Selling Flights from Air Availability

Network (GDS) Carriers

The following steps show the minimum tasks required to search for and sell flights from Air Availability.

Note that Network Carriers typically require a PNR/Booking File to be end transacted before paid seats and ancillary services can be added.

Detailed Steps

The following steps show the minimum tasks required to search for search for and sell flights from Air Availability.

To book flights on Network Carriers:
  1. Click the Edit icon and select Create/Edit Customer Information to create minimum Customer Information. Be sure to include loyalty memberships, which may affect fares and ancillary service prices.

  2. Create an Air Availability search.

  3. If available, view seat maps. For some carriers, view-only seat maps may be available before booking.

  4. From the list of available flights, book your flights. As you select flights, the PNR/Booking File view displays the flight legs.

    • A pound/hash sign # indicates the segment is a Direct Payment Carrier. All segments without a pound/hash sign are Network Carriers.

    • Book flights for unbranded or branded fares. Branded fares are indicated by a Branded Fares icon. Note that prices for branded fares are estimated only until they are priced in the following step.

  5. Request an initial fare quote to price the booked segments. See More Information for links to additional modifiers.

    • Travelport+ (1G): Enter FQ to price an itinerary as booked. In Travelport+, the fare is stored when it is quoted.

    • Apollo (1V): Enter $B to price an itinerary as booked. In Apollo,

    The fare quote is displayed. This initial Fare Quote is for a branded fare for two passengers.

  6. Optional. Click Display Rules in the fare quote to view the Fare Rules and Price Details for your selected segments. Direct Payment Carriers only return Long Fare rules. These rules frequently contain a link to the carrier's web site for full rule details.

  7. Enter a Received By indicator.

    • Travelport+ (1G): Enter R.followed by the name or code for the initiator of the itinerary. For example: R.PSGR.

    • Apollo (1V): Enter R: followed by the name or code for the initiator of the itinerary. For example: R:PSGR.

    Tip! You can set an automatic Received By indicator in the Application Settings.
  8. Enter ER to end transact and redisplay the itinerary. A PNR/Booking File is created.

  9. Optional. Click the class of service to view seat maps and select seat assignments.

  10. Optional. Click the Shopping Cart icon Shop in PNR Viewer to add ancillary services (optional services). Available ancillaries vary by carrier and flight.

  11. If you added ancillaries or paid seat assignments in Steps 7 and 8, enter request another fare quote to include these costs in the fare totals and breakdowns.

    • Travelport+ (1G): Enter FQ.

    • Apollo (1V): Enter $B.

  12. Enter ER to end transact and redisplay the itinerary, or enter ET to end transact and close the itinerary.

    The following example shows a PNR/Booking File created for a KLM itinerary.

Next Steps

After end transacting the booking, you can: