
This topic provides a consolidated list of endpoints and associated methods for all v11 Air APIs.

See Common Headers for header parameters to send with all Air requests.

See the individual API References for query parameters and payloads.

In this topic:


For authorization tokens, send your request to the following endpoint as appropriate:

Pre-production: https://oauth.pp.travelport.com/oauth/oauth20/token
Production: https://oauth.travelport.com/oauth/oauth20/token

Base Path

Use the following base path for all air endpoints, either pre-production or production as appropriate. Production endpoints can be used only after you are provisioned.

Pre-production: https://api.pp.travelport.com/11/air/
Production: https://api.travelport.com/11/air/

You must send your request to the correct version of the API you are using - check the version in the URL of the endpoint, and make sure it matches the version indicated in your message headers.



Endpoint (add to Base Path above)


POST catalog/search/catalogproductofferings

Next Leg Search

POST catalog/search/catalogproductofferings/buildnext

Flight Specific Search (both reference and full payload)

POST catalog/search/catalogproductofferings/buildoptions

Air Availability

POST search/airAvailability



Endpoint (add to Base Path above)

AirPrice reference payload

POST price/offers/buildfromcatalogproductofferings

AirPrice full payload

POST price/offers/buildfromproducts

Standalone Price (part of the Add Product booking workflow)

POST book/airoffer/reservationworkbench/{workbenchID}/offers/buildfromshoppingcartproducts

Fare display

POST air/faredisplay/fares

Standalone Fare Rules


Endpoint (add to Base Path above)

Follow-on request for standalone fare rules GET farerule/farerules

Seats, Ancillaries, and EMDs


Endpoint (add to Base Path above)

Ancillary search

POST ancillaryshop/catalogofferingsancillaries

Ancillary price

POST ancillaryprice/offers/buildancillaryoffersfromcatalogofferings

Seat map (reference payload)

POST search/seat/catalogofferingsancillaries/seatavailabilities

Standalone seat map (full payload)

POST search/seat/catalogofferingsancillaries/seatavailabilities

Seat/ancillary book (add seat or ancillary to workbench)

POST book/airoffer/reservationworkbench/{workbenchID}/offers/buildancillaryoffersfromcatalogofferings

Cancel seat or ancillary

POST book/airoffer/reservationworkbench/{workbenchID}/offers/canceloffer

Retrieve an EMD

GET emds/{EMDNumber}

Void an EMD

PUT emds/{EMDNumber}

AirReservation (workbench and booking flow)

For {workbenchID, send the workbench identifier returned when the workbench was created. For {LocatorCode} send the reservation locator code. For {ticketID} send the ticket number. For {OfferID} send the offer identifier.


Endpoint (add to Base Path above)

Create a workbench for a new reservation

POST book/session/reservationworkbench

Create a post-commit workbench to update or ticket an existing reservation

POST book/session/reservationworkbench/buildfromlocator?Locator={LocatorCode}

Retrieve workbench details

GET book/session/reservationworkbench/{workbenchID}

Commit the workbench

POST book/reservation/reservations/{workbenchID}

Discard workbench

DEL book/session/reservationworkbench/{workbenchID}

Add offer to workbench - reference payload

POST book/airoffer/reservationworkbench/{workbenchID}/offers/buildfromcatalogofferings

Add offer to workbench - full payload

POST book/airoffer/reservationworkbench/{workbenchID}/offers/buildfromproducts

Add travelers to workbench

POST book/traveler/reservationworkbench/{workbenchID}/travelers

Copy traveler details from the host to the workbench with Host Profile Move

POST book/profile/reservationworkbench/workbenchID}/clientprofile

Commit the workbench and create booking

POST book/reservation/reservations/{workbenchID}

Standalone Price (part of the Add Product booking workflow)

POST book/airoffer/reservationworkbench/{workbenchID}/offers/buildfromshoppingcartproducts

Add Product (part of the Add Product booking workflow)

POST book/product/reservationworkbench/{workbenchID}shoppingcart/products/buildfromproducts

Retrieve a reservation

GET book/reservation/reservations/{LocatorCode}

Custom Rules


Endpoint (add to Base Path above)

Add a custom rule to a booking

POST book/customrule/customrules/{workbenchID}/?RuleRecordName={NAME}

Delete a custom rule from a booking

GET book/customrule/customrules/?PCC={PCC}?RuleRecordSequence={XYZ}

Return a list of all custom rules associated with a PCC

GET book/customrule/customrules/?PCC={PCC}

Return details of a specific custom rule associated with a PCC

DEL book/customrule/customrules/?PCC={PCC}?RuleRecordName={NAME}

Remarks and Special Service Requests


Endpoint (add to Base Path above)

Add primary contact remarks

See Remarks & Service Requests Guide for all requests in this table.

POST book/primarycontact/reservationworkbench/{workbenchID}/primarycontacts

Delete a primary contact remark

DEL book/primarycontact/reservationworkbench/{workbenchID}/primarycontacts/{PrimaryContactID}

Add general and OSI remarks

POST book/remarks/reservationworkbench/{workbenchID}/reservationcomments/list

Add special service

POST book/specialservices/reservationworkbench/{workbenchID}/specialservices/list

Delete special meal

DEL book/specialservices/reservationworkbench/{workbenchID}/specialservices/{SpecialServiceID}

Add document override remarks

POST book/documentoverride/Reservation/{workbenchID}/documentoverrides

Add accounting, historical, and DOCI remarks

POST book/accounting/reservationworkbench/{workbenchID}/accountings

Reservation Modify (non-air details)


Endpoint (add to Base Path above)

Retrieve a list of updatable items by traveler identifier

POST book/updatableItem/reservationworkbench{workbenchID}/travelerupdatableitems/buildfromtraveler

Update traveler information after an updatable items request

PUT book/traveler/reservationworkbench/{workbenchID}/travelers/updatefromtravelerupdateditems/{TravelerID}

Reservation divide

POST book/reservation/reservations/divide



Endpoint (add to Base Path above)

Queue placement

POST queue/queue

Add form of payment

POST payment/reservationworkbench/{workbenchID}/formofpayment

Update form of payment

PUT payment/reservationworkbench/{workbenchID}/formofpayment/{FormOfPayment_Identifier}

Delete form of payment

DEL payment/reservationworkbench/{workbenchID}/formofpayment/{FormOfPayment_Identifier}

Add payment

POST paymentoffer/reservationworkbench/{workbenchID}/payments

Commit the workbench and issue ticket

POST book/reservation/reservations/{workbenchID}

List all tickets on a reservation

GET receipt/reservations/{LocatorCode}/receipts

Return details for a single ticket (GDS)

GET ticket/tickets/{ticketID}

Return details for a single ticket (NDC)

POST ticket/tickets/getbylocator

Cancel a reservation for GDS

POST receipt/reservations/{LocatorCode}/receipts

Void ticket for GDS

PUT ticket/tickets/updatestatus/{ticketID}

NDC Modify, Cancel, and Exchange


Endpoint (add to Base Path above)

Reshop in workflow to modify booking or exchange ticket for NDC

POST change/catalogofferingsairchange

Reprice in workflow to modify booking or exchange ticket for NDC

POST reprice/reservationworkbench/{workbenchID}/offers/buildfromcatalogofferings

Resell to commit workbench to modify booking or exchange ticket for NDC

POST  modify/reservations/{LocatorCode}

Standalone Reprice to reprice itinerary before or after price guarantee expires

POST reprice/reservationworkbench/[workbenchID//offers/buildfromoffer

Refund quote when canceling and refunding NDC ticket

POST book/airoffer/reservationworkbench/{workbenchID}/offers/canceloffer

Order Cancel when voiding, canceling, or refunding NDC booking or ticket

POST receipt/reservation/{workbenchID}/receipts?OfferIdentifier={OfferID}

Cancel payment when voiding NDC ticket and payment but retaining segments

POST paymentoffer/reservationworkbench/{workbenchID}/payments/{paymentID}

GDS Ticket Exchange

Endpoints for the Add FOP, Add Payment, and Workbench Commit requests for exchanges are the same as those requests in AirTicketing above. See the Exchange, Refund, and Void Guide for usage details.



Eligibility request using either the Ticket or Locator query parameter

POST eligibility/ticketchangeeligibilities

Note the base path for Eligibility varies from that used for other JSON APIs:

  • Pre-production: https://api.pp.travelport.com/11/
  • Production: https://api.travelport.com/11/

Exchange Search

POST exchangesearch/catalogofferingsairchange

Note the base path for Eligibility varies from that used for other JSON APIs:

  • Pre-production: https://api.pp.travelport.com/11/
  • Production: https://api.travelport.com/11/

Add/Modify Offer reference payload

POST book/offer/reservationworkbench/{workbenchID}/offers/buildfromcatalogofferings

(add to Base Path above)