
Flight Search requires access to the following endpoints. Please ensure that your network team opens these endpoints as required. If the customer's IT department has firewall restrictions that allow only specified URLs from their end, these URLs must be added to gain access to the plugin.

*.fullstory.com port - port 443

*.siteintercept.qualtrics.com – port 443

*.sp.travelport.com – port 443

*.vo.msecnd.net – port 443

dc.services.visualstudio.com – port 443

federation.travelport.com – port 443

fonts.googleapis.com – port 443

fonts.gstatic.com – port 443

goprivate.wspan.com port - port 443

oauth.travelport.com – port 443

pos-web-cdn.azureedge.net – port 443

siteintercept.qualtrics.com – port 443

sp.travelport.com – port 443