Assisted Ticketing

Involuntary Changes

Assisted Ticketing provides a user interface make involuntary changes to tickets.

Smartpoint Assisted Ticketing offers two options for performing involuntary changes. Agents can either:

  • Use the Involuntary Change tab in Assisted Ticketing to add modifiers before sending the exchange request.
  • Automatically execute the change. Modifiers must be added using Travelport+ (1G) formats.

For both options, additional steps are also required if the original fare contains a hidden fare for an Inclusive Tour (IT).


The Assisted Ticketing - Involuntary Change feature does not provide any guarantee against ADMs:

  • Agents are obligated to have all necessary approvals before proceeding with involuntary exchanges.

  • Agents should always check all stored fare (Filed Fare/ATFQ) elements before ticketing.

Supported Settlement Services

As of Smartpoint 10.0, Involuntary Changes are supported Travelport+ (1G) for BSP and ARC countries. In previous Smartpoint releases, only BSP countries were supported.

Involuntary Change Tasks

In addition to tab and automated options, there are several change-related tasks that are supported in Smartpoint Assisted Ticketing.



Automated Involuntary Change

Makes involuntary changes automatically using Travelport+ (1G) formats to enter ticket modifiers.

Using the Involuntary Change Tab

Offers a user interface to add modifiers before sending the exchange request.

Involuntary Change for Inclusive Tours (IT) with Hidden Fares

Both automated involuntary changes and the Involuntary Change tab require an additional step for Inclusive Tours (IT) with hidden fares.

Creating Airline-Specific Endorsements

Agents can create their own airline-specific endorsements. If endorsements are not already filed directly within the application, agents can use this option if they have specialized endorsement requirements for a specific airline.

Automated Exchange Form of Payment Processing with Ticket Modifier Updates (TMU)

Automated Exchange Form of Payment (FEX) processing can use Ticket Modifier Updates (TMU) either:

  • The original form of payment.
  • An updated form of payment with Setup Filed Fare.