Hotel Retail

As of Travelport Smartpoint 9.1, Hotel Retail is activated for all agencies and enabled for all agents, by default.


Hotel Retail

Booking a Selected Rate Plan

After you book a property rate from the Detail Rates list, the HOTEL SELL OPTIONS pane is displayed on the right side of the Hotel Retail window.

The top of the HOTEL SELL OPTIONS pane indicates details about rates, deposits/guarantees, refunds, and commissions.

To book a selected rate:

Tip! Some information in the HOTEL SELL OPTIONS pane may be pre-populated if the PNR/Booking File contains Client File/PRO-File information, TravelScreen preferences, or modifiers added in the Hotel Availability Search.

Or, if you have traveler data in Notepad Remarks (*PR) in the PNR/Booking File, the Traveler Information pane displays automatically. You can copy or send traveler information to corresponding Hotel Sell Options fields or the Terminal pane.

  1. Complete or update the Payment section of the HOTEL SELL OPTIONS pane.
  1. Optional. Update the Additional Requests section.
  1. Optional. Update the Reservation Data section.
  1. By default, Hotel Retail closes after you complete the booking. If you want remain in Hotel Retail after booking, clear Close Hotel Retail with booking. Your selected setting is stored for the session.
  2. Click the Book button.

Tip! In Smartpoint 8.2 (Hotel Retail v11) and later, Hotel Retail validates your payment information. If your information is incomplete or not in the correct format, the Book button is shaded and a banner indicates the missing data.

Booking Confirmation

The booking confirmation is displayed in the PNR/Booking File in the main Smartpoint screen.

Next Steps

If you set Hotel Retail to stay open after booking, you can press ALT + TAB to switch between Hotel Retail and the main Smartpoint screen.