Trip Quote (Smartpoint 9.1 and Earlier)

Creating Trip Quote Itineraries

Trip Quote allows you to send itinerary quotes from your agency to travelers. Trip Quote provides the details of their trip itineraries to travelers.

To create a Trip Quote itinerary:
  1. Add the desired itinerary options.

You can add an unlimited number of options. After you add an itinerary, the Trip Quote indicator changes from 0 to reflect the number of options currently in the Trip Quote basket. For example, a Trip Quote basket with three options:

  1. Classic Windows:
  2. Flex Windows:

Tip! You can select more than one option of the same type to show your traveler for comparison. For example, you can select three rental car options for the same city.

  1. After you add itinerary options, open the Trip Quote basket with your current selections.
  2. Classic Windows. Click the Trip Quote icon in the Terminal Window or in the plug-in window.
  3. Flex Windows. Click the Trip Quote icon in the Flex Windows menu.

This example shows an itinerary with one Air/Rail option, two Hotel options for the traveler to choose from, and one Car option.

  1. Review the itinerary options added to Trip Quote. For each option, you can:
  • Air/Rail only. Click Rules to see the fare rules for the option.
  • Click Delete to remove the option from Trip Quote.
  • Click Book to add the option to the PNR/Booking File.
  1. Optional. Click the Filter By arrow to view only a specific type of option.
  1. Optional. Click Fees for a selected option to . Currently, adding fees is supported only for Air/Rail segments in Trip Quote.
  1. When you are ready to create an itinerary, select the desired options.

Tip! Click Select All Options if you want to add all options in the Trip Quote basket to the itinerary.

  1. Click ACTION to display the Trip Quote Actions screen.

  1. Optional.Customize the itinerary in the Trip Quote Actions screen.
  2. After you complete any desired changes, you can:
  • Preview the itinerary.
  • Copy the itinerary information to the Windows clipboard.
  • Send the itinerary in an email.