Hotel Rules

A Hotel Rules request supplies booking requirements for rates at a specific hotel property. Hotel availability transactions (Hotel Search and Hotel Rate and Rule Search) may list general rules associated with a hotel property. However, hotel rules lists rule requirements and penalties associated with a specific rate (booking code) at that property.

Because rules at a single property can vary based on the booking code, hotel rules should be viewed, particularly for discounts, promotional offers, or other non-standard rates that may have more stringent requirements.

Checking a property’s rules and requirements can help a traveler to avoid unnecessary confusion, and possibly expense. Hotel rules include information such as:

Important! Hotel rules are not technically required, although they are recommended as a best practice to provide travelers with the full requirements for the rate. Although this function can be implemented as a stand-alone request, it typically follows a Hotel Rate and Rule Search or Hotel Booking request. 

Implementation by Provider

See Exceptions for more information about supported functionality by provider.



Galileo (1G) Supports Hotel Rules.
Apollo (1V) Supports Hotel Rules.
Worldspan (1P) Supports Hotel Rules.


See the following transactions for Hotel Rules:


HotelRulesReq in the HotelService is used to request hotel rule details. The minimum request for hotel rules includes the check-in and check-out dates, booking code (room rate), the RoomMaster Property ID, and the number of travelers.

When the HotelReservationLocatorCode is provided in the request, and a BookingConfirmation is present in the Hotel reservation, the response returns the rules that are applicable for the actual days of the reservation, if the supplier provides them. If the Hotel supplier confirmation is not available, the rules returned are for the current day's date.

Additional modifiers can also be added to a hotel rules request. See Hotel Rules Modifiers for details.


The response is returned in HotelRulesRsp.

Depending on the participation level of the hotel supplier, the response data is returned either from the provider's cached data or from the supplier's database.

