Common Air Headers

All Air APIs require specific information to be sent in the header of every request. Some requests require additional information.

In this topic:

Required Header Fields for all Air APIs

Travelport recommends as best practice that all the following header fields be sent with all requests:

  • Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
The Accept-Encoding header is mandatory and must include some type of compression in the headers. If not present, Travelport does not allow production traffic.
  • Cache-Control: no-cache
  • Accept: application/json
  • Content-Type: application/json (Should be sent whenever a request body is present in an HTTP POST call. Note the following exceptions; do not include Content-Type with these requests:
  • Authorization: Bearer token from the generated Oauth token.
  • XAUTH_TRAVELPORT_ACCESSGROUP: The access group assigned to your PCC. Your PCC and access group are included in the welcome letter sent when you are provisioned for any of the Travelport JSON APIs.
  • TVP-PCC-CORE: Development updates in 2024 have updated the following APIs to support the TVP-PCC-CORE header field, which you can use to send the PCC instead of the access group. To use this field, send your provisioned PCC and GDS in the format {PCC}_{GDS}; for example, 79JP_1G.
    • AirSearch 24.11.38
    • AirPrice 24.11.41
    • Ancillaries 24.11.23
    • All book and ticketing APIs (AirReservation 24.11.46 and .48)
    • All GDS Exchange APIs
You can send either TVP-PCC-CORE (if supported) with the PCC or XAUTH_TRAVELPORT_ACCESSGROUP with the access group. At least one is required. If both header fields are sent in an API request, Travelport uses the access group.

The following headers are required in only some functions; refer to Additional Header Fields below.

  • Accept-Version: Version number of the API, e.g., 11, 11_1
  • Content-Version: Version number of the API, e.g., 11, 11_1

Note that the following fields are returned by the Air APIs in the response headers. No customer action with these is necessary:

  • Date: Returned in GMT
  • Content-Type: application/json
  • E2ETrackingId: Unique identifier returned for every transaction
  • Content-version: 11, 11_1(version number of the API)
  • Vary: accept-encoding
  • Content-Encoding: gzip
  • Transfer-Encoding: chunked

Additional Header Fields for Specific Air APIs

In addition to the header fields above, the Accept-Version and Content-Version header fields are required only for the following API functions and resources as marked with X. If a column is blank that indicates the field does not need to be populated.

To assist with troubleshooting, most of the JSON APIs return a unique, system-generated transaction ID in the response. You can also send an optional custom trace ID in the message request header, which is also returned in the response. See Trace and Transaction IDs.
API Function API Resource Message Type Accept-Version Content-Version
Search AirCatalogSearchDomain POST X X
Air Price AirPriceOfferResource-PreProd POST X X
Air Price AirPriceOfferResource-PreProd POST X X
Air Price AirPriceOfferResource-PreProd POST X X
Air Reservation and Book Airbook-RemarksDomain-PP POST   X
Air Reservation and Book AirBook-OfferDomain-PP POST   X
Air Reservation and Book AirBook-OfferDomain-PP POST   X
Air Reservation and Book AirBook-OfferDomain-PP POST   X
Air Reservation and Book AirBook-SessionDomain-PP POST   X
Air Reservation and Book AirBook-ReservationDomain-PP POST   X
Air Reservation and Book Airbook-PrimaryContactDomain-PP POST   X
Air Reservation and Book AirBook-TravelerDomain-PP POST   X
Air Reservation and Book AirBook-BackOfficeDomain-PP POST   X
Seats AirBook - Seat Book Domain - PP POST   X
Seats AirBook - Seat Map Domain – PP GET   X
Ticket AirTicket-FOPDomain-PP POST   X
Ticket AirTicket-PaymentDomain-PP POST   X
Ticket AirTicket-ReceiptDomain-PP POST