
Searching for Hotel Availability

You can use the Hotel Availability Search screen or terminal formats to request available hotel properties.

The Hotel Availability Search applies to search requests for both:

Displaying the Hotel Availability Search Screen

There are several ways to open a Hotel Availability Search screen:

  • Classic Windows. From the SEARCH menu, select Hotel Availability Search.

  • Flex Windows. Click the Search icon to select Hotel Availability Search.

  • Use the Calendar.

  • Hover over the line number of a booked Air Segment in a PNR/Booking File and select Hotel Search. You can use this option to insert a hotel segment in the desired order in the PNR/Booking File.

Searching for Hotel Availability

The Hotel Availability Search screen displays. Some fields in the screen may be pre-populated if:

Note: This example shows a Search screen in Flex Windows. Classic Windows has a different layout, but displays the same fields.

In Flex Windows, the Search screen is displayed as a side panel in the Travelport Smartpoint screen. You can choose to pin the side panel so that you can simultaneously view the PNR window.

Reservation Details

  1. In Check-In Date, enter a date or click the Calendar icon to select the arrival date at the hotel property.

  2. In Check-Out Date, enter a date or click the Calendar icon to select the departure date from the hotel property.

    Tip! In Smartpoint 9.1 and later, agents can search and book on the previous two days, if an earlier date is valid in the time zone of the itinerary city or location.
  3. Optional. In Rooms, enter or click the arrow to select a maximum of nine guests per room. If you do not select the number of rooms, Smartpoint defaults to one room.

  4. Optional. In Adults, enter or click the arrow to select the number of adult travelers for the hotel stay. If you do not select the number of adult travelers, Smartpoint defaults to one adult.

  5. Optional. In Children, click the arrow to select the number of child travelers for the hotel stay. For each child, include the age of the child. There must be at least one adult traveler for a hotel stay that includes children.

Search By

  1. Select a search location.

Additional Qualifiers

Tip! In Flex Windows, you can click the Expand and Collapse arrow qualifier headings. Or, click Expand All or Collapse All.
  1. Optional. In Suppliers & Loyalty, add preferred suppliers (hotel chain or property) and frequent guest number.

  2. Optional. In Rates, add negotiated rate code and rate category information.

  3. Optional. In Amenities, select a maximum of eight hotel amenities.

    Tip! Smartpoint 9.1 and later displays the Stay Safe amenity, which requests hotel properties that are participating in the Stay Safe initiative for COVID-19. These properties have agreed to safety guidelines and best practices in accordance with WHO, CDC, and AHLA.

  4. Optional. In Ratings & Currency, enter property ratings and a preferred currency.

  5. Optional. In Property Details, search for a hotel by property name or select a property type.

  6. Click SEARCH.

Tip! Any search qualifiers that you enter, such as dates and locations, are used throughout the search. At any time, you can click Reset in a section to clear your search qualifiers and return to the default settings for that section. You can also click RESET ALL at the bottom of the panel to clear all search entries.


Request and Response: Standard Hotel Availability

In the following example, availability is requested for hotel properties:

  • With a stay between 02 May 2017 and 06 May 2017.
  • Within a 10-kilometer radius of the Paper Museum reference point in Tokyo.
    Note: If a distance is not specified in the request, the response displays hotels in distance buckets from the center of the requested location.
  • With rates for one hotel room with two adult guests and two child guests, aged 7 and 9.
  • With air conditioning and a concierge.
  • With a AAA rating between 3 and 5 stars.
  • With an availability response returned in Swiss Francs (CHF).
    Note: The Availability response is returned in the requested currency: Swiss Francs (CHF). However, the hotel will be booked in the currency used by the property (typically the local currency).

Click Search to display the response screen for a standard Hotel Availability. See Hotel Availability Display for a more detailed description.