View a booking

Once you have created a booking (either by selecting Book and hold or Book and ticket), you have the option to display the graphical booking file.

From the graphical booking file, you can view and edit traveler, reservation, booking, and document information. Expand a section to view a summary. Select a summary to view the details in the right panel. Select the expand all () icon to expand all sections.

  • Select the Travelers section to view and edit traveler information, such as PTC, date of birth, membership numbers, and security documentation.

  • Select the Reservations section to display booking details. For air, you can view fare details, ticket information, and flight information; add or modify seats, meals, and special service requests; and reissue and void tickets. For hotel bookings, hotel details display, including confirmation number; number of nights, rooms, and guests; check in and out dates; payment guarantee; and estimated total.

  • Select the Booking information section to access ticketing arrangement information for held bookings, traveler contact, payment information, ID numbers, airline confirmation numbers, and messages for travelers (unassociated remarks).

  • Select the Document invoicing section to view and add and remove invoice remarks (DI lines for NDC bookings) and view, add, or delete notepad remarks. You can also view OSI and review booking file information that has been added in a terminal window.

Subject to carrier support, you may have the following options on the View Booking File display. Expand each section for instructions and more information.