Hotel Taxes, Surcharges, and Fees


Hotel suppliers may return a breakdown of individual taxes, fees and surcharges that amount to the total taxes and fees applicable to a room rate. Various types of taxes and fees are defined by the Open Travel Alliance (OTA) in a Fee and Tax Type (FTT) Code table. Travelport supports each of the OTA-suggested FTT types.

The Universal API Hotel Tax Table provides the tax breakdown for each individual tax and fee in the Hotel Rules and Hotel Booking responses. This table is retrieved via Reference Data.

Tax and fee types vary by provider and supplier.


Element/Attribute Description

Displays the items related to how the hotels collect taxes.

Note: If the Tax total is 0.00, be sure to review RoomRateDescription content for additional taxes, which may be returned as free-text data.

@Code The associated tax code type.
@EffectiveDate The date the tax code is in effect.

The date the tax code expires.

@Term Indicates how the tax is applied. Values can be PerPerson, PerNight, and PerStay.
@CollectionFreq Indicates how often the tax is collected. Values can be Once or Daily.
@Amount A monetary value for tax/fee/surcharge.
@Percentage A percentage of the subtotal.

How To

In Release 7.1 and earlier, Reference Data for Apollo and Galileo could be retrieved only from the Reference Data download. In Release 8.0 (Utilities v29.0 and Hotel v29.0), functionality to retrieve Taxes and Fees using the Reference Data services was added.

Reference Point data tables can now be downloaded via ReferenceDataRetrieveReq.