
Queues provide a way to monitor, manage, and sort booking files. Each pseudo city code (PCC) has a set of numbered queues. Some of these queues are reserved for predetermined functions, while other queues can be customized by your agency for internal use.

  • Pre-assigned queues lists pre-assigned queues as well as those that can be assigned by your office.

  • Queue count provides formats to count queues and list passenger names.

  • Working a queue provides formats to sign in and exit a queue and to remove bookings from a queue.

  • Placing on queues provides formats to place booking files on queues and count the call back queue and unable to contact queue.

  • Move booking file provides formats for moving and forwarding booking files.

  • Queue titles, categories, and date ranges provides formats for general message queue display, adding categories and date ranges, and activating and deactivating queues and categories.

  • Booking file instructions provides formats for display control.

  • Queue activity summary provides formats for display the summary for all or specific queues.

  • Queue monitoring provides formats for counting the number of people working in queues.

  • Queue print provides formats for printing booking files in queues.

  • Queue sort provides formats for sorting booking files in queues.