Refund Quote API Reference



For {workbenchID} send the workbench identifier returned in ReservationResponse/Identifer/value in the workbench create response.

Base path:



Related Content: Exchange, Refund, and Void Guide

NDC only; not supported for GDS.

Use the Refund Quote API to determine what if any refund value may be available on a ticket. Establish a workbench session and send Refund Quote as detailed here. To cancel the ticket, next send Order Cancel to cancel the ticket and issue any refund.

For supporting NDC carriers only, you can cancel only specified segments in Refund Quote instead of the entire itinerary. In this case, the ticket value is retained at Order Cancel.

Refund Quote is mandatory when canceling a ticket outside the void period and there is any difference between a refund due and the purchase price. If Refund Quote is not sent, and a refund is not available for the exact amount of the purchase price, Order Cancel returns the error message OFFER CANNOT BE CANCELED WHEN REFUND AMOUNT DOES NOT EQUAL OFFER PRICE. PERFORM A REFUND QUOTE AND TRY AGAIN.
For differences in how the JSON APIs support GDS and NDC content, see the support tables for seats, ancillaries, fare rules, and exchanges. Also see the NDC and GDS Functionality Comparison.
For carrier-specific NDC differences, see NDC capabilities by airline through JSON API in the Travelport Knowledge Base. If you need login assistance, see Knowledge Base NDC Resources.


Query Parameters


Request Body

Send the message payload per below.



Example Request

The following example sends an offer identifier. All segments on the itinerary will be canceled in a subsequent Order Cancel request.

Example Response

For additional examples and scenarios, download the developer toolkits and see Using Postman and Developer Toolkits.

In the response, ModifyPrice/TotalPrice returns the amount of any refund available. A positive number indicates the amount of the refund if the ticket is canceled with a subsequent Order Cancel request. A negative value indicates the amount of the ticket value that would be forfeited if the ticket is canceled.