Customer Information

Form of Payment

You can add payment information for your PNR/Booking File in the Payment tab of the Customer Information screen.

Required fields are also noted with a red asterisk(*). Required information may vary depending on the types of travel bookings in the itinerary.

Adding Form of Payment Information

To add Form of Payment information to the PNR/Booking File:

  1. In the Customer Information screen, click the Payment tab to display the Form of Payment screen.

  1. Click the Add icon to display the Form of Payment field.

  1. Click the Form of Payment arrow to select a form of payment option.

The Form of Payment drop-down only lists forms of payment accepted by the selected carrier. If a form of payment was added from a profile, changing the form of payment overrides the profile and changes for the form of payment for this PNR/Booking File only.

  1. Complete the required fields for your selected form of payment and click Apply.
  1. If additional forms of payment are desired, click the Add icon to a new Form of Payment field.
  2. When all PNR/Booking File information is completed, click SAVE.

Tip! For participating agencies, Hotel Billback can be used to facilitate virtual card payments.

More Information

For more information, terminal equivalents, and examples:

Travelport+ (1G)

Apollo (1V)