to copy the generated reference number to the clipboard.
Customize the offer
Reservation information
Access Trip Quote basket from the Smartpoint Cloud sidebar menu.
In the Reservation information panel, select the information to include in the quote. Options are listed in alphabetical order.
Once the reservation information options are selected, the flight card automatically updates, however the changes need to be saved before leaving the page. Select Save.
Rules summary
In the Reservation information panel, select Rules to display the rules summary associated with the selected flight option.
Branded fares and attributes information
In Reservation information, there are two categories to display branded fares data for each flight option:
Branded fares: brand family with the total amount
Attributes: branded fare attributes
If both Branded fares and Attributes are not selected ...
Branded fares section is not displayed in the Flight card.
If Branded fare option is selected ...
The Branded fares families with the total amount are displayed but not the attributes. Note the selected branded fare is marked in bold.
If both Branded fare and Attributes options are selected ...
Both the branded fare and its attributes are displayed in the Flight card. Note the selected branded fare is marked in bold.
Note: Attributes check-box can only be enabled when Branded fare check-box is selected. Attributes information cannot be displayed without Branded fare information.
PNR Information
In Reservation information, PNR information can be displayed if content exists in the booking file at the time the Trip Quote basket is accessed. Information displayed is for the whole Trip Quote basket, not for each flight option.
PNR information options:
Traveler name
Frequent flyer number for each traveler
Booking reference
Select PNR information to display.
Select Traveler name to display traveler name(s) stored in the booking file. The name(s) are displayed in a numbered list according to the booking file order.
Select Frequent flyer to display the membership numbers and codes for each traveler as provided in the booking file.
Note: Traveler name must be enabled to display Frequent flyer. -
Select Booking reference to display the booking file reference code. Booking reference can be selected alone or in conjunction with Traveler name.
Trip Quote includes a customization capability to display the disclaimer in the quotes preview. This information is included in the Copy to Clipboard and PDF.
Select Include disclaimer to display the disclaimer at the top of the preview panel. Deselect to remove the disclaimer from the Trip Quote preview panel.
Optionally, amend the disclaimer text in the text box.
Optionally, select Save for future quotes to save the disclaimer for future quotes. If not selected, the disclaimer only applies to the current quote.
Select Apply to submit the updated disclaimer and to save it for future quotes, if selected.
Retry if auto-save error
If there is an error when auto-saving quotes, i.e., there was an interruption to the internet connection, an error message displays. Select retry to save changes to the Trip Quote basket.
Close Trip Quote
Select the Close button on the bottom right to close Trip Quote and return to the previous screen.
Trip Quote can also be closed from the basket empty screen.
Save data across sessions
Trip Quote flight information and user customization can be saved across sessions. The data managed in Trip Quote such as flight options, admin fees, and branded fares can be saved and later retrieved, deleted, or updated from the application. The data is stored by user and PCC to guarantee the privacy between users.
Perform a flight search, select a flight, and access Trip Quote.
Optionally, change the selections in the Reservation information section. Select Save.
The flight option and current customizations are saved in the database for that user and PCC.
Log out from the application.
Log in again using the same user but a different PCC.
Emulate the original PCC and access Trip Quote.
Save as PDF
In the Trip Quote basket, select the offer and then select the PDF button on the bottom right.
A file browser box displays. Select a location on local machine and save the PDF file.
In the Trip Quote basket, select the option to be copied and then click the Copy button on the bottom right.
A message displays that the quote has been copied. From there, paste the copied content in an email client, text file, etc.