Getting Started

You should review and understand the following information to successfully get started with Universal API:



Provides an overview of the architecture, standards, and protocols for Universal API.

High-Level Workflows

Provides an overview of high-level workflows for:

Getting Connected

Includes step-by-step topics to help you get connected to Universal API:

Sending Requests

Explains how to send requests and provides:

Testing Best Practices

A Best Practices guide that provides suggestions for successfully testing your requests, responses, and application using our Pre-Production data.

Signing Up for Notifications

Provides instructions to sign up for Developer Advisories to ensure you are notified of Universal API enhancements and outages.


Provides samples to help you work with Universal API.

  • Sample XML transactions are provided for various Universal API functions.
  • The Universal API Demo Site allows you to see and work with an application that is built over Universal API.
  • C# proxy classes are provided to show how to consume the Universal API WSDL in C# code. Download the zip file.
  • A github repository provides sample application code in several languages, and instructions for step-by-step tutorials that help you connect to Universal API.