Air Pricing Guide
The AirPrice API confirms pricing on air search results. While air pricing is an optional but recommended step for GDS content, it is required for low cost carriers and some NDC carriers.
Related Content: JSON APIs Guide, Fare Rules Guide, AirPrice Reference Payload API Reference, AirPrice Full Payload API Reference
In this topic:
- Basic Concepts
- Pricing Modifiers
- Branded Fare Attributes
- Upsells at Pricing
- Fare Rules
- Price During Booking (Standalone Price Request)
- Price by Credit Card BIN for OB Fees
- AirPrice Request and Response Layout Diagrams
Basic Concepts
AirPrice confirms pricing on a selected itinerary. The AirPrice request sends the details of the flight to price, and the response returns pricing for that flight. Depending on availability the response may also return additional flight options available at the same price, or, for NDC only, higher fares with more inclusions per below.
You can price either by sending referenced identifiers from a previous search result, or full itinerary details, as follows:
- Reference payload request: Sends identifiers from a response from any of the Search APIs to price an itinerary returned by that API. Does not require passenger and itinerary details.
- Full payload request: Sends full itinerary details without a reference to any previous search. Can be used for an itinerary returned from the Search APIs or from a non-Travelport source.
Both types of requests can include optional pricing modifiers.
After pricing, you can send a Fare Rules request to return detailed fare rules for a selected itinerary.
Pricing Modifiers
Both the full and reference payloads support the following optional pricing modifiers.
Type of Modifier |
Description |
Object or Boolean indicator in PricingModifiersAir |
Fare type |
Request specific fare types including private fares (negotiated), public fares (published), or net fares (consolidator fares, or any negotiated wholesale price that is further marked up for sale to customers; GDS only) |
FareSelection/fareType Supported values are PublicFaresOnly, PrivateFaresOnly, PublicAndPrivateFares (default), NetFaresOnly, AllFares |
Refundable fares
Include or exclude non-refundable fares |
FareSelectionDetail/refundableOnlyInd |
Fare restrictions | Fares that require an advance purchase, or a minimum or maximum stay. |
Account codes |
Send your account code for each airline to return negotiated fares for those airlines. |
OrganizationInformation/OrganizationIdentifier |
Currency override |
Change the default currency of results, which is set in your PCC provided upon provisioning with Travelport. |
currencyCode |
Plating carrier |
Price by specifying the carrier to override the default validating carrier (the airline designator that the ticket is issued against. |
FareSelection/validatingCarrier |
Sale location |
Return fares based on the sale location. |
SellCity |
Modifiers are sent in PricingModifersAir and can be combined as appropriate. The example excerpt below includes several modifiers.

"PricingModifiersAir": {
"@type": "PricingModifiersAir",
"FareSelection": {
"@type": "FareSelectionDetail",
"fareType": "PublicFaresOnly",
"prohibitMinStayFaresInd": "false",
"prohibitMaxStayFaresInd": "false",
"refundableOnlyInd": "false",
"prohibitAdvancePurchaseFaresInd": "true"
Branded Fare Attributes
As in the Search API, brand attributes tell you if features such as wifi, assigned seats, baggage, and refunds are available and whether each is included in the fare or available at an extra charge. See Branded Fares and Upsells in the Air Shopping Guide for full discussion of branded fares.
The AirPrice Reference Payload returns brand attributes by default, unless turned off in the request by sending inhibitBrandContentInd with a value of true.
In the AirPrice Full Payload request, send returnBrandedFaresInd with true to return brand attributes.
When brand details are requested, the response consolidates brand details across common flights in ReferenceList/ReferenceListBrand.
Upsells at Price
Generally, both the full and reference payload AirPrice responses return pricing specific only to the class of booking in the request; i.e., pricing of one single offer. The exception is that when available, for NDC carrier AA only, the full payload AirPrice response returns upsell offers along with pricing for the requested class, in ascending price order.
Fare Rules
Fare rules are the conditions and restrictions that apply to any booking based on its fare type. These determine the price of the fare. Fare rules can include blackout dates, advanced reservation requirements, minimum and maximum stay requirements, and cancellation and change penalties.
You can send a separate Fare Rules request to return fare rules for any itinerary, following either a Search request, an AirPrice request, or after booking (support varies for GDS and NDC). See the Fare Rules Guide for details and supported formats, and the Fare Rules API Reference for request and response details.
Price During Booking (Standalone Price Request)
Unlike the other price requests, Standalone Price is sent as part of the booking workflow. It is an optional request that follows Add Product in the Add Product booking workflow, an alternate workflow that skips the Search and AirPrice requests that usually initiate the JSON APIs workflow. Standalone Price prices any unpriced flight products in the workbench. You can send Standalone Price in either the initial booking workbench, the ticketing workbench, or in a separate workbench session without ticketing.
Price by Credit Card BIN for OB Fees
Optional pricing by credit card BIN number is supported for GDS and NDC. Send the BIN number (the initial four to six numbers of the payment card) to return OB fees, which are ticketing and form of payment (FOP) fees, including credit card fees. Supported in both the reference and full payload price requests.
AirPrice Request and Response Layout Diagrams
AirPrice Request Diagram
The following diagram shows the high-level objects in the AirPrice Reference Payload request, used to request pricing for an itinerary returned in a JSON API Search response. This request sends identifiers from the Search response.
If you do not price an itinerary from a Travelport JSON API Search response, the AirPrice request must include a full payload with itinerary and passenger details - all the information sent in a Search request. See the AirPrice Full Payload API Reference for details.
AirPrice Response Diagram
Except for different wrapper objects, the response format is the same for both reference and full payload requests.
The structure of the AirPrice response is similar to that of the Search response, although only the requested itinerary to price is returned instead of multiple options, with the exception for NDC noted next. The wrapper object includes an Identifier for the response, and an OfferID object detailing pricing for the requested itinerary.
OfferID provides information about the itinerary in the Product, Price, and TermsAndConditions objects.
Product lists the flight/s that make up one leg of the itinerary, representing a unique origin and destination (O&D) pair. So a one-way itinerary has one instance of Product, while a round-trip itinerary has two instances. For round-trip and multi-city itineraries, Product includes a sequence identifier in FlightSegment/sequence to indicate its order in the itinerary.
Each instance of Product returns flight details in these objects:
- FlightSegment: Each FlightSegment provides details for the flight or flights for that leg of the itinerary.
- PassengerFlight: For each PTC requested, PassengerFlight provides the number of passengers in that PTC, and a FlightProduct object that returns the classOfService, cabin, fareBasisCode, and fareType if applicable.
- For a branded fare, the fare name and identifier are returned here in FlightProduct/Brand. If brand details were requested, brand details are consolidated in ReferenceList/ReferenceListBrand, and FlightProduct/Brand instead returns an internal identifier that matches to that reference information.
Price lists the total taxes, fees, and price for the itinerary, plus a price breakdown for each PTC of the base fare, taxes, and fees for that PTC.
TermsAndConditions returns any terms and conditions provided by the carrier. This can include such information as validating carrier, last date and time to ticket the offer, and any baggage allowance information.
The following diagram represents the AirPrice response at a high level and does not show all objects.