Hotel Retail

As of Travelport Smartpoint 9.1, Hotel Retail is activated for all agencies and enabled for all agents, by default.


Hotel Retail

Downloading Hotel Retail (Smartpoint 8.0.2 and Earlier)

For Smartpoint 8.0.2 and earlier, Hotel Retail is downloaded as standalone plug-in that can be ordered by agency administrators from Travelport Marketplace.

In Smartpoint 8.1 and later, Hotel Retail is included in the main Smartpoint installation, and a separate download and installation is not needed.

To download Hotel Retail for Smartpoint 8.0.2 or earlier:

You can download Hotel Retail in several ways:

  • If you are an Agency Administrator, you can order and download Hotel Retail:
  • Directly from Travelport Marketplace.
  • Using the Marketplace icon in Travelport Smartpoint, if your agency has integrated Travelport Marketplace with Travelport Smartpoint.
  • If you are an agent, and your Agency Administrator has ordered Hotel Retail, you can download either:
  • From the My Solutions page in Travelport Marketplace.
  • Using the Marketplace icon in Travelport Smartpoint, if your agency has integrated Travelport Marketplace with Travelport Smartpoint.

Next Step

After Hotel Retail is ordered and downloaded, you are ready to install.