Cancel Payment API Reference



For {workbenchID} send the workbench identifier returned in ReservationResponse/Identifer/value in the workbench create response.

For {paymentID} send the identifier in Payment/id returned in the workbench create response.

Base path:



Related Content: Exchange, Refund, and Void Guide

NDC only; not supported for GDS. Supported only for Qantas (QF).

For NDC on Qantas only, within the void period, you can use the Cancel Payment API to cancel the payment on a ticket. This refunds the payment, cancels the ticket but retains the itinerary, and creates a held booking for later fulfillment. For example, you might want to use this workflow to use a different payment method than was sent in ticketing.

You must establish a workbench session before sending the Cancel Payment request detailed here. After sending Cancel Payment, you must commit the workbench to implement the change.

For differences in how the JSON APIs support GDS and NDC content, see the support tables for seats, ancillaries, fare rules, and exchanges. Also see the NDC and GDS Functionality Comparison.
For carrier-specific NDC differences, see NDC capabilities by airline through JSON API in the Travelport Knowledge Base. If you need login assistance, see Knowledge Base NDC Resources.


Query Parameters


Request Body

After creating a post-commit workbench, send a POST request to the endpoint above. There is no message payload.

Example Request

No message payload.

Example Response

For a successful cancel payment request, Cancel Payment returns an empty PaymentResponse object per below. After successfully canceling the payment, commit the workbench to implement the change. Because no payment is present in the workbench, the ticket is voided but the segments are retained.

If the ticket is outside the void period, Cancel Payment returns the following error message without canceling the payment or changing the ticket in any way. In this case you cannot void the ticket. See the Exchange, Refund, and Void Guide for other available options, depending on fare rules.