Seat Map API Reference



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Related Content: Seats Guide, Seat Book API Reference

The Seat Map request returns seat availability for both free and paid seats.

You can request seat availability at several places in the JSON APIs workflow. The Seat Map request uses the same endpoint but a different message payload depending on when it is sent. See the workflow options in the Seats Guide.

All Seat Map requests allow you to request seat maps for any of the following:

  • all flights within an offer (all flights on the itinerary)
  • all flights within a product (all flights on one leg of an itinerary)
  • one or more individual flights

To book a seat, you must send a Seat Book request as part of a workbench session.

Ancillaries 24.11.32 & 33 and later. For an existing multi-offer booking only, you can book ancillaries and/or seats by sending one book request for each offer. For ancillaries, the workflow is Initiate Workbench > Ancillary Shop > Ancillary Book for offer 1 > Ancillary Book for offer 2 > Commit Workbench. For seats, the workflow is Initiate Workbench > Seat Maps > Seat Book for offer 1 > Seat Book for offer 2 > Commit Workbench. The book requests can be sent in any order: first and second offer or second and first offer. Not supported in the initial booking workflow. GDS only; multi- offers not supported for NDC.
For differences in support between GDS and NDC in the JSON APIs, see the support tables for seats, ancillaries, fare rules, and exchanges. Also see the NDC Carrier-Specific Notes and the NDC and GDS Functionality Comparison Chart.
For carrier-specific NDC differences, see NDC capabilities by airline through JSON API in the Travelport Knowledge Base. If you need login assistance, see Knowledge Base NDC Resources.


Query Parameters


Request Body – Seat Map after Search request

Seats 23.11.15 and later only. GDS only; not supported for NDC.

When sent after a Search request and prior to pricing or initiating a workbench session, the Seat Map request sends identifiers from the Search response. You can request seat maps for a flight, product, or segment returned in any Search, Next Leg Search, or Flight Specific Search response.

Request Body – Seat Map during workbench session

When sent during a workbench session, the Seat Map request sends identifiers from the Search response.

Request Body – Seat Map after AirPrice request

When sent after an AirPrice request and prior to initiating a workbench session, the Seat Map request sends identifiers from the AirPrice response.


The seat map response is the same for all Seat Map requests, regardless of where sent in the workflow.

Example Request

For additional examples and scenarios, download the developer toolkits and see Using Postman and Developer Toolkits.

Example Request after Search, no workbench

You can request seat maps after any Search, Next Leg Search, or Flight Specific Search response without establishing a workbench. You can request seat maps for the entire itinerary (the offer), all flights on one leg (the product), or a single flight (the segment). The following example requests seat maps for all flights on product p0, which is one leg of the itinerary.

Example Request after AirPrice, no workbench

A seat map request following an AirPrice request also supports requesting seat maps for all flights either in the offer, the product, or segment. The following example requests a seat map for only segment 1 in product p0.

Example Request in workbench

When sent during either an initial or post-commit workbench session, the Seat Map request can return seat maps for either all flights in the offer, the product (one leg), or by segment (one flight) for both GDS and NDC.

The following example sends only the offer identifier. This returns seat maps for all flights in the itinerary.

The following example requests a seat map for two products. This returns seat maps for all flights on those products. In the JSON APIs, a product is one leg of an itinerary.

The following example requests a seat map for the first segment in the requested product on an NDC itinerary. This returns seat maps for the first flight on the leg specified by that product ID.

Example Response

For additional examples and scenarios, download the developer toolkits and see Using Postman and Developer Toolkits.

The seat map response is the same regardless of whether the request was sent after Search, after AirPrice, or in a workbench session.

The following complete example of a GDS seat map response returns the seat map for a single flight, which offers only free seats, indicated by the single instance of CatalogOffering with a Price/TotalPrice value of 0.

The following seat map response for NDC returns both free seats (price of 0) and paid seats (price of 60), each in a separate instance of CatalogOffering.