
Searching for Hotel Availability with Terminal Formats

You can use the Hotel Availability Search screen or terminal formats to request available hotel properties.

The Hotel Availability Search applies to search requests for both:

Note: Hotel Retail does not function in native mode. If Hotel Retail is enabled, but Smartpoint is set to native mode, a standard Hotel Availability display is returned.

Basic Format for Travelport+ (1G) and Apollo (1V)

Note: The basic hotel availability formats for Travelport+ (1G) and Apollo (1V) and are the same. Many, but not all, search formats are similar for Travelport+ and Apollo.

Without air segments


  • 9JUL = check-in date
  • 14JUL = check-out date
  • YYC = airport/city code
  • 2 = two guests

With associated air segments


  • /1+ = insert the hotel segment after the air segment in Line 1. The search location and check-in date are based on the booked air segment.
  • 21DEC = check-out date
  • 2 = two guests

Tip! You can add /F-SEC to include the Stay Safe amenity code, which requests hotel properties that are participating in the Stay Safe initiative for COVID-19. These properties have agreed to safety guidelines and best practices in accordance with WHO, CDC, and AHLA. For example: HOA20NOV-21NOVLAX/D-10M/RM-1/F-SEC. Please note: /F-SEC was formerly the Secretarial Services amenity.

More Information

More information about terminal formats and search qualifiers for hotel availability.

Travelport+ (1G)

Apollo (1V)