FAQs Smartpoint Cloud

Refer to NDC FAQs for getting started, shopping and booking, seats, servicing, and reporting/MBOs.



Can I access Smartpoint Cloud from anywhere?

Yes, Smartpoint Cloud is accessible from anywhere using a Chrome browser.

Can I make the font larger?

Adjusting the size of objects in Smartpoint Cloud can be done using the built-in zoom feature of the browser. By zooming rather than changing the font size, the font size and type remain at their default values when you print a document or page. You may also press and hold the Ctrl key, then move the mouse wheel up or down to adjust.

Can the terminal window colors be changed?

We do not yet have this ability, but we plan to offer it in the future.

Can I start a booking in Smartpoint Cloud and switch to Smartpoint during a booking?

Yes, during the Early Adopter phase, you will be able to share the same session between Smartpoint Cloud and your current Smartpoint, allowing seamless switching in the same session.

Does Cloud support Service Bureau sign on?


Will my Custom Shortcuts be available if I access Smartpoint Cloud from a different location?

Yes, your Custom Shortcuts are stored with your login credentials and will be available when you login.

Do keyboard shortcuts work? 

Yes, many of the terminal keyboard shortcuts remain the same as in Smartpoint Desktop. Refer to Keyboard shortcuts for a list of default shortcuts.

Some keyboard shortcuts are used for browser actions and are different in Smartpoint Cloud.

Action Smartpoint Cloud Smartpoint Desktop

Clear window



Clear all windows


Ctrl+S (clears screen)

Display GTID



Is there any of Smartpoint Desktop feature that are not compatible with Smartpoint Cloud (such as Smart Buttons)?

This will depend on the feature of Smartpoint Desktop. For example, there are plans to enable Smart Buttons to work in Smartpoint Cloud. On the other hand, if an agency or third party has developed a plugin using the Smartpoint Desktop SDK, this will not be compatible with Smartpoint Cloud. In other cases, a Smartpoint Desktop feature may work differently in Smartpoint Cloud or be replaced by a different workflow.

Can an agent use all aspects of Smartpoint Cloud without ever needing to know/ understand cryptic commands?

As Smartpoint Cloud matures, we will build out more and more graphical capabilities based on priority. Today, agents would need to use a mix of graphical and terminal capabilities to complete standard agency workflows.

Will the group functionalities be the same as existing?

Host/cryptic based group functionalities continue to work as they do today.

I received the message Agency not authorized for this pay type - please contact IATA.

Your agency may not be set up to use the payment type provided. Please choose an alternate payment type.

Can I issue tickets from anywhere with Smartpoint Cloud?

Yes, as you will be using a static GTID for Smartpoint Cloud during the Early Adopter phase, you will be able to assign all your ticket devices and issue tickets using your standard Travelport+ (Galileo) formats.

Can I issue a MIR using Smartpoint Cloud?

Yes, as you will be using a static GTID for Smartpoint Cloud during the Early Adopter phase, you will be able to assign all your MIR devices and issue MIRs as you do today.

Can I book cars and hotels in Smartpoint Cloud?

Yes, all car and hotel cryptic Travelport+ formats will work. You can book hotels through the graphical interface. Currently, interactive or graphical support for cars is not available.

Hotel and car segments cannot be added to an NDC booking at this time. You must create a separate booking file with car or hotel segments.

Where can airline-specific NDC information be found?

NDC airline capabilities provides a high-level list of features supported by each airline, as well as featured planned for a future release.

Detailed airline-specific NDC information is found in the airline's general information knowledge base article. Visit Travelport Support, search for the airline name or code plus NDC (for example, search NDC SQ for information about Singapore Airlines NDC capabilities).

NDC airline-specific information is currently found in the following knowledge base articles:

How often does Smartpoint Cloud plan to release new capabilities?

Smartpoint Cloud currently releases enhancements and defect fixes on a monthly basis.