Hotel Payment Type: Guarantee, Deposit, Pre-Pay

There are several types of payment options available. The availability of a specific payment type depends on the hotel provider and supplier, as well as the specific booking code (RatePlanType).

Payment Types

Guarantees, deposits, or pre-payments are payments that may be required to reserve a hotel booking in advance of the hotel stay. These rates must be booked with a deposit. Do not book these rates improperly with guarantee or passing prepayment, as this results in booking failures. For example, passing the value HotelCreateReservationReq/Guarantee/@Type as "PrePayment" returns an error "Guarantee @Type Prepayment not supported."

Some hotels do not require a credit card guarantee or deposit. Typically, these hotels will guarantee the room for a specific arrival time, such as 6:00 PM. If the traveler does not check in by the guarantee time, the room will not be held for them.



The Guarantee element is used to indicate and pay for guarantees, deposits, and prepayments used for Hotel Booking as well as adding or updating a Hotel segment in an existing Universal Record. This element is also used for Vehicle guarantees and deposits.

Guarantee, deposit, and pre-payment status cannot be included as a Hotel Search or Hotel Rate and Rules Search modifier for Galileo, Apollo, and Worldspan.



The Guarantee element returns discrete guarantee, deposit, and prepayment information if it is populated by the supplier. If the hotel supplier does not support discrete data in the response, free text data continues to be returned in RoomRateDescription.

Recommendation: In some cases, the supplier may return some, but not all, data as discrete content in the Guarantee element. The client application should always consume all hotel populated values that apply to hotel room rates, payment, policy, guarantee, deposit, pre-payment, cancel penalty and other hotel rate descriptions. Cancellation, non-refundable and penalty information, when provided by the hotel supplier are found in HotelDetailItem, RoomRateDescription, and/or CancelInfo.