Standalone Reprice API Reference
reprice/reservationworkbench/{workbenchID}/offers/buildfromoffer For {workbenchID} send the workbench identifier returned in ReservationResponse/Identifer/value in the workbench create response. Base path: Pre-production Production |
Related Content: NDC Guide
Use the Standalone Reprice API to reprice an itinerary on a held booking for NDC. Standalone Reprice can be sent before or after the price guarantee expires.
This request would typically be used to check if the price has changed before issuing a ticket. You can then either ticket the itinerary or hold the booking again.
Standalone Reprice must be sent in a workbench session. It must be followed by a Resell request to commit the workbench and either ticket or hold the itinerary. If you want to ticket at Resell, send Form of Payment and Payment before Resell.
Also see Authorization and Common Headers.
Query Parameters
Request Body

Object |
Description |
Required/Optional |
OfferQueryBuildFromOffer |
Top level object. |
Required |
BuildFromOffer |
Top level object. |
Required |
OfferIdentifier |
Top level object. |
Required |
Identifier |
Identifier details for the offer to reprice. |
Required |
Send the authority value for the offer to reprice. For NDC this is the IATA carrier code. |
Required |
Send the Identifier value for the offer to reprice. |
Required |
The Standalone Reprice response is the same as the response for the AirPrice reference payload request, with the following exceptions; see the AirPrice Reference Payload API Reference for the response table:
The initial wrapper object for Standalone Reprice is OfferResponse instead of OfferListResponse.
Standalone Reprice returns Offer instead of OfferID.
Standalone Reprice returns Offer@type with the value OfferModify instead of OfferID@type with the value Offer.
Example Request
The request sends the offer identifiers for the itinerary to reprice.

"OfferQueryBuildFromOffer": {
"@type": "OfferQueryBuildFromOffer",
"BuildFromOffer": {
"@type": "BuildFromOfferAir",
"OfferIdentifier": {
"Identifier": {
"authority": "SQ",
Example Response
The response returns offer details and price details in the Price object.

"OfferResponse": {
"@type": "OfferResponse",
"Offer": {
"@type": "OfferModify",
"id": "o0",
"Identifier": {
"authority": "SQ",
"Product": [
"@type": "ProductAir",
"totalDuration": "PT3H45M",
"id": "product1",
"Identifier": {
"authority": "SQ",
"value": "1bdb9841-b547-4cd7-bf28-0b4b015c9785"
"FlightSegment": [
"@type": "FlightSegment",
"id": "s1",
"sequence": 1,
"Flight": {
"@type": "Flight",
"carrier": "SQ",
"number": "898",
"operatingCarrier": "SQ",
"operatingCarrierName": "SINGAPORE AIRLINES",
"id": "seg1",
"Identifier": {
"authority": "SQ",
"value": "3c207208-31dc-43a0-8c39-d16a6af1c78d"
"Departure": {
"@type": "DepartureDetail",
"terminal": "3",
"location": "SIN",
"date": "2024-07-02",
"time": "19:00:00"
"Arrival": {
"@type": "ArrivalDetail",
"terminal": "1",
"location": "HKG",
"date": "2024-07-02",
"time": "22:45:00"
"PassengerFlight": [
"@type": "PassengerFlight",
"passengerQuantity": 1,
"passengerTypeCode": "ADT",
"FlightProduct": [
"@type": "FlightProduct",
"segmentSequence": [
"classOfService": "N",
"cabin": "Economy",
"fareBasisCode": "N16SGO"
"Price": {
"@type": "PriceDetail",
"CurrencyCode": {
"value": "SGD"
"Base": 234,
"TotalTaxes": 65.2,
"TotalPrice": 299.2,
"PriceBreakdown": [
"@type": "PriceBreakdownAir",
"quantity": 1,
"requestedPassengerType": "ADT",
"Amount": {
"@type": "Amount",
"CurrencyCode": {
"value": "SGD"
"Base": 234,
"Taxes": {
"@type": "TaxesDetail",
"TotalTaxes": 65.2,
"Tax": [
"taxCode": "L7",
"value": 10.8
"taxCode": "OP",
"value": 8
"taxCode": "SG",
"value": 46.4
"Fees": {
"@type": "FeesDetail"
"Total": 299.2
"TermsAndConditionsFull": [
"@type": "TermsAndConditionsFullAir"