What's New

Refer to NDC airline capabilities for how to access information about each the NDC capabilities that each airline supports.

Release 4.13: 26 September 2024

  • Agent can use waiver codes in a search following an involuntary change (OCN) for QF and AA bookings. The involuntary waiver code field has moved from the review and confirm panel into the Air Modify panel below the membership number.

    • For American Airlines, when a waiver code is entered in the Air Modify panel, the search results have the waiver code applied.

    • For Qantas, the waiver code is also entered in the Air Modify panel but the search result prices do not reflect the waiver code. Instead, the waiver code is applied at the review and confirm page at this time.

  • Once flights are selected, the Fare Details section in the Review and confirm panel now displays both city names and airport codes, which is useful for cities having more than one airport.

  • In the Flight search panel, the cabin class modifier has moved from the bottom of the panel to below the Airline field

Release 4.12: 29 August 2024

  • Add priority boarding to an Iberia NDC offer prior to booking. When priority boarding is added, you must ticket (not available for book and hold). Important: Traveler details must be added using a terminal entry (N.) before searching for a flight in order to add priority boarding during booking

  • Credit card security code is mandatory for Air France (AF), KLM (KL), and British Airways (BA) in graphical bookings. When the security code is not entered for those airlines that require it, you are prompted to enter it before ticketing.

  • In the graphical booking file: 

    • When an NDC booking includes commission, the commission displays at the bottom of the Booking Information display.

    • For NDC bookings, select the ticket number link to display ticket details.

    • When creating a notepad remark, you can also enter qualifiers defined by your agency.

    • The customer ID number displays in the booking information details.

    • India Good and Services Tax (GST) SSRs (GSTN, GSTA, GSTP, GSTE) can be added and displayed in the graphical booking file.

  • Class of service and fare basis displays when viewing brand details for NDC bookings.

  • Agents can modify a SAS Scandinavian Airlines (SK) booking after travel commencement.

  • For SAS Scandinavian Airlines (SK), avianca Airlines (AV), and Qatar Airways (QR) bookings, agents can manually reprice the offer to extend the fare guarantee period and keep the reserved inventory. The offer price may have changed from the original booking; therefore, the agent will need to accept any changes.

  • NDC ancillaries

    • For British Airways (BA), bags can be added before end transact.

    • For Iberia (IB) NDC itineraries, bags and seats can be added before and after end transact.

    • Bags can be added for Qantas (QF) NDC itineraries before and after end transact.

Release 4.11: 01 August 2024

  • NDC modify enhancements

    • Agents can now modify the Corporate ID and Membership number when modifying an itinerary.

    • An error displays when the fare rules do not allow the modification.

    • Agents can now modify EK and UA NDC itineraries after travel commencement

  • For British Airways (BA) NDC itineraries, bags can be added pre-ET.

  • Unassociated remarks can be edited and inserted from the Booking information section of the graphical booking file.

  • The DV button retrieves a child or parent booking file from the interactive booking file in the terminal display

Malaysia Airlines (MH) NDC: 25 July 2024

Malaysia Airlines NDC content is now available through Travelport+ (1G) in limited markets as outlined in NDC content by country. Features and known issues are detailed in the NDC MH article.

avianca (AV) NDC: 15 July 2024

avianca NDC content is available through Travelport+ in additional markets as outlined in NDC content by country. As a result, the following avianca subsidiaries are included: avianca Ecuador (2K), avianca Costa Rica (LR), avianca El Salvador and avianca Guatemala (TA).

Release 4.10: 11 July 2024

  • NDC

    • Bags can be added to a BA itinerary post booking.

    • Agents can now modify a BA or IB booking after travel commencement.

    • Banked funds (unused ticket) can now be used as FOP for an AA or UA held reservation.

    • For SQ bookings, if an offer expires, the agent will need to reprice the offer in order to keep the reserved inventory. The offer price may have changed from the original booking; therefore, the agent will need to accept any changes. At this time, reprice is only available on SQ bookings on or after August 1. Other carriers to follow subsequently.

  • Flight search calendar is restricted to 362 days from the current date.

  • You can specify the ages of the passengers by selecting the Add passenger age link in the Flight search panel. Some countries exempt passengers of a certain age from paying taxes.

  • Review and confirm page displays the offer time limit for NDC offers and the ticket time limit. NDC offers are only available for a certain amount of time. If the booking is not completed (hold or ticket) in that time, the offer is no longer valid and will fail to book.

  • For NDC searches, when private fares are returned, the type of private fare (agency private or airline private) displays in the fare type row (when a flight option is selected) and the comparison matrix.

  • You can now book bags for flights with connecting segments. Bags are available for NDC flights, both before booking and after booking, and for GDS flights after booking.

LHG NDC: 04 July 2024

Lufthansa Group NDC content is now available through Travelport+ in LHG home markets (Belgium, Germany, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland) as outlined in NDC content by country.

Emirates (EK) NDC: 25 June 2024

Emirates NDC content is now available through Travelport+ (1G) in limited markets as outlined in NDC content by country. Features and known issues are detailed in the NDC EK article.

SAS Scandinavian Air (SK) NDC: 13 June 2024

SAS NDC content is now available through Travelport+ (1G) in limited markets as outlined in NDC content by country. Features and known issues are detailed in the NDC SK article.

Release 4.9: 06 June 2024


  • When a route includes a technical stop with the same flight number, the stop city displays in flight search results.

  • Airlines can be excluded from results using a new flight search modifier.


  • Ability to retry payment of ancillaries through Smartpoint Cloud, if ancillaries remained on hold.

  • Agents are able to book seats and bags in the same request, where both ancillaries are supported by the NDC airline.

  • Agent can now book and pay for bags on LHG ticketed bookings. Note: Bags cannot be booked on Air Dolomiti.

Air Dolomiti NDC content

Air Dolomiti (EN) NDC content is now available as part of the Lufthansa Group. See the NDC LHG knowledge article for additional information.

Release 4.8: 09 May 2024

NDC carrier updates include:

  • Modify after travel commencement supported by Lufthansa (LH) and Qatar (QR)

  • Agency with Spanish PCCs can now book Spanish residency fares on Iberia (IB)

  • British Airways (BA) private fares are now available to search


  • Agents can add bags to NDC bookings Pre-ET and Post-ET for Singapore Airlines (SQ) and Air France/KLM (AF/KL)

  • Agents can add seats to NDC bookings Pre-ET and Post-ET for Singapore Airlines (SQ) and British Airways (BA)

  • Agents can add free seats to NDC bookings Post-ET for avianca (AV)

Updates that apply to all NDC carriers include:

  • An NDC label displays beneath the price options in flight search results so you can easily distinguish between traditional and NDC options

  • Airport and city destinations more easily identified in flight search.

  • Review and Confirm screen has been rearranged to streamline the booking process.

avianca seats: 25 April 2024

avianca now support free seats post booking for both held and ticketed booking via the seat map.

Release 4.7: 11 April 2024

  • NDC carrier updates include:

    • avianca NDC content is now available in limited markets. For more information about avianca NDC, refer to the knowledge base article.

    • Seats for Lufthansa Group NDC bookings can be added after book and hold or after book and ticket.

    • Seats for Air France and KLM NDC bookings can be added before booking (either book and hold or book and ticket).

    • Air France, KLM, and Singapore Airlines NDC bookings can be modified after travel has commenced.

    • Sub-agents can modify American Airline NDC ticketed bookings and put on hold.

  • Updates that apply to all NDC carriers include:

    • When major schedule changes are made by the airline for NDC flights, agents have the option to accept and reissue tickets or decline, which allows the agent to modify the flights and use a waiver code.

    • Airlines may offer a price guarantee until a future date for special events, which may be beyond the usual void period (midnight the current day). In these special instances, TST expiry date and payment time limit information is provided. When an agent retrieves the booking and selects Issue ticket, an option for Reprice fare displays if the price has changed between booking and retrieval. When Reprice fare is selected, a popup displays with the new price and the option to accept and issue tickets or accept but not issue tickets

    • When an unused ticket is used as a secondary form of payment (when the traveler has to pay an additional amount), the confirmation screen shows both forms of payment. An unused ticket cannot be used as form of payment for booking with multiple passengers.

    • When modifying a booked NDC offer, you can select a fare type modifier and enter private fare codes that may be different than the modifiers in the original booking.

Lufthansa Group (LHG) NDC markets: 9 April 2024

Lufthansa Group NDC content is available through Travelport+ in additional markets (Americas and EMEA) as outlined in NDC content by country. The following Lufthansa Group carriers are included: Austrian Airlines, Brussels Airlines, Lufthansa, and Swiss.

Qatar (QR) NDC markets: 19 March 2024

Qatar NDC content is available through Travelport+ in additional markets as outlined in NDC content by country.

Release 4.6: 14 March 2024

  • Preview seat map in flight search to view available seats.

  • Notepad remarks can be deleted through the graphical booking file.
  • When issuing tickets, you can add or edit ticketing details, which includes commission, endorsements, IT/BT type or tour codes

Iberia (IB) NDC: 12 March 2024

Iberia NDC content is now available through Travelport+ (1G) in additional markets as outlined in NDC content by country. Features and known issues are detailed in the NDC IB article.

Additional NDC markets: 05 March 2024

AF/KL, BA, and LHG NDC content is now available through Travelport+ in additional markets as outlined in NDC content by country.

Qatar (QR) NDC: 21 February 2024

Qatar NDC content is now available through Travelport+ (1G) in limited markets as outlined in NDC content by country. Features and known issues are detailed in the NDC QR article.

Release 4.5: 15 February 2024

  • Paid and free seats can be added to AF/KL and LHG NDC bookings.

  • Agent can reissue tickets or modify and use waivers for involuntary changes made by Qantas.

Iberia (IB) NDC: 23 January 2024

Iberia NDC content is now available through Travelport+ (1G) in Portugal as outlined in NDC content by country. Features and known issues are detailed in the NDC IB article.

Release 4.4: 18 January 2024

  • A Price details and Fare rules link is available on the confirmation page. Select the link to view a price breakdown for each passenger type.

  • Tickets can be voided from the options () icon in the Tickets card of the graphical booking file.

  • Notepad and unassociated remarks can be added in the graphical booking file. Remarks can only be updated or deleted in the terminal.

  • When searching for flights, if the fare type includes Private Fares, you can select a private fare qualifier, which will request private fares for the selected PTC, irrespective of the PTC selected for the travelers.

British Airways (BA) NDC: 11 January 2024

BA NDC content is now available through Travelport+ in additional markets as outlined in NDC content by country.

Singapore Airlines (SQ) NDC: January 2024

For Singapore Airlines NDC bookings only, some Order Change Notifications (OCNs) are placed on specific queues and also generate DI line messages.

Lufthansa Group (LHG) NDC: 9 January 2024

LHG NDC content is now available through Travelport+ in additional markets as outlined in NDC content by country. The following Lufthansa Group carriers are included: Austrian Airlines, Brussels Airlines, Lufthansa, and Swiss. Features and known issues are detailed in the NDC LHG article.

Release 4.3: December 14, 2023

No changes affect functionality.

Release 4.2: November 30, 2023

  • Singapore Airlines (SQ) now supports the division of an NDC booking for passengers permitted to travel alone.

  • When modifying an NDC booking,

    • cabin preference can be specified when searching for alternate flights.

    • a spinner displays indicating the change booking process is underway.

Release 4.1: November 9, 2023

  • Modify is available from free to paid, paid to paid, and paid to free seats for held and ticketed bookings through the GUI seat map for NDC carriers UA, AA, and QF on Travelport+ only.

Release 4.0: October 31, 2023

  • The graphical booking file has been redesigned to provide easier access to information and actions.

    • For each traveler, you can view name, gender, date of birth, membership number, and security documents. Some of this information can also be edited.

    • More information is provided for each reservation, as well as associated and unassociated remarks.

    • Booking information (such as ticketing arrangement, email and delivery addresses, corporate ID numbers, and phone numbers) is easier to access.

    • You can view DI remarks and notepad remarks from the Document invoicing section.

    • When seats are added or modified after booking, the "due price" displays the seats section.

  • Expanded fare details are available in the booking file, offer details, and review and confirm screen.

  • Beginning November 3, 2023, Travelport+ NDC agencies can be configured to have NDC orders include a filed fare along with airline ticket number. NDC tickets for original book and modify/exchanges are also updated in the agency's Ticket and Invoicing number system (TINS). These updates occur in conjunction with the DI line updates.

    A new NDC identifier was also introduced in the filed fare, MIR, and agency TINS to distinguish NDC order from traditional.