Hotel Retail

As of Travelport Smartpoint 9.1, Hotel Retail is activated for all agencies and enabled for all agents, by default.


Hotel Retail

Installing Hotel Retail (Smartpoint 8.0.2 and Earlier)

For Smartpoint 8.0.2 and earlier, Hotel Retail is downloaded as standalone plug-in that can be ordered by agency administrators from Travelport Marketplace.

For Smartpoint 8.1 and later, Hotel Retail is included in the main Smartpoint installation, and a separate download and installation is not needed. However, any previous versions of Hotel Retail may not be automatically removed during the Smartpoint 9.0 installation. These versions must be uninstalled separately using Programs and Features in the Windows Control Panel.

Tip! Be sure that your agency's Smartpoint Administrator has activated Hotel Retail in Travelport Marketplace.
To install Hotel Retail for Smartpoint 8.0.2 or earlier:

After you download the Hotel Retail installation file:

  1. Click Open to display the installation file.

  1. If the installation file is zipped, unzip the file.
  2. Double-click Hotel Retail-x.x.msi to display the Security Warning.

  1. Click Run to display the Welcome screen of the Installation Wizard.

  1. Click Next to display the End-User License Agreement.

  1. Review the License Agreement, then select I accept the terms in the License Agreement.
  2. Click Next to display the Custom Setup.

  1. Click Next to display the Ready to Install screen.

  1. Click Install to display the installation status.

After the installation is complete, the Completed screen is displayed.

  1. Click Finish to close the Installation Wizard.

Next Steps