All Booking and Ticketing Workflows

The AirReservation and AirTicketing APIs provide flexible reservation and ticketing options that support multiple workflows. Both APIs use multiple calls to build a workbench, add additional details as needed, and then commit that workbench:

  • AirReservation creates a held booking, except in the NDC-only Instant Pay flow per below.

  • AirTicketing issues a ticket for a held booking, and/or any EMDs for which payment has been added.

The table below summarizes the possible workflows and steps for both booking and ticketing, with links to the API reference for each step. Workflow diagrams for booking and ticketing follow.

These workflows do not include optional comments and service requests, seats, or ancillaries.


Hold and Pay 1: 
Book, then ticket with FOP
Hold and Pay 2: 
Book with FOP, then ticket
NDC Instant Pay:
Book and ticket in one workbench session

Add Product workflow:
Skip Search and Price, book known itinerary, then ticket

Ticketless Carrier: 
Book with FOP, no ticketing


Use AirReservation to book the itinerary without adding any form of payment.

Use AirTicketing to send FOP, add that payment, and ticket the itinerary.

Use AirReservation to book the itinerary and send FOP to be stored until ticketing.

Use AirTicketing to add payment and ticket the itinerary.

Use only AirReservation to send FOP, add payment, and both create a reservation and issue the ticket in the final step.

AirReservation 23.11.25 and later.

Unlike any other booking flows, Add Product allows you to start with booking and skip Search and Price to book a known itinerary.

Use AirTicketing to add payment and ticket the itinerary.

Use AirReservation to book the itinerary, sending FOP and committing without adding payment. Ticketless carriers do not accept payment or issue a ticket.



GDS Only

NDC only

GDS Only

Ticketless carriers only

Workflow steps:


  1. Create workbench
  2. Add offer and store fare
  3. Add traveler(s)
  4. Commit workbench and create booking


  1. Post-Commit Workbench
  2. Add form(s) of payment
  3. Add payment(s)
  4. Commit workbench and issue ticket



  1. Create workbench
  2. Add offer and store fare
  3. Add traveler(s)
  4. Add form(s) of payment
  5. Commit workbench and create booking


  1. Post-Commit Workbench
  2. Add payment(s)
  3. Commit workbench and issue ticket


  1. Create workbench
  2. Add offer and store fare
  3. Add traveler(s)
  4. Add form(s) of payment
  5. Add payment(s)
  6. Commit workbench to create booking and issue ticket in one step


  1. Create workbench
  2. Add product
  3. Standalone pricing (optional)
  4. Add traveler(s)
  5. Commit workbench and create booking


  1. Post-Commit Workbench
  2. Add form(s) of payment
  3. Add payment(s)
  4. Commit workbench and issue ticket


  1. Create workbench
  2. Add offer and store fare
  3. Add traveler(s)
  4. Add form(s) of payment
  5. Commit workbench and create booking; no ticketing step


The Add Product workflow below supports the optional Fare Display request, not included below, to retrieve the text of applicable fare rules on the itinerary.