Booking Guide

The JSON APIs booking workflow uses a workflow of multiple calls to create a held reservation for later fulfillment.

This guide summarizes the steps in the workflow. Endpoints, requests, responses, and examples are in the API Reference for each step, linked below.

Some booking steps are optional, are specific to either GDS or NDC, or can also be sent in the ticketing workflow. See All Booking and Ticketing Workflows.

Travelport retains a search from any of the search APIs in cache for 12 minutes so it can be added as an offer to the workbench.

Any workbench is valid for 30 minutes and must be committed within that time window or it expires.

Related Content: JSON APIs Guide, Reservation Retrieve Guide, Booking Guide for Air, Hotel, & Car, Ticketing Guide

In this topic:

Hotel and Car Content with Air Bookings

The Reservation Retrieve and Create Post-Commit Workbench responses return air, hotel, and/or car segments for any reservation that includes that content, called a multi-content booking. All segments must have been booked with the JSON Air APIs, JSON Hotel APIs, JSON Car APIs (full release pending), or a terminal program. You can also add either GDS or NDC air offers to a hotel and/or car booking. See the Booking Guide for Air, Hotel, & Car for workflows.

Basic Concepts

The booking process uses a workflow of multiple calls to create a workbench session, add an offer for flight/s to the workbench, add travelers to the workbench, and commit the workbench. Several optional steps are also supported during booking, such as adding remarks and special service requests, booking seats, or adding paid ancillaries. Once the workbench is successfully committed and the flights confirmed by the carrier, the details added during the booking workflow are referred to as the reservation, or the booking. The terms booking and reservation are interchangeable.

Some agents and airlines may use the term PNR for a reservation . Because PNR is specific to GDS only, this online help uses the more generic terms reservation or booking instead.

Committing the workbench at the end of the booking workflow creates a held booking: The booking is confirmed by the airline but not yet ticketed. The booking must still be ticketed in an additional workbench session, and will expire if ticketing doesn't take place within a certain time, usually within 24 hours of booking. Expiration and ticketing time limits are returned in the commit response in TermsAndConditionsFull/ExpiryDate and PaymentTimeLimit.

The commit response returns all details added to date about the booking, which generally include the offer (actual air segments booked), traveler details, and reservation confirmation information. A successful booking returns a unique six-digit alphanumeric number called the reservation locator in Receipt/Confirmation/Locator.

During the workbench commit, for GDS only, you can send the autoDeleteDate query parameter to ensure that even if the booking fails, a reservation shell is created to retain the traveler details and allow the booking to be completed later. See Create Reservation Shell in Case of Booking Failure below.

After booking you can retrieve booking details with a Reservation Retrieve.

Note that NDC bookings return two reservation locator codes, one issued by the NDC carrier and another by Travelport, called the passive PNR. See Passive Booking Records in the NDC Guide for details.

While the above is the standard booking workflow, the JSON APIs also support these alternate booking workflows (see below):

  • Expired Booking workflow: Renew an expired booking, meaning that the offer on a held reservation has expired and can no longer be ticketed at the held price.

  • Add Product booking flow: Start with booking and skip the Search and AirPrice steps; however, you must already have full details for the itinerary to book. GDS only.

  • Instant Pay workflow: Create the reservation and issue the ticket/s in the same workbench session. NDC only; not supported for GDS.

  • Ticketless carriers workflow: For ticketless carriers, the booking is issued and completed in the commit step; there is no separate ticketing step.

Workbench Actions

All steps in the booking workflow take place in a workbench session, which is like a container that holds all details as they are added before sending them to the carrier all at once.

To start a new booking, create a new workbench. The response returns a workbench identifier that is sent in the HTTP request of all subsequent transactions in that workbench. When the workbench is committed, the booking details become part of the reservation record and the workbench is discarded.

Once a booking is made and a reservation issued, any further updates or changes to that reservation, including ticketing, generally also take place in a workbench. Because the initial booking has already been committed, this is called a post-commit workbench and is created using the reservation locator of the booking to modify.

Workbench Requests List

The table below lists all available actions and links to the API reference for each request, which provides endpoints and examples. These workbench actions are not sequential and would not all take place in the same session.

Workbench Action Description and Notes

API Reference

Create an initial booking workbench

Create new workbench when no booking exists. Returns an identifier for the workbench that must be sent in all subsequent calls in that session.

First step in the initial booking workflow.

Create New Workbench API Reference

Post-Commit Workbench

Initiate a workbench for an existing booking by sending the reservation locator code in the POST request.

First step for any workbench session to modify, update, or ticket an existing reservation.

Post-Commit Workbench API Reference

Retrieve workbench

Returns all workbench details added up to the time of the retrieve.

Retrieve Workbench API Reference

Delete data from the workbench

Deletes selected data from the workbench, such as a remark. Only specific information can be deleted.

Several add/delete requests are supported in both initial and post-commit workbench. See Traveler Modify Guide and Remarks and Service Requests Guide.

Commit the workbench

Closes the workbench session and finalizes all transactions in workbench. Depending on the workbench, the commit may create a held booking, issue a ticket, update a reservation, or exchange a ticket. Final step in all workbench sessions.

Commit Workbench API Reference

Discard workbench

Discards the workbench and deletes all data in it.

Workbench Discard API Reference

Initial Booking Workflow

To create a booking, at a minimum, you must create a workbench session, add an air offer, add at least one traveler, and commit the workbench. Certain optional steps are also supported.

The following table summarizes the required and optional steps. The API reference for each request provides endpoints, payloads, and examples.

Step #

Booking Workflow Step

Description and Notes

API Reference


Create the workbench

First step in the workflow.

Returns a system-generated identifier for the workbench that must be sent in subsequent requests for that workbench.

Create New Workbench API Reference


Add offer

Add the offer (flight details) to the workbench. Supports either a full payload request that sends all required itinerary details, or a reference payload request that references flights returned in a preceding Search response. You can add either the offer or traveler/s first.

Returns a system-generated identifier for the offer that is part of the booking record and must be sent in subsequent transactions about that offer.

Add multiple offers

You can repeat the Add Offer step, with either the full or reference payload, as needed to combine multiple offers into one reservation. While there is no specific limit on the number of offers that can be combined, a reservation cannot have more than 16 flight segments. Booking seats and ancillaries is supported for multi-offers only after the reservation is created, not in the initial booking workflow.

Add Offer Reference Payload API Reference


Add Offer Full Payload API Reference


Add traveler

Send traveler details such as name and contact information, and optional comments and service requests. You can add either the offer or traveler/s first.

Returns a system-generated identifier for the traveler that is part of the reservation record and sent in subsequent transactions about that traveler, such as seat selection.

Optionally, if the traveler has a personal and/or business profile in the Travelport host system, you can send the Host Profile Move request to copy traveler details into the JSON API booking workflow instead of sending Add Traveler. GDS only; not supported for NDC.

Any traveler sent without a PTC (passenger type code) value is defaulted to ADT. PTC can be sent or omitted for ADT travelers.

An INF (infant) cannot be added without an ADT (adult) PTC.

Only select traveler information can be modified after a traveler is added. See Traveler Modify Guide.

Add Traveler API Reference

Remarks & Service Requests Guide


Shop and book seats

Requesting seat availability and adding seats is supported in the initial booking workflow as per the Seats Guide after adding an offer and traveler.

Seats and ancillaries are not supported for multi-offers (see step 2 above) in this initial booking workflow, only after the booking is created.

Seats Guide


Shop and book ancillaries

Certain paid ancillaries are supported in the initial booking workflow as per the Ancillaries Guide after adding an offer and traveler.

Ancillaries Guide


Add comments and service requests

Certain comments/service requests can be added separately from the Add Traveler payload.

Remarks & Service Requests Guide


Supported only for GDS in initial booking flow

Add form of payment

Store form of payment (FOP) information with the reservation to be used subsequently in ticketing.

The response returns a system-generated identifier for the FOP that is part of the reservation record and sent in subsequent Add Payment request.

Adding FOP for GDS in booking is optional. If sent, FOP is stored and retrieved later during the ticketing. If not sent in booking, FOP is required at ticketing.
Adding FOP for NDC is not supported in booking, only at ticketing or in the Instant Pay workflow. If FOP is added but payment and ticketing are not completed, the FOP is not stored and is not available for retrieval during ticketing.
Ticketless carriers require FOP. The booking is issued and completed in the commit step; there is no ticketing step.

Add Multiple Forms of Payment (GDS only)

For GDS only, you can add up to two FOP in either the booking or ticketing workflow by sending Add Form of Payment for each FOP. At ticketing you must send a separate Add Payment request for each FOP. The additional FOP can be any supported form of payment. Multiple FOP are supported only for bookings with a single passenger.

Add Form of Payment API Reference


Commit the workbench and create held booking

Final step in the booking workflow. Creates a held booking for later ticketing.

A successful workbench commit returns a reservation confirmation from the supplier, creates a held booking, and returns a unique alphanumeric code for that booking, called a reservation locator code.

The response is largely the same as but not identical to a Reservation Retrieve response. The workbench commit does not return any document override or accounting comments added; these can be requested in a subsequent Reservation Retrieve.

Commit for ticketless carriers creates a booking with the carrier. There is no ticketing step.

Notes on workbench commit at end of the initial booking workflow

If any pricing modifier sent in the Add Offer full payload or reference payload request does not have any fares associated with it, the commit fails and returns the error message No Fare Found. Pricing happens at the commit, not the Add Offer step.

Shell Reservations for Failed Bookings

You can choose to create a shell booking if a booking fails either because the offer cannot be added or the fare cannot be quoted. This shell booking retains the traveler details and allows the booking to be completed later. To do so, in the initial booking workflow, send the autoDeleteDate query parameter at the workbench commit. See Create Shell Booking in Case of Booking Failure.

Retention Segments

By default, reservation details are stored for one month after all travel on the itinerary is completed. You can extend this time by setting a purge date in the autoDeleteDate query parameter at the workbench commit in the initial booking workflow. See Retention Segments in the Booking Guide.

CarrierLocator Code Delay at Booking

In some instances, the carrier requires additional time to return the carrier locator code, which can be an issue for agencies that require this code at the time of booking. So, if the carrier locator code is not immediately available, AirReservation makes one attempt to retrieve the reservation from the carrier. If the carrier locator code cannot be retrieved, AirReservation returns the warning: Carrier locator code not returned by carrier/provider. Please try to retrieve later and agencies must retrieve the reservation later. This can happen in any booking scenario upon commit but is most common when the booking contains an ancillary such as a wheelchair.

Commit Workbench API Reference


Booking Workflow Diagrams

Hold and Pay Workflow

The following diagram shows all required and some optional steps in the typical JSON API booking workflow. This workflow follows a preceding Search request to find the flight/s to book. Ticketing happens in a subsequent workbench.

You can shop for and add seats and ancillaries either during booking or ticketing, or in a separate workbench session, per the support noted in the Seats and Ancillaries guides.

Sending form of payment (FOP) in the initial booking workflow is supported only for GDS. If FOP is added for NDC it is not stored and must be sent again at ticketing.

See the following section and All Book and Ticketing Workflows for other workflows.

Add Product Workflow (omit Search and Price)

GDS only; not supported for NDC.

As an alternative to not only the above booking workflow but also the entire JSON API minimum required workflow, you can send Add Product instead of Add Offer. Add Product allows you to start with booking and skip the Search and AirPrice steps; however, you must already have full details for the itinerary to book. This full payload request is best suited for corporate customers who frequently travel the same itinerary and do not need or want to check price or alternative options. The request sends flight and class of service data as sourced from outside the JSON APIs.

As part of this flow, you have the option to check pricing with a Standalone Price request (AirReservation 23.11.26 and later). You can send Standalone Price in either the initial booking workbench, the ticketing workbench, or in a post-commit workbench session without ticketing.

Although not shown below, you can send the optional Fare Display request in this flow to retrieve fare rule text for an itinerary.

The NDC Instant Pay workflow (book and issue ticket in the same session) does not support booking ancillaries, and the Add Product workflow does not support booking ancillaries or seats. These can be added after the reservation is created.

NDC Instant Pay Workflow (book and ticket in same workbench)

The Instant Pay workflow, supported only for NDC, allows you to book and ticket in the same workbench session.

The NDC Instant Pay workflow (book and issue ticket in the same session) does not support booking ancillaries, and the Add Product workflow does not support booking ancillaries or seats. These can be added after the reservation is created.

Expired Booking Workflow

The JSON APIs support renewing an expired booking, meaning that the offer on a held reservation has expired and can no longer be booked.

For GDS, use the Add Offer request, either full payload or reference payload, to add an offer to an existing reservation when the current offer has expired. Start with a workbench create request, add the new offer, and commit the workbench.

For NDC, use Standalone Reprice to reprice the itinerary on a held booking either before or after the price guarantee expires. You can then add the repriced itinerary to the workbench and either hold or ticket.


Book Commit Response Layout Diagram

The following diagram illustrates the general structure of the Book Commit response, including most high-level objects. Objects returned depend on the data added in the booking workflow.

Optional Actions at Commit

Create Retention Segments

By default, reservation details are stored for one month after all travel on the itinerary is completed. This means you can continue to retrieve the reservation for one month after travel, at which time the reservation is purged and no longer available. You can extend this time by setting a purge date that is up to 331 days from the date the reservation was created. To do so, send the autoDeleteDate query parameter in the workbench commit for the initial booking workflow. Adding a purge date creates a retention segment on the reservation.

The autoDeleteDate value is returned in the Reservation Retrieve, Workbench Commit, and Post-Commit Workbench responses, as shown in the example excerpt below. To update or delete the autoDeleteDate on an existing booking, send the autoDeleteDate query parameter at the end of a post-commit workbench session.

Confirm Involuntary Schedule Change

AirReservation supports an optional workbench commit request payload that confirms a carrier-initiated schedule change. When the flight schedule on an existing reservation has changed, a Reservation Retrieve returns a value of either TK or UN in OfferStatus/StatusAir/code to indicate the change. To accept the schedule change, send the workbench commit with a payload including the indicator scheduleChangeAcceptedInd set to true. You do not need to create a workbench session first.

Update or Delete Ticketing Time Limit Date

GDS only; not supported for NDC.

AirReservation supports an optional workbench commit request payload that adds or deletes the ticketing time limit for a booking. This is the last day to ticket the booking before the offer expires.

Add ReceivedFrom for Deem

GDS only; not supported for NDC.

AirReservation supports an optional workbench commit request payload that sends a ReceivedFrom object. This allows online travel agencies (OTAs) and agents using the Deem platform to include an optional receive field at reservation creation or update.

Create Shell Booking in Case of Booking Failure

GDS only; not supported for NDC.

You can choose to create a reservation shell that retains traveler details In the case of bookings that fail due to inability to either add the offer or quote a fare. To do so, send the autoDeleteDate query parameter at Workbench Commit. A shell booking allows an agency to contact the customer offline through their call center and complete the booking as necessary, or to complete with the JSON API booking workflow.

For a reservation shell to be created in the event the booking fails, the autoDeleteDate query parameter must be sent in the workbench commit step at the end of the initial booking workflow.

To ticket a failed booking with a reservation shell, use the following workflow:

  1. Create a post-commit workbench request, sending the locator code for the failed booking.

  2. Send an Add Offer request.

  3. If necessary, send an Add Traveler request to complete traveler details.

  4. Send an Add Form of Payment request.

  5. Send an Add Payment request.

  6. Send a Commit Workbench request.

Optional steps such as seats, ancillaries, or remarks are also supported in the workflow above after adding the offer and traveler/s.

Shell bookings support the following remarks for add and delete; use the applicable workflow in the Remarks and Service Requests Guide:

  • Vendor remarks

  • DOCI remarks

  • Itinerary (associated and unassociated) remarks

  • Notepad remarks

  • Historical Notepad remarks

  • Accounting remarks

  • OSI remarks

Shell bookings support add, update, and delete for any traveler details supported in the TravelerUpdateableItems request. See the Traveler Modify Guide.

The following example reservation retrieve response is for a shell reservation for a failed booking. The response does not return offer details, and the Result object returns the warning NO FARES FOUND.

Custom Rules

The JSON Custom Rules APIs allow you to manage and use the custom rules set up for your PCC (pseudo city code, a travel provider's identification code provisioned from Travelport).

Custom rules are created in a booking file management tool to validate bookings against specific criteria. They could be organization rules, corporate rules, business rules, personal rules, and so on. For example, a custom rule could provide a check for certain non-mandatory data, such as that every booking must contain a delivery address, or that an after hours contact number must be sent to the airline as an OSI remark. Or, a rule could check for items needed for back office systems such as a name remark.

Custom rules are not created in the JSON APIs but can be applied to bookings in the JSON APIs. You can add up to three custom rules to a booking.

If custom rules are configured for your PCC at Travelport, when the workbench is committed at the end of the booking workflow, the booking is compared to the conditions in any custom rules added to that booking. If any conditions are not met, an error message is returned and the changes in the workbench are not committed. The workbench session is maintained so that the conditions required by the attached rule can be corrected in the booking.

Note the following:

  • When adding a rule to a booking, that rule must already have been created and associated with your PCC. Otherwise, the error message INVALID - RULE {NAME} DOES NOT EXIST - CustomRule is returned.
  • The exception is that you can send a rule name created for a PCC with which your PCC has an agreement. If your PCC does not have an agreement with that PCC, the error message NO AGREEMENT EXISTS FOR PSEUDO CITY - {PCC} - CustomRule is returned.
  • You must send a separate request for each rule to add.
  • You can add up to three custom rules to a booking. If additional rules are sent, the error message INVALID - THREE RULES ALREADY ATTACHED - CustomRule is returned.
  • If you send a rule name that has already been attached to the booking, the error message RULE {NAME} ALREADY ATTACHED - CustomRule is returned.

The following APIs allow you to use custom rules with bookings made in the JSON APIs. See the linked API references for details:

  • Custom Rule: Add or delete a custom rule on a booking. Sent in a workbench session.
  • Custom Rule List: Return a list of all custom rules associated with a PCC. Standalone request that can be sent as part of a workbench or without a workbench.
  • Custom Rule Details: Return details of a specific custom rule associated with a PCC. Standalone request that can be sent as part of a workbench or without a workbench.

To return the rules associated with a specific booking, send a reservation retrieve with detail view requested.