Ticketing Restrictions
Agencies can restrict ticketing abilities for users by modifying the sign on table display (STD) settings. STD settings apply to both NDC and traditional content in the graphical flow.
The STD table lists restrictions that can be applied to a user. Therefore, a value of Y indicates that a restriction is turned on. The following STD fields affect Flight Search. Refer to How values affect users for detailed information about how each field affects the user's Flight Search graphical display.
NOTK – If set to Y (no ticket), the user cannot produce ticketing documents. This field restricts ticketing (including void, revalidation, exchange, and refund), EMDs, MCOs, service fees, TASF, invoicing, and MIRs. If set to N, user can produce ticketing documents.
TKMC – If set to Y, the user cannot issue tickets.
SRBFC – If set to Y, the user cannot create booking files.
SRBFM – If set to Y, the user cannot modify or cancel bookings.
Paid ancillaries cannot be added to the booking if the agent has no permission for Ticketing.
Free ancillaries can be added to the booking if the agent can edit.
Modify STD settings for a user
Important: Only secondary authorizers have permission to change user access.
In a terminal window, enter: STD/xxx/**
Where xxx is the ID of the user for which you want to restrict access.
The user's current access permissions display. From this page, you can modify the NOTK and TKMC fields.
The first field for each product code indicates if the user is allowed to give access to another user. This field is applicable for secondary authorizers only.
The second field indicates if the user is restricted from that product.
Tab to the second value in each field to change the user's permissions. A value of Y restricts access to the product, and a value of N indicates that the product is not restricted.
For more information about this page, refer to the knowledge base article for the third screen of the Travelport+ sign on profile.
When you have made the necessary changes, place the cursor at the bottom left corner of the screen between the tab stop and the SOM > and press Enter to save your changes.
To modify the ability to create, modify, and cancel booking files, enter: STD/xxx/*4
Where xxx is the ID of the user for which you want to restrict access.
From this page, you can modify the SRBFC and SRBFM fields.
For more information about this page, refer to the knowledge base article for the fourth screen of the Travelport+ sign on profile.
When you have made the necessary changes, place the cursor at the bottom left corner of the screen between the tab stop and the SOM > and press Enter to save your changes.
For information about the other fields in the STD, refer to Travelport's knowledge article Display and change/modify special product access.
How values affect the user
When users do not have certain permissions, the associated buttons or options are either disabled or hidden in Flight Search. For example, if ticketing is restricted, the Ticket button is hidden.
Restrict only ticketing
Restrict booking file create and ticketing
Restrict booking file edit
Restrict all
Only ticketing restricted
NOTK = Y Restrict ticket documents |
SRBFC = N Allow booking file create |
TKMC = Y Restrict ticketing |
SRBFM = N Allow booking file modify |
With these STD settings, the user can:
Create a held booking
Voluntary change: Change time and day, number of stops, cabin class, etc., unless there is an already known specific limitation for the carrier.
Manual reprice for all the carriers that support this operation
Add or modify free seats, SSRs, or bags
Add a form of payment
Split/Divide booking
Cancel the booking
With these STD settings, the user cannot:
Book and ticket
Confirm and ticket
Perform a refund
Reissue ticket
Add or modify paid seats, SSRs, or bags
Use of waivers (for those carriers that support them)
With these settings, the Ticket, Issue Ticket, Reissue Ticket, and Book and Pay buttons/options are hidden.
Booking file create and ticketing restricted
NOTK = Y Restrict ticket documents |
SRBFC = Y Restrict booking file create |
TKMC = Y Restrict ticketing |
SRBFM = N Allow booking file modify |
With these STD settings, the user can:
Voluntary change: Change time and day, number of stops, cabin class, etc., unless there is an already known specific limitation for the carrier.
Manual reprice for all the carriers that support this operation
Add or modify free seats, SSRs, or bags
Add a form of payment
Cancel the booking
With these STD settings, the user cannot:
Create a booking, which means they cannot select the final leg of a journey
Book and ticket
Confirm and ticket
Perform a refund
Reissue ticket
Add or modify paid seats, SSRs, or bags
Use of waivers (for those carriers that support them)
Split/Divide a booking
With these settings, the Ticket, Issue Ticket, and Book and Pay buttons/options are hidden.
Booking file edit restricted
NOTK = N Allow ticket documents |
SRBFC = Y Restrict booking file create |
TKMC = N Allow ticketing |
SRBFM = N Allow booking file modify |
With these STD settings, the user can:
Confirm and hold and Confirm and ticket
Perform a refund
Reissue ticket
Use of waivers (for those carriers that support them).
Voluntary change: Change time and day, number of stops, cabin class, etc., unless there is an already known specific limitation for the carrier.
Manual reprice for all the carriers that support this operation
Add or modify free seats, SSRs, or bags
Add a form of payment
Cancel the booking
With these STD settings, the user cannot:
Create a booking, which means they cannot select the final leg of a journey
Split/Divide a booking
All restrictions applied
NOTK = Y Restrict ticket documents |
SRBFC = Y Restrict booking file create |
TKMC = Y Restrict ticketing |
SRBFM = Y Restrict booking file modify |
With these STD settings, the user can:
Retrieve and ignore a booking
With these STD settings, the user cannot:
Create a booking
Confirm and hold and Confirm and ticket
Perform a refund
Reissue ticket
Use of waivers (for those carriers that support them).
Voluntary change: Change time and day, number of stops, cabin class, etc., unless there is an already known specific limitation for the carrier.
Manual reprice for all the carriers that support this operation
Add or modify free seats, SSRs, or bags
Add a form of payment
Cancel the booking
Split/Divide a booking