Traveler Modify Guide

Traveler information sent in the Add Traveler request can be added, modified, and deleted using the Traveler Updatable Items and Traveler Update requests. This topic details the workflow and payloads to modify information specifically related to travelers.

See the Remarks Guide to modify remarks and service requests that are not sent in the Add Traveler payload. To modify the air itinerary instead of traveler details, see the Exchange, Refund, and Void Guide.

Related Content: Booking Guide, Reservation Retrieve Guide, Traveler Updatable Items API Reference, Traveler Update API Reference

In this topic:

Traveler Data Supported Changes

The traveler-related information listed in the table below can be modified in the booking workflows as follows.

Type of data to modify



TravelerUpdatableItem @type value



Supported for:

Delete from initial booking workbench

Delete from reservation

Add to reservation

Modify on reservation

Frequent flyer/traveler/customer loyalty program number






Passenger name




No for GDS

Yes for NDC


Travel document details (passport, visa, driver license, aka SSR DOCO, DOCS, DOCA)

When modifying passport details to change the passport number, note that the previous passport number is not deleted from the booking. The booking will include both the previous and updated passport numbers.







Not currently verified for delete/add/modify for NDC.







Not currently verified for delete/add/modify for NDC.







Not currently verified for delete/add/modify for NDC.






Name remarks

Not supported for NDC.






Name Changes

Supported to add and modify for NDC. Supported to modify but not add for GDS. Not supported for deletion.

In the Updatable Items response, name change update status is returned in the Updatable Items response in the TravelerUpdatableItemPersonName object.

Note the following for name change support for NDC:

  • Name change support and requirements vary greatly by NDC carrier. For details for each supported NDC carrier, see the list of topics for individual carriers in the Travelport Knowledge Base article NDC capabilities by airline through JSON API (see Knowledge Base NDC Resources if you need login assistance).

  • The carrier determines if the request is valid and follows its rules for name change. For example, a carrier might allow up to three characters to be changed in a name field. Another airline might allow an entire name change, and other carriers may not support a name change at all.
  • Some name changes must be made directly with the airline.
  • The carrier may need to verify the physical identification to support the name change.
  • The carrier may charge a fee for a name change.

Travel Documents (SSR DOCS, DOCO, and DOCA)

Traveler documents are added by including traveler remarks in the Add Traveler payload during the initial booking. These are converted to SSR DOCA, DOCO, and DOCS as applicable. AirReservation supports the following actions for an existing reservation:

  • For GDS: Add, modify, and delete all supported DOCS, DOCO, and DOCA information on an existing reservation.
  • For NDC: Add and delete only SSR DOCS P (passport). You can modify only by deleting the existing DOCS and adding a new DOCS. For carrier differences, see the list of topics for individual carriers in the Travelport Knowledge Base article NDC capabilities by airline through JSON API.

In the Updatable Items response, travel document update status is returned in TravelerUpdatableItemTravelDocument.

See the Remarks Requests Guide for details on supported travel documents and how they are sent to carriers for SSRs.

Updatable Items Workflow

Specific traveler information sent in the Add Traveler payload can be modified by requesting a list of updatable items for the traveler and then sending an update request with an indicator that specifies the action to take (add, modify, or delete as applicable).

Updatable Items is supported in both the initial booking workbench and in a post-commit workbench session, however, only specific data updates are supported in each per Supported Changes above.

Step #

Workflow Step

Description and Notes

API Reference


Create the reservation workbench

Create either a new workbench for an initial booking or a post-commit workbench for an existing booking.

Returns a system-generated identifier for the workbench that must be sent in subsequent requests for that workbench.

Create New Workbench API Reference

Post-Commit Workbench API Reference


Add Offer & Traveler (required only during initial booking)

If an initial booking, add the offer and traveler/s, as well as any optional booking steps.

Booking Guide


Retrieve workbench (optional)

If needed, retrieve the workbench to get the traveler ID/s. Also returned in the post-commit workbench create response.

Retrieve Workbench API Reference


Send Updatable Items request

Send an Updatable Items request with the identifier for the traveler/s to update. The response returns for each traveler a list of each type of traveler information, a unique identifier for each type of information, and the indicators indicators for deletableInd, modifiableInd, and addableInd to indicate the information that can deleted, modified, or added.

Traveler Updatable Items API Reference


Send Traveler Update request/s

Send a Traveler Update request with one or more items to update for one traveler. Include the identifier from the Updatable Items response for each item to update.

Send an additional request for each additional traveler to update.

Traveler Update API Reference


Commit the workbench

Final step in the workflow.

The response returns the reservation in the same format as a reservation retrieve response, including the updated traveler information.

Commit Workbench API Reference

Updatable Items Layout Diagram

The following diagram illustrates the general structure of the Updatable Items request and response, including most high-level objects.

Traveler Update Layout Diagram

The following diagram illustrates the general structure of the Traveler Update request and response, including most high-level objects, which follows the Updatable Items response.