Hotel Retail

As of Travelport Smartpoint 9.1, Hotel Retail is activated for all agencies and enabled for all agents, by default.


Hotel Retail

Shopping and Booking with Hotel Retail

Hotel Retail integrates into your hotel booking workflow to provide all relevant hotel information in one place. With Hotel Retail, you can:

  • Quickly target the hotels and rates you want to sell.
  • Use both a terminal window and a point-and-click interface.
  • Use existing data from the PNR/Booking File to increase the speed of booking.



Downloading Hotel Retail

(Smartpoint 8.0.2 and earlier)

Access to Hotel Retail varies depending on your version of Travelport Smartpoint:

Installing Hotel Retail

(Smartpoint 8.0.2 and earlier)

Installing Hotel Retail varies depending on your version of Travelport Smartpoint:

Activating Hotel Retail

For some versions of Smartpoint, Hotel Retail must be activated by an administrator in Travelport Marketplace to be available for an agency or individual agent.

In Smartpoint 8.1 and later, if Hotel Retail is activated, a Hotel Retail icon is displayed:

  • Classic Windows
  • Flex Windows

Enabling and Disabling Hotel Retail

Activation makes Hotel Retail available to an agency or individual agent. After Hotel Retail is activated, agents have the option to enable or disable Hotel Retail for either a single command or an entire session.

Hotel Retail is automatically enabled after it is installed. If Hotel Retail is disabled, hotel searches return a standard Hotel Availability response in Standard Hotel Shopping and Booking.

Using Hotel Retail

Using Hotel Retail to search for properties, select hotel rooms and rates, and book hotel reservations.

Working with Hotel Retail Window

Hotel Retail is not displayed in a modal window, which means that you can move navigate Hotel Retail and Smartpoint/Galileo Desktop, as well as change the window display and size.

Hotel Retail Demonstration

An overview demonstration of Hotel Retail.

Troubleshooting Hotel Retail


Explanations of error messages and installation issues.