Flight Sell

Booking Flights from Availability

Selling flights from availability varies depending on whether the fare is branded or not branded:

To book an unbranded fare:

Click the class of service (booking code) and number of seats available to sell in each class. The color of the classes of service indicate the level of availability:

  • Green: Class available. Click on a green booking code to sell the segment.
  • Grey: Closed or zero seats available.
  • Orange: Waitlist.
To book branded fares:

Click the Branded Fares icon to see the Branded Fares options available for each class of service (booking code).

See Selling Flights from Branded Fares for details.

Tip! Sponsored Flights only. If you click the class of service for a flight with branded fares, the Branded Fares screen is automatically displayed. For Sponsored Flights, you can skip the step of selecting <<B>>.