Payment API Reference
paymentoffer/reservationworkbench/{workbenchID}/payments For {workbenchID} send the workbench identifier returned in ReservationResponse/Identifer/value in the workbench create response. Base path: Pre-production Production |
Related Content: Ticketing Guide
The Payment step takes place in a ticketing workbench session and sends the payment. It references both the form of payment to be used for the payment and the offer/s to pay for.
Form of payment information must either already be present in the reservation or the workbench. At workbench commit, tickets are issued for any offer payment has been sent for.
Also see Authorization and Common Headers.
Query Parameters
Request Body
If multiple forms of payment have been added, repeat the Payment step for each FOP. The Payment request can include multiple offer IDs, such as for the itinerary and for paid seats, but supports only one FOP.

Object |
Description |
Required/Optional |
Payment |
Top level object. Includes Amount, FormOfPaymentIdentifier, OfferIdentifier, TravelerIdentierRef objects. For exchange ticketing only, may includes Fees and/or Taxes objects. |
Required |
A user-assigned identifier for the payment. Supports up to 256 alphanumeric characters. |
Required |
Payment/Identifier |
Payment identifier. |
Required |
For both GDS and NDC send with the value Travelport. |
Required |
This is a placeholder value that has no use at this time. Any text can be sent. |
Required |
Amount |
Top level object for amount of payment. When exchanging a GDS ticket, do not send Amount here when choosing to forfeit residual amounts during the exchange; see below.
Required |
Currency code that applies to the payment. |
Required |
The smallest unit of currency for the currency in code. For example; the smallest denomination in USD is the cent, which is 1/100 of a USD, and the minor unit value is 2. Not all currencies have a minor unit. |
Required Optional for exchange ticketing |
Enum. The system requesting or returning the currency code. Supported values are Supplier, Charged, Requested. |
Required Optional for exchange ticketing |
The amount of the charge for this payment, in the currency noted in the code object. When exchanging a GDS ticket, in the case of even exchange or a refund for the exchanged itinerary, send Add Payment with Amount/value with 0 (zero).
Required |
FormOfPaymentIdentifier |
Top level object for FOP to reference. |
Required |
The id for the form of payment to be charged. Must match to a FOP already in the reservation or added to the workbench. |
Required |
FormOfPaymentRef |
The id for the form of payment to use. Must be the same value sent in FormOfPaymentRef in the Add FOP request. Must also match the value sent above in FormOfPaymentIdentifier/id. |
Required |
FormOfPaymentIdentifier/Identifier |
Send the payment identifier returned in the Add Form of Payment response. |
Required |
Send with the value Travelport. |
Required |
This is a placeholder value that has no use at this time. Any text can be sent. |
Required |
OfferIdentifier |
Top level object for the offer/s to send payment for. If the booking contains multiple offers, send an instance of OfferIdentifier for all offers you are ready to ticket or issue an EMD for. For example, a booking could contain multiple offers for any of the following:
Includes Identifier object. |
Required |
Id for the offer to which this payment should apply. |
Required |
Id for the offer to which this payment should apply. Same value as sent in id. See above note for id and multiple offers. |
Required |
OfferIdentifier/Identifier |
Required |
Send with the value Travelport for all content. |
Required |
The system-generated offer identifier returned in the applicable Search, Seats, Ancillary etc. response. |
Required |
Fees |
Used only when exchanging a GDS ticket to add payment for change fees or other fees. When sending only one Add Payment request for both an add collect and fees, using the same FOP for both, send both Amount/value above and Fees/Total Fees in the same request. To use multiple FOP, send one Add Payment request for the add collect (Amount/value), and another Add Payment request for the fees, each referring to the separate FOP to use. Standard Fees object:
Optional, used only for exchange ticketing |
TravelerIdentifierRef |
Array. Send only when exchanging a GDS ticket to specify the traveler in case of multiple FOPs, or to forfeit residual amounts for only specific traveler/s. If not sent, the forfeit is applied to all travelers on the reservation. Standard TravelerIdentifierRef object:
Optional, used only for exchange ticketing |
Amount or BaseAmount or Taxes |
Send only when exchanging a GDS ticket to forfeit residual amounts during the exchange.
To forfeit residual amounts, send Add FOP with the FormOfPaymentForfeit payload. In the Add Payment request, send the identifier for the forfeit FOP in FormOfPaymentIdentifier above. Do not send the Amount object above; instead, send one and only one of the following objects at the end of the payload as appropriate to identify the amount to forfeit:
To forfeit for only specific traveler/s, also send TravelerIdentifierRef per above. If no traveler ID/s are sent, the forfeit is automatically applied to all travelers in a reservation |
Optional, used only for exchange ticketing to forfeit amounts |

Object |
Description |
PaymentResponse |
Top level object for response. |
Payment |
Includes Identifier object. |
Identifier |
Returns confirmation identifier.
Example Request

"Payment": {
"id": "payment_1",
"Identifier": {
"authority": "Travelport",
"value": "A0656EFF-FAF4-456F-B061-0161008D6A5E"
"Amount": {
"code": "USD",
"minorUnit": 2,
"currencySource": "Charged",
"approximateInd": true,
"value": "2773.5"
"FormOfPaymentIdentifier": {
"id": "formOfPayment_5",
"FormOfPaymentRef": "formOfPayment_5",
"Identifier": {
"authority": "Travelport",
"value": "A0656EFF-FAF4-456F-B061-0161008D6FOP"
"OfferIdentifier": [
"id": "offer_1",
"offerRef": "offer_1",
"Identifier": {
"authority": "Travelport",
"value": "4ac0a1d8-fd2a-4192-83f5-cab69979ef4e"
To issue the ticket and an EMD for a paid seat or ancillary, send all applicable offer IDs per this example.

In this example, offer_1 is the itinerary and an_o1 is the ancillary offer.
"Payment": {
"id": "payment_1",
"Identifier": {
"authority": "Travelport",
"value": "A0656EFF-FAF4-456F-B061-0161008D6A5E"
"Amount": {
"code": "AUD",
"minorUnit": 2,
"currencySource": "Charged",
"approximateInd": true,
"value": 63.1
"FormOfPaymentIdentifier": {
"id": "formOfPayment_5",
"FormOfPaymentRef": "formOfPayment_5",
"Identifier": {
"authority": "Travelport",
"value": "A0656EFF-FAF4-456F-B061-0161008D6FOP"
"OfferIdentifier": [
"id": "offer_1",
"offerRef": "offer_1",
"Identifier": {
"authority": "Travelport",
"value": "07664bb3-37a0-4c63-a2ef-ed71b5f48d49"
"id": "an_o1",
"Identifier": {
"authority": "Travelport",
"value": "3427d42c-a72d-49ff-b29e-7bb8faa28a47"
When exchanging a GDS ticket, you can choose to forfeit residual amounts. Send Add FOP with the FormOfPaymentForfeit payload. In the Add Payment request, per the examples below, specify what to forfeit.

The following example shows the Add Payment payload to forfeit all residual amounts.
"Payment": {
"id": "payment_3",
"Identifier": {
"authority": "Travelport",
"value": "A0656EFF-FAF4-456F-B061-0161008D6A5E"
"FormOfPaymentIdentifier": {
"id": "formOfPayment_1",
"FormOfPaymentRef": "formOfPayment_1",
"Identifier": {
"authority": "Travelport",
"value": "a26164ec-02b8-41ef-af61-a837a76d5adb"
"OfferIdentifier": [
"id": "offer_1",
"offerRef": "offer_1",
"Identifier": {
"authority": "Travelport",
"value": "58100d86-b984-432b-82eb-c7286c061193"
"Amount": {
"code": "USD",
"value": 863.4

The following example shows the Add Payment payload to forfeit one individual tax.
"Payment": {
"id": "payment_2",
"Identifier": {
"authority": "Travelport",
"value": "A0656EFF-FAF4-456F-B061-0161008D6A5E"
"FormOfPaymentIdentifier": {
"id": "formOfPayment_1",
"FormOfPaymentRef": "formOfPayment_1",
"Identifier": {
"authority": "Travelport",
"value": "a26164ec-02b8-41ef-af61-a837a76d5adb"
"OfferIdentifier": [
"id": "offerModify_1",
"offerRef": "offerModify_1",
"Identifier": {
"authority": "Travelport",
"value": "58100d86-b984-432b-82eb-c7286c061193"
"Taxes": {
"@type": "TaxesDetail",
"Tax": [
"currencyCode": "USD",
"taxCode": "YQ",
"value": 34
Example Response
The response returns a confirmation identifier.

"PaymentResponse": {
"Payment": {
"@type": "PaymentIdentifier",
"Identifier": {
"authority": "Travelport",
"value": "af076693-cfc3-49f3-b7d6-554aa9d8bfce"