NDC FAQs: Shopping and booking

These frequently asked questions provide information about:

Refer to the other NDC FAQ topics for information about getting started, seats, servicing, and reporting/MBOS for NDC content.




Will NDC content be available in green screen/cryptic format?

No, booking NDC content is only available on Smartpoint in a graphical environment. The PNR which holds the NDC content can be viewed in both a green screen/cryptic view or a graphical view. However changes can only be made in the graphical view. For example, entering the command ‘XI’ in cryptic green screen workflow will not cancel an NDC segment.

Important: Cancellations and other changes can only be performed in the graphical NDC workflow.

How far in advance can I search for NDC offers?

The timeline for advanced search is controlled by each individual carrier. Travelport will support whatever timeline the carrier supports for advanced searching.

Will I be able to search for more than one NDC airline at a time?

Yes. If no carrier is specified, the system will look for content for all available carriers.

Can I move a profile and have all the relevant traveler information automatically move into the NDC booking flow?

You can apply a profile to a booking file. Currently some of the information in a Smartpoint booking file is moved. The name, telephone numbers, email addresses, and delivery address are populated in the traveler screen. The gender and DOB must be entered.

What is the difference between a CLID/JBID and Loyalty Card?

The key difference between a CLID (Client Identification Number), a JBID (Joint Business ID), and an FFN (Frequent Flyer Number) is that CLID/JBID are programs for businesses, and Frequent Flyer is a program for individuals. CLID and JBID are not associated to a passenger; they are associated to the booking.

Is the NDC offer guaranteed?

The offer is only guaranteed when the order has been created and is ticketed within the airline permitted timelines.

What is the offer time limit and is this returned?

The offer time limit is the time the offer will expire. This time limit is not a price guarantee. Offer time limits vary by carrier. JSON API returns the offer time limit. Smartpoint does not return the offer time limit. Therefore, for Smartpoint, we recommend that you book within 20 minutes of the offer being returned.

Sometimes between shopping and booking, I notice small price differences and a warning banner appears. Is this normal?

The NDC plugin is behaving as expected and designed – to show a warning banner to the user that a price difference has occurred. The user can choose to accept it or re-shop. NDC offers are not guaranteed until booked, as the offers are dynamic and inventory can often change. This is the nature of NDC – the offers are constantly changing.

Can there be a price change between shopping, price, and book?

Yes, there can be a price change, as this is live inventory and also the offers are dynamic. The price is only guaranteed when the order is created. Where there are price differences between shop-price-book, the Travelport helpdesk team will not be investigating these UNLESS there is a common reoccurring issue. Note: There is an effort to build out NDC pricing and booking performance metrics, and when this is ready, Travelport will be able to run more diagnostics and identify pricing discrepancies.

Does NDC support Goods and Services Tax for India?

At this time, Singapore Airlines is the only NDC airline that supports India Goods and Services Tax within NDC.

Important: Goods and Services Tax information must be added to a booking file prior to accessing the NDC search panel.

Lap infants don't cost on international flights but taxes are charged for them. How will these appear in an NDC shop/price/book?

This will be similar to EDIFACT. The airline determines and calculates prices/taxes for all PTCs and returns it back as part of the offer.

How do we see and book new brands (i.e., Main Cabin, Main Select) when an airline releases new brands?

These brands will automatically come back in the shopping offer response if they are available for the itinerary.

Does AA require a billing address when adding a credit card?

No, AA does not require a billing address when adding a credit card payment. If you select the Same as Address on file option, make sure you have added the country code. Anytime you fill in the billing address, the country code must be present. It is a future enhancement to make the country code optional and not mandatory.

How would an open jaw with an ARNK segment work in NDC?

If an itinerary is shopped that results in an ARNK, the passive PNR will reflect it.

Booked orders



How do I retrieve the PNR?

Retrieve using the record locator, as you would with any booking.

Can I make edits to the booked NDC PNR on the carrier's website?

No, any modifications to the PNR must be performed through the Smartpoint Cloud. If you make any amendments to the PNR (for example changing a seat allocation using the carrier's website), this change will not be reflected in the Smartpoint Cloud or the GDS.

How will approvals work for NDC tickets?

You can issue an instant ticket or hold a booking for a time period to ticket at a later date – usually only 24 hours.

Can I book one NDC carrier on the outbound and a different NDC carrier on the inbound in the same PNR?

Not in the same PNR. You can book single NDC airline bookings only. This is on the Travelport+ roadmap (no timeframes yet).

Can I book ATPCO or EDIFACT and NDC flights in the same booking file/PNR?

No. It is however our long-term plan to ensure that this is supported in Travelport+ and will be communicated in due course.

Are the pricing FCI codes different for NDC tickets?

There are specific FCMI codes to identify NDC transactions (3, 4, or 5); however, according to ARC, the airlines are not using these.

Will we receive pricing and exchange debit memos in the NDC channel?

In NDC the airline is responsible for presenting and returning the offer and confirming the order. Therefore, there should be no debit memos.

Can I use QCC on NDC bookings?

Yes, the rules will be applied and treated the same way as they are for airlines in LCC (e.g., EasyJet or Ryan Air). For example, if you have agency robotics that apply PNR remarks or quality control checks, you can use QCC to run these rules on an NDC PNR. Some rules may need amending for the NDC flow.

While processing a NDC ticket, do we receive credit card authorization code from airlines?

There is no facility to support passing credit card authorization codes to the airlines in NDC. When paying by credit card, the carrier acts as merchant of record and will authorize the credit card when it is passed to them. They will decline, if necessary, without issuing the ticket.

Which forms of payment are accepted for NDC bookings?

The accepted forms of payment are controlled by the airline.

Our current participating NDC airlines accept credit cards, debit cards, and cash for BSP and ARC payments. The type of credit card accepted will vary by carrier and will be displayed in the Form of Payment tab of the plugin. Cash payments are allowed for agencies set up for BSP and ARC WebLink Pay with carriers. Transaction details will appear on your BSP and ARC monthly report.

I received the following message Agency not authorized for this pay type - please contact IATA. What does this mean?

Your agency may not be set up to use the payment type provided. Please choose an alternate payment type.

Can we create interline bookings in the NDC?

NDC facilitates interline bookings and provides the capability to modify them for select carriers.

Commission/Bonus agreements - are we eligible to claim commission on NDC tickets if on ARC report? Can commission be updated post ticketing and/or modify TD and Tour code?

Yes, if commission is present with the agency and the offer is eligible, it will be returned at Price and Book (Smartpoint will return commission, JSON – in the commission object). Commission can also be claimed and added manually via the ARC portal (pre-ticket only).

How will I be advised of a schedule change?

The schedule change will fall into the agent's Q11 as it does today in Smartpoint for ATPCO bookings. There is no specific queue for NDC.

Passive segments



Who creates the PNR?

A passive PNR with a status code of ZK is automatically created with a record locator reference when the live order is created in the airline's own reservation system.

How will booking data appear in the passive PNR? Will the pricing information be stored in the PNR?

Bookings created will show the flight data as a passive segment and status code ZK. The fare and tax breakdown, flight details, payment, etc. are stored in the Remarks lines of the PNR. Refer to the DI Lines for detailed examples.