Add Form of Payment API Reference



For {workbenchID} send the workbench identifier returned in ReservationResponse/Identifer/value in the workbench create response.

Base path:



Related Content: Booking Guide, Ticketing Guide, Create New Workbench, Create Post-commit Workbench

You can send an Add Form of Payment (FOP) request in either a booking or ticketing workbench session. Cash and credit card are supported FOPs for both GDS and NDC; agent invoice and non-standard credit card FOPs are supported for GDS only.

If FOP is not sent during booking it is required during ticketing.

For NDC, do not add FOP when creating a held booking, only during ticketing. FOP is not stored for a held booking and will not be available for retrieval during ticketing.
Add Multiple Forms of Payment (GDS only)

For GDS only, you can send up to two FOP in either the booking or ticketing workflow by repeating the Add Form of Payment step for each FOP. Note that at ticketing you must send a separate Add Payment request for each FOP. The additional FOP can be any supported form of payment. Multiple FOP are supported only for bookings with a single passenger.

Unused Ticket as Form of Payment (NDC only)

For NDC only, the JSON APIs support using an unused ticket as form of payment (FOP) to pay for a ticket. See the Ticket as FOP API Reference. You need to send FOP and payment only if the cost of the new booking exceeds the available value on the unused ticket.


Query Parameters


Request Body

Although the JSON APIs support cash FOP for both GDS and NDC, not all NDC carriers support cash FOP.

For detailed NDC support by carrier, see the Knowledge Base article NDC capabilities by airline through JSON API (see Knowledge Base NDC Resources if you need login assistance).


Example Request

The request payload below for an NDC itinerary sends a standard credit card, which is the only FOP supported in the JSON APIs for NDC. Note that for NDC you must send the CVV code in SeriesCode.

The example request payload below sends a cash FOP.

The example request payload below sends an agent invoice as FOP. GDS only; not supported for NDC.

The example request payload below sends a non-standard credit card (inhibitPaymentCardAuthorizationInd is sent as true for a CardCode value of HD) as FOP. GDS only; not supported for NDC.

The example request payload below sends a check FOP. GDS only; not supported for NDC.

Example Response

The response returns a confirmation identifier. The value returned has no subsequent use in the workflow at this time.