AirPrice Full Payload API Reference



Base path:



Related Content: Air Pricing Guide, AirPrice Reference Payload API Reference

The AirPrice API confirms pricing on air search results. While air pricing is generally an optional but recommended step, it is required for low cost carriers and some NDC carriers.

This API reference documents the full payload request, which sends full itinerary details without a reference to any previous search. This request can be used to price an itinerary returned from the Search API or from a non-Travelport source.

The AirPrice full payload request is supported for NDC on only the following carriers: AA, UA, QF. See the NDC Guide for details.
In AirPrice 24.11.36 and later, for AA only, the response returns upsells for NDC content by default. See the NDC Upsells example below. NDC only; the AirPrice full payload response does not return upsells for GDS content.


Query Parameters


Request Body

Basic AirPrice Request - Full Payload

PricingModifiersAir (optional pricing modifiers)


The AirPrice response is the same for both reference and full payload requests. See the AirPrice Reference Payload API Reference for the response table.

See the Air Pricing Guide for response layout diagrams and description.

Example Request

For additional examples and scenarios, download the developer toolkits and see Using Postman and Developer Toolkits.

The following round-trip full payload request includes the optional CustomerLoyalty object for sending frequent traveler details.

The following one-way request includes the SellCity pricing modifier, supported only for GDS.

Example Response

The AirPrice response is the same for both reference and full payload requests. See the AirPrice Reference Payload API Reference for an example response without upsells.

NDC AirPrice response with upsells example

AirPrice 24.11.36 added support for returning upsells for NDC content by default in the full payload response only. NDC only; the AirPrice full payload response does not return upsells for GDS content. Supported only for NDC carrier AA. The AirPrice reference payload response does not return upsells for either GDS or NDC.

Generally, both the full and reference payload AirPrice responses return pricing specific only to the class of booking in the request; i.e., pricing of one single offer. When available, for NDC carrier AA only, the full payload response returns upsell offers along with pricing for the requested class, in ascending price order.

The example response below returns pricing on the requested offer plus two upsells for a total of three priced offers. For brevity, a third and fourth upsell were removed from this example (offers o4 and o5), so some of the reference information in ReferenceList is for those offers and does not apply.