Limited Hotel Rules Data

HotelRulesLookup @HotelDetailsReqd

By default, the Hotel Rules response returns both descriptive and rule information in all responses. However, a modifier was added to the Hotel Rules request to specify limited response data for Worldspan (1P) requests. Based on the requested attribute, either Rules (rates, taxes, etc.) or Property/Room Details (room descriptions, general policies, etc.) can be returned.

Implementation by Provider



Galileo (1G) Restricted Hotel Rules Data is not supported by Galileo.
Apollo (1V) Restricted Hotel Rules Data is not supported by Apollo.
Worldspan (1P) Restricted Hotel Rules Data is supported by Worldspan.

How To

By default, HotelRulesReq\HotelRulesLookup RulesDetailReqd="All", which returns both room/property description and hotel rate/property rules. However:

The following table for response table shows data returned by the various RulesDetailReqd settings.

Implemented Transactions