Exchange Search API Reference



Base path:

Note the following base path varies from that used for other JSON APIs.



Related Content:GDS Exchanges Guide, Ticketing Exchange Guide / API Reference

The Exchange Search API is the second step in the GDS exchange workflow, after the optional Eligibility step. It supports searching for an alternate itinerary for a possible exchange on a currently ticketed GDS itinerary. The response details any differences in base fare, taxes, fees, and total price between the currently ticketed itinerary and the possible new itinerary.

See the Exchange Ticketing Guide for next steps and more about exchanges. See the GDS Exchange Workflow Guide for summaries and diagrams of all exchange workflows.
GDS only. For NDC exchange functionality, see the NDC Modify, Cancel, and Exchange Guide.


Query Parameters


Request Body

See the Exchange Search Overview in the GDS Exchanges Guide for important information about requirements for exchanges.


The following table notes the objects in the Exchange Search response that differ from the Search API response. For details on the remaining objects, see the Search API Reference.

Example Request

Example Response

The following example returns ReferenceListExchangedPrice, which was added in Exchange Search 24.11.29 to return the original price ticket by PTC. For brevity, all offers after the first three have been removed from this response; because of that editing the ReferenceList object in this example includes several flights and brands that are not included in the offers shown.