NDC for Apollo and Worldspan

NDC content is available to Apollo (1V) and Worldspan (1P) customers through the Flight Search via Smartpoint. At this time, only American Airlines and United Airlines NDC content is available. Many Apollo and Worldspan customers in Canada, Mexico, and the United States will be automatically provisioned for access. Customers outside these regions will need to contact their Travelport sales representative.

American Airlines and United Airlines have designated Travelport with a trusted partner status and therefore all Travelport customers using Smartpoint v10.0 and above (1V) will have access to American and United Airlines NDC content without additional airline registration requirements. If you currently have any negotiated or private fares with American or United, please contact your American or United sales representative to access it via NDC.

Known restrictions or issues

The following list applies to both Apollo and Worldspan unless otherwise noted.

  • Open jaw flights are not supported. Coming soon.

  • Divide will only be supported for Travelport+. Divide will not be available for Apollo and Worldspan.

  • In order to have traveler data automatically populate into the form, the PTC associated with the traveler’s name and the PTC selected in the search form must match exactly. By default, travelers are assumed to be adults (PTC of ADT) unless a different PTC is specified in the name remark.

  • For some NDC ticketed bookings, the ticket numbers are not displaying in the PNR, which causes the NDC icon to remain orange. When orange, you cannot open the PNR in the plugin and cannot make any changes, voids, or refunds. A workaround is to add the TRMK remark with the ticket number in the NDC format. Once added, the icon turns green, and you can open the PNR in the plugin.

    In this example, the remark adds the ticket number for passenger 1 segment 1.

    • Galileo format: DI.FT-#TAS01#TKT/P01/S01-03/0018036165319

    • Apollo format: T-#TAS01#TKT/P01/S01-03/0018036165319

Refer to the NDC for Apollo and Worldspan FAQs for more information on what is supported.

Access NDC content

Apollo customers will use Smartpoint Desktop with the plugin. Worldspan customer will use Smartpoint 1P with the Flight Search. The plugin sits on Cloud technology but it’s NOT Smartpoint Cloud.

  1. Launch the plugin.

    • If using 1V, select NDC Flight Shopping Search from the Search menu or icon in Smartpoint.

    • If using 1P, select NDC Flight Shopping Search from the Fares & Pricing menu. The Worldspan plugin opens in a new browser tab. To exit the plugin, close the browser tab.

  2. If you are not signed into MyTravelport, a pop-up window displays for you to enter your MyTravelport (http://my.travelport.com) credentials. If you do not have credentials, contact your Travelport account representative.

    Note: NDC on Smartpoint requires access to certain endpoints. Refer to the list of required endpoints.

Using the plugin on Apollo and Worldspan

The plugin works the same across the GDSs.