Hotel Rate Details


HotelRateDetail provides information for specific hotel room/rate combinations (@RatePlanType) in Hotel Rate and Rule Search, Hotel Rules, and Hotel Booking responses.

Requests that include HotelRateDetail are used only for upsell requests (HotelUpsellDetailsReq), which are not currently supported.

Element/Attribute Description
HotelRateDetail Provides details associated to a specific hotel room and rate combination (@RatePlanType).
@RatePlanType The booking code that identifies the room type and associated rate. Also known as BIC (Booking Indicator Code).

The base amount is populated with the total, or is populated with the base amount multiplied by the number of nights if the total is not returned.


The tax amount associated to the rate plan (@RatePlanType). These taxes include charges such as city taxes, tourism taxes, and VAT/GST.


The total amount is populated with the approximate total, or if the approximate total is not available, the base amount plus taxes.

When the response is from Galileo and Apollo, the total amount is the base amount plus the taxes.

@Surcharge Any additional fees or charges associated with the rate plan.
@ApproximateBase The approximate base room rate, excluding taxes or fees. Base values are returned for Rate by Date hotel responses. If a preferred currency is specified in the request, alternate currency amounts from are returned.
@ApproximateTax Approximate taxes associated with the room rate and hotel stay.
@ApproximateTotal The approximate total room rate, including taxes and fees.
@ApproximateSurcharge Any additional fees or charges associated with the rate plan.

If "true", the rate is guaranteed by the supplier. If "false", the rate is not guaranteed.

Supported by Galileo and Apollo only.


If "true", the approximate rate is guaranteed by the supplier. If "false", the rate is not guaranteed.

Supported by Galileo and Apollo only.

@RateCategory The rate category associated to the rate plan type.
@Key The key associated to the HotelRateDetail instance.
@RateSupplier The source of the associated property data.
@InPolicy, @PolicyCode, @PolicyExclusion

If hotel policy information is requested, the response indicates if a Rate Plan Type meets the policy requirements of the


Indicates the presence of rate changes for a room/rate plan (@RatePlanType).


Indicates the presence of extra fees for a room/rate plan (@RatePlanType).


A textual description of the room/rate combination is typically returned in the HotelRateDetail/RoomRateDescription child element. This description typically includes information such as check-in and check-out times, and deposit, guarantee, and cancellation policies. However, this data is returned directly from the supplier, and amount and type of data returned can vary by supplier.

Important! Depending on the provider, supplier/aggregator, and schema version, room rate descriptions may be returned as either free text in RoomRateDescription or as discrete data. In some responses, the same description information may be returned as both free text and discrete data.

Historically, most room rate descriptions were returned as free text in /RoomRateDescription with an assigned category (@Name). However, elements are being added in various releases to return some of these descriptions as discrete data in elements such as AcceptedPayment, TaxDetails, and ExtraCharges.

General Room/Rate Descriptions

Room/rate descriptions are returned in Hotel Rate and Rule Search, Hotel Rules, and Hotel Super Shopper. Descriptions were added to Hotel Booking as a configurable option.

Parsing for Rate Plan and Room Description Text

In Hotel.xsd, the following changes were made rate plan and room description text to separate this text into two separate @Name values. This update applies to responses for Hotel Rate and Rule Search, Hotel Super Shopper, and Hotel Booking:

  • A description of the type of room associated with the plan, such as Suite, Regular, and Condo.

Important! Even though there is no schema change associated to these unenumerated values, client applications must be modified to support the change in RoomRateDescription @Name values for Hotel.xsd.


Indicates the dates in the booking that apply to the HotelRateDetail parent element. If provided, rate change information is returned at least one time and up to 30 rate change times for a maximum 99-night stay. Information included in the response indicates the effective date, expiration date, and base rate of the nightly rate amount for the associated date range.


Accepted forms of payment for a hotel guarantee, deposit, or payment.


Accepted forms of payment for a hotel guarantee, deposit, or payment.

/CorporateDiscountID The corporate discount ID or negotiated rate associated with the rate plan type.
/RateMatchIndicator Indicates if the rate returned from the supplier matches the requested search parameters, such as the number of child guests or extra adult guests.

Tax detail codes for taxes applicable to a room/rate plan (@RatePlanType). These taxes include charges such as city taxes, tourism taxes, and VAT/GST.


Discrete guarantee, deposit and pre-payment information, if it is populated by the supplier or aggregator. If the hotel supplier does not support discrete data in the response, free text data is returned in RoomRateDescription.


Extra charges apply to fees for additional travelers, cribs, and rollaway cots in a hotel room.


The Inclusions element contains discrete information about designated smoking rooms, available bed types, meal plans, and room views associated to a rate plan (@RatePlanType).

Inclusions @SmokingRoomIndicator

Indicates is smoking is permitted in a room.


Returns bed types for a room/rate plan.


Meal plans associated to a rate plan type.


Returns room views for a rate plan type.