
Where supported by the carrier, agents booking NDC content can access seat maps and select and book free and paid seats for their single or multi-passenger bookings. After searching for flights and selecting an offer, the Seats card displays from the Review and Confirm screen or from the booking file after an NDC offer is booked. This functionality will be released for all other NDC airlines in a subsequent release.


  • For the best user experience, it is recommended for the agents to use the graphical flow to display and book seats or bags.

  • When paid seats are selected, the same form of payment is used for the ticket and the seats.

  • Currently AA only accepts credit/debit card as form of payment for seats. If Cash is used, the ticket will be fulfilled but the seats will remain on hold and canceled upon carrier decision.

  • UA does not allow canceling of free or paid seats. The seat needs to be replaced with another seat. Seat changes are allowed on ticketed bookings only.

  • For BA, when adding a seat to an existing held booking, the agent must first put the seat on hold then issue payment for the air segments and seat.

  • At this time, FQTV needs to be included after the booking is committed with the airline.

  • The booking class in the passive segment is interactive, indicating that the agent can book seats for the flight. However, NDC seats must be added to the NDC order via the NDC graphical interface (if seats are supported by the NDC carrier).

Preview seat map

  1. In flight search results, select Preview available seats to view the seat map for a flight.

  2. If available, the seat map displays. Hover over a seat for an informational window about that seat.

  3. Select Go back at the top of the window to return to the list of flight search results.

Select seats

If you are selecting seats before booking:

From NDC Air Search results, select an offer. The Seats option displays in the middle panel under the Fare Details card.

  1. Search for NDC air.

  2. Select an NDC offer.

  3. In the Review and Confirm panel, expand the Seats option (located under the Fare Details card) then select Add seats.

  4. If the booking file does not contain passenger information or has a passenger mismatch, a form displays to enter the passenger names prior to selecting seats. Complete the fields and select Confirm details. This form cannot be used to add information for infants (passenger type INF/INS).

  5. Continue with seat selection.

If you are selecting seats after Book:

  1. Display the booking file in the graphical interface.

  2. In the middle panel (or left panel if the search is not pinned), expand the Reservations section and select the flight summary. The flight details display in the right panel.

  3. Scroll down and expand the Seats section.

  4. Select Add seats.

  5. Continue with seat selection. You can select both free and paid seats after Book and Hold and after ticketing.

Select seats

  1. Hover over the seat to show seat details. Free and paid seats are indicated by different colors.

  2. Select seats for the first segment.

  3. Select the next flight segment and select seats. The right panel displays the selected seats and the associated price and total.

  4. Select Save.

The select seats display in the Seats card.

If you selected seats prior to booking, you can now Book and Hold or Book and Ticket. If you selected seats after booking, you can choose to Issue Ticket. Refer to Ticketing for more information.


EMDs are issued for paid seats. If you have issued tickets, instantly generated EMDs are indicated by a message in the Seats card. Hover over the i to display EMD numbers.

When an EMD is not generated instantly at ticketing

  • An information banner displays with the message Flight(s) successfully booked and ticketed. Your flight(s) booking will be confirmed by the airline after the EMDs have been created.

  • The message Applicable EMDs are pending displays at the bottom of the seat card.

    Hover over the i to review the message that EMD processing may take up to 10 minutes and to retrieve the booking file for updates.


If an agent attempts to book all segments at once, an error displays: Something went wrong, please try again later or contact the airline.

Seat reservation success

Following a successful seat confirmation, agents can find their seat selections by viewing the DI Lines, viewing the Seats details on the confirmation page, or re-launching the seat map.

Free seats example

For DI Line guidelines, please see the DI Lines - Add free seats section.

13. FREE TEXT #TAS01#DAS/P01/S01/SEAT/23A/0.00
14. FREE TEXT #TAS01#DAS/P02/S01/SEAT/24A/0.00
15. FREE TEXT #TAS01#DAS/P03/S01/SEAT/24B/0.00

Paid seats example

Seat information

0050AFT 44#TAS01»EMD/P2/00145767681393/SEATS/USD/34.38X
0050AFT 44#TAS01»EMD/P1/00145767681404/SEATS/USD/31.63X
0050AFT 44#TAS01»EMD/P2/00145767681415/SEATS/USD/10.16X
0050AFT 44#TAS01»EMD/P3/00145767681426/SEATS/USD/42.91X

EMD information

0036AFT 30#TAS01 #DAS/P2/S2/SEAT/7E/34.38X
0037AFT 31#TAS01#DAS/P1/S1/SEAT/11C/31.63X
0037AFT 31#TAS01#DAS/P2/S1/S EAT/21 A/10.16X
0036AFT 30#TAS01#DAS/P3/S1/SEAT/6A/42.91X

Cancel or modify seat selection

Important: Paid seats can be canceled (if allowed by the airline) using the GUI seat map. However, refunds are not provided for paid seats after ticketing.

Exception: At this time, UA does not allow canceling of free or paid seats. The seat needs to be replaced with another seat. Seat changes are allowed on ticketed bookings only.

Modify is available from free to paid, paid to paid, and paid to free seats through the GUI seat map for NDC held and ticketed bookings for carriers UA, AA, and QF on Travelport+ only.

To cancel or modify seats:

  1. Retrieve the booking file.

  2. Scroll down on the right side of the screen to the Seats section.

  3. In the right panel, select the edit () icon.

  4. Select the segment and traveler for which you want to modify a seat.

  5. Modify the seats: 

    • To cancel a seat, select the X in the Seats summary card or remove the booked seat by selecting it again from the seat map.

    • To change a seat, select a different seat for the selected passenger.

  6. Select Save.

    If the change was successful, a success message displays.