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Hotel Retail As of Travelport Smartpoint 9.1, Hotel Retail is activated for all agencies and enabled for all agents, by default. |
Hotel Retail
Selecting a Property from the Hotel List
A Hotel List (Hotel Availability Display) is displayed in the Hotel Retail window after you make either:
A Hotel Complete Availability request for a known Property ID. For example: HOC1APR-5APR//32041/2.
Note: If you do not have Hotel Retail installed or enabled, a standard Hotel Availability display is returned.
The Hotel Retail window displays:
Special Offers at the top of the page, if available for this search. Click the Details link for more information.
A map that shows the corresponding location of the listed properties in the right pane.
Tip! You can also use the Hotel Retail map to search for properties in other locations and get driving directions. -
A Terminal pane at the bottom of the window to view or add Travelport+ (1G) or Apollo (1V) formats.
Description of the Hotel Property List
Each row in the list contains information about a property and associated rates that meet the requested search requirements. If applicable, Featured Properties display at the top of the Property List.

When sorting the Hotel Retail Property List results, the top four Featured Property hotels remain at the top of the list, regardless of how many properties are returned.
When four or less Featured Properties are returned:
The Featured Properties remain at the top of the list.
Non-Featured Properties are sorted and displayed below the Featured Properties.
When four or more Featured Properties are returned:
The top four Featured Properties remain at the top of the list in the order that they were received from Travelport's system.
Additional Featured Properties are sorted with the non-Featured Properties starting with property number 5.
When the initial Property List displays Featured Properties at the top of the list, there are no indicators to distinguish the Featured Property hotels from other hotels. However, if you sort the properties, any Featured Properties in an AD icon.

Column | Description |
1 | Line number |
Hilton Prague |
The name of the hotel property and the chain or brand code. Tips!
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Hover over the phone icon to view the phone number for the hotel.
Probezni 1, Prague, 186 00, Czech Republic |
The address of the hotel property. Tip! When you click a hotel property in the list, the property is displayed as a blue icon ![]()
See Hotel Retail Map for more information about using the map to display driving directions and search for additional locations. |
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Hover over the NTM star rating to display the AAA rating, TripAdvisor rating, and the number of TripAdvisor reviews. More Information
Click the TripAdvisor review number to display the five most recent reviews.
AAA ratings vary by Smartpoint version:
9 MI E |
The distance and direction of the hotel property from the requested location. Tips! You can change the distance radius from your search location by using Max Distance.
You can change the unit distance to miles or kilometers.

By default, the lowest rate for each rate type is displayed in the Hotel List.
Click the column heading for a rate type to sort the property list by that rate type.
If rates change during the stay, you can compare average rates between properties by selecting Show Average Rates.

Rate Type | Description |
Also known as multi-level rates or rate access codes, negotiated rate codes are given to corporations or other organization for negotiated rates from a specific hotel supplier. Available negotiated rates vary by agency are associated to a PCC or IATA number. In Hotel Retail v10 and later, master negotiated rates codes are also supported. |
Rates available to agencies belonging to an agency consortium, such as THOR. Consortium rates can be added to a profile, PNR/Booking File, or search request as a negotiated rate code. |
Rates that Travelport negotiates directly with the hotel. These rates contain at least one element exclusive to Travelport, such as a lower rate, benefit, or attribute that is not available through other channels. ![]() These rates are available to all agencies globally. However, the availability of Travelport Exclusive rates for a specific search location may vary because of participating suppliers. Travelport Exclusive rates can be added to a profile, PNR/Booking File, or search request as a negotiated rate code. The code for Travelport Exclusive rates is 4TM. Tip! In Smartpoint 10.1, corrections were made to display all Travelport Exclusive rates in the TRAVELPORT EXCLUSIVE column. This improved categorization makes Travelport Exclusive rates easier to review and book. |
All other rates that are returned from a search. These rates can include:
The lowest of these rates is displayed in the Other Rates column. Tip! In Smartpoint 9.0 and later, the rate category request no longer defaults to All for Hotel Retail, unless the Agency or Business profile is set to All. ![]() For Hotel Retail in Smartpoint 9.0 and later, the rate category does not default to All in the Hotel List. However, agencies that want to continue to return all rate categories can use the setting for hotel preferences in the Agency Profile (MAR) and/or Business Profile (BAR) to set the default: H/RATE CATEGORY DEFAULT/ALL If this setting is added:
If the search is performed for All Categories, a message is displayed in the Hotel List. The qualifier is not displayed in the terminal entry, but a message is also displayed in the terminal pane.
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The Show Rates icon may display if all of the rates for a hotel property are not returned in the first response that Travelport+ (1G) or Apollo (1V) receives. After all rates are returned, you can click Show Rates to view the available rates for that property. |
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The @ sign indicates a rate change during the stay. For more information, select the hotel property to display the Rate Details. The RULES tab of the INFORMATION page provides a breakdown of daily rates for the stay. |
The currency of the associated rate. Tip! You can change your preferred currency by using the Display Currency In arrow. However, be aware that:

If applicable, the list of available negotiated rate codes (corporate negotiated, consortium, and Travelport Exclusive rates) available for this search is display in the Terminal pane. These negotiated rate codes can be added using a profile (MAR and BAR), PNR/Booking File, and/or in the hotel search.
From the list of available negotiated rate codes, Hotel Retail processes:
The first eight negotiated rate codes.
The first master negotiated rate code. While master codes support a maximum of 12 negotiated rate codes, a maximum of eight rate codes are sent to each supplier for a request.
The list of rate codes applied to the results of this specific search are displayed above the Hotel List.
Tip! You can change or remove negotiated rate code s in your current search.

To change or remove rate codes:
Click Change Rate Codes.
The Negotiated Rate Codes Selection screen displays the applicable negotiated rate codes.
Select the desired rate code option.
Master Negotiated Rate Code, if applicable to this search.
Negotiated Rate Code to select a maximum of four negotiated rate codes available for this search. In this example, corporate negotiated rate codes, a consortium rate code (THR), and a Travelport Exclusive rate code (TVLPT) are displayed.
No Negotiated Rate Codes to remove all currently applied corporate negotiated, consortium, and Travelport Exclusive rates.
Click SEARCH WITH SELECTED CODES to repeat the search with the changed codes.

If not rates are available for a property in the hotel list, you can either:
to redisplay the Hotel Availability Search window and begin a new search.
Click Find Nearby Hotels to request additional hotels based on your original search.
Viewing and Selecting a Hotel Property
To request detailed rates and rules for a specific property:
Optional. Filter the hotel list for available hotels, required amenities, distance from your search location, or preferred currency.
Click one or more icons or arrows to select filters. Click an icon again to de-select the filter.
Filters apply to all pages in the hotel list.
Icon Filters for: ![]()
Free breakfast.
Airport shuttle.
Key words in the Hotel Name and Hotel Address columns.
Type one or more key words to search and click the Search
icon. For example, search for hotel properties and addresses that contain Crown.
Keyboard shortcut: CTRL + F.
The hotel chain or All Brands code for chain.
Clicking the Chain arrow to either:
- Select one or more chains or All Brands codes.
- Enter search characters or words to display corresponding chain codes and names.
In Max Distance, select or type the distance in a radius from the search location.
You can select a maximum distance of 5, or type a maximum distance of 99.
Click the Unit of Distance
arrow to select the unit of distance in Miles or Kilometers.
To change the preferred currency, click the Display Currency In arrow to either:
- Select another currency from the list. You can use the mouse or arrow keys to scroll through the Currency list.
- Type the same of the currency to display matches.
Terminal Equivalent: HOA*R/[new currency code]. For example: HOA*R/CHF redisplays the previous display in another Swiss Francs.
Note: While estimated room rates are displayed in the selected currency, the booking is completed in the currency used by the property.
Optional.Click Sort By to sort the hotel list by rate amounts or to search priorities, such as hotel name, distance and rating.
More Information
Sorting Negotiated Rates
By default, hotel properties are listed with Preferred properties first. For reference point, address, or map-based searches, the default sort order is based on the distance from the requested location.
To sort the hotel list, click the Sort By arrow to select a sorting option. If you select a rate type, the rate amounts are sorted from lowest to highest for that type.
Tip! Select All Rate types to display by the lowest rate across all rate types.
Tip! You can also click on a rate type heading to sort that rate by amount. For example, click the CONSORTIUM RATE column to display the hotel properties in order of shortest to longest distance from the search location.
Changing or Removing Rate Codes
To change or remove rate codes:
Click Change Rate Codes.
The Negotiated Rate Codes Selection screen displays the applicable negotiated rate codes.
Select the desired rate code option.
Master Negotiated Rate Code, if applicable to this search.
Negotiated Rate Code to select a maximum of four negotiated rate codes available for this search. In this example, corporate negotiated rate codes, a consortium rate code (THR), and a Travelport Exclusive rate code (TVLPT) are displayed.
No Negotiated Rate Codes to remove all currently applied corporate negotiated, consortium, and Travelport Exclusive rates.
Click SEARCH WITH SELECTED CODES to repeat the search with the changed codes.
Using TravelScreen Plus Preferences
If TravelScreen Plus is enabled for this search, a green banner at the top of the property list indicates if personal preferences were applied to this search.
You can click Preferences Off or Preferences On to exclude or include TravelScreen preferences in the rates.
Optional. Click the Page Down
arrow to view more hotel properties on the next page, if available. Twenty-five properties are available per page.
Page Navigation
Icon Description ![]()
First page ![]()
Page up ![]()
Page down ![]()
Last page ![]()
Enter a page number ![]()
At the end of the last page, click LOAD MORE to request additional properties.
New results display a green new icon below the line number.
By default, only the new results are displayed. However, you can clear the Show only new results box to display both the original property list and the newly loaded properties.
Select a hotel property to view all of the rates associated with that property. To select a property from either the property list or the map.
More Information
To select a property, you can either:
Click a hotel property row on the property list.
Click a green property
pin on the map. For more information, see Using the Hotel Retail Map.
The rate and room information for the selected property are displayed. See Hotel Retail: Rate and Rule Details for more information about viewing and selecting rates for a hotel property.
Tip! Click a rate for a property in the Hotel List to scroll directly to that rate type in the Rate Details list.
Optional. Select another hotel to view rates associated with that property. Or, click the close box in the RATE DETAILS section to redisplay the Hotel List.