Customer Information
You can add secure flight SSRs for industry-standard Advance Passenger Information Security (APIS) in the Security tab of the Customer Information screen.
Adding Secure Flight Passenger Data (APIS)
To add Secure Flight Passenger Data for applicable flights:
Confirm that a flight is added to the PNR/Booking File. Secure Flight Information cannot be added to a PNR/Booking File that does not contain at least one air segment.
Confirm that Passenger information was entered in the Name tab for each passenger in the PNR/Booking File.
In the Customer Information screen, click the Security tab to display the Secure Flight Passenger Data/APIS Information screen.
Click the arrow next to the first passenger. Please note that all information marked with a red asterisk (*) is required.
If applicable. Click the Add
icon to display the Secure Flight Information (DOCS) section.
Complete the data in this section. The traveler's name, gender, and birth date must match exactly to the identification information on their documents.
Tip! First, middle, and last names are populated from the Name tab. Confirm that the name fields are correctly displayed, especially for the Middle Name, which is not present on the Name tab.
Exception for Confirmed Birth Date Entry
If Birth Date is added to Secure Flight Information in the Security tab in addition to all other required information, the Security tab displays a green check mark ü. However, if the Customer Information screen is closed and re-opened, the Birth Date field and the Security tab display a red asterisk * instead of a green check mark ü.
This exception is a result of host-specific requirements and does not indicate an incomplete or incorrect Birth Date entry.
Note: LeisureShopper segments do not currently display as buttons or links for the PNR/Booking File, even if they are present in the record. Enter (Galileo) or (Apollo) to view LeisureShopper booking information.
If additional documentation, such as a passport, is required, click the Add
icon to display the Primary Document Information (DOCS) section.
Click the Document Type arrow to select from Passport, Crew Certification, Identity Card, and other applicable forms of identication.
Enter the Document ID Number, Expiration Date, and other relevant information for the ID document.
If additional Primary Document Information is needed, click the Add
icon to enter information for another document.
Click Apply.
If additional documentation is required, click the Add
icon to display the Secondary Document Information (DOCO) section.
Click the Document Type to select from the secondary document list.
For Secondary Document Information, the requirements for visa information may vary by airline. However, for all airlines, the Document Type and Document ID Number fields must both be completed if Secondary Document Information is added. This data is confirmed by the airline.
V - Visa
When date of birth and gender are provided, Travelport Smartpoint saves this information so it is available for future transactions with the Direct Payment/Travelport API-connect airlines. The Passport, Nationality and Issue Country are also saved.
As of the Smartpoint 9.0 Service Release (9.0.1), the required Expiration Date field for visas is now included on the Secondary Document Information screen. For earlier versions of Smartpoint, this data must be entered in terminal format.
R - Redress
A traveler who believes that they have been mistakenly matched to a name on the US watch list, and has subsequently experienced difficulties when flying to/from the the United States, can apply for redress through the Department of Homeland Security DST Redress Inquiry Program (DHS TRIP).
The traveler is assigned a unique Redress Number. Secure Flight uses this Redress Number to prevent future misidentifications for any passenger who may have a name that is similar to an individual on the watch list.
An SSR DOCS is also required for each passenger with an SSR DOCO that contains a Redress Number.
K - Known Traveler Number
Also known as a Global Entry Pass ID Number.
A Known Traveler Number is assigned by the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to facilitate passenger clearance. A Known Traveler Number is assigned to passengers that participate in programs including: TSA Pre✓™ Application Program (TSA Pre-Check), Global Entry, NEXUS, and SENTRI.
A Known Traveler Number can contain alphanumeric characters.
Click Apply.
If an additional Secondary Document Information is needed, click the Add
icon to enter information for another document.
If Destination and Home Address information are applicable, click Show Address Information.
Click the Add
icon to display the Destination Address Information (DOCA) section.
Complete the required and optional address content for the passenger's destination and click Apply.
Click the Add
icon to display the Home Address Information (DOCA) section.
Complete the required and optional address content for the passenger's home address and click Apply.
Click the drop-down arrow for any additional passengers in the PNR/Booking File and complete the Secure Passenger Information, as needed.
After all PNR/Booking File information is completed, click SAVE. As applicable, new DOCS and DOCA SSRs are added to the PNR/Booking File with security information for each passenger.
Modifying Secure Flight Passenger Data for Direct Payment Carriers
For Direct Payment Carriers that support modifications, APIS data an only be added or modified when:
- Booking.
- Modifying either an outbound or inbound air segment
- Changing passenger name information.
Exception: Easyjet allows a stand-alone modification to the PNR/Booking File.
If APIS data is present in an updated PNR/Booking File, Smartpoint sends or re-sends this data when a passenger name or air segment is added or modified.
More Information
For more information, terminal equivalents, and examples:
Travelport+ (1G)
See Manual Special Service Requests in the Travelport+ Format Guide.
See SSR DOCS - General information in the Travelport Knowledge Base.
Enter H/SSR
Apollo (1V)
See Secure Flight Details - SSR DOCS DOCO DOCA in the Travelport Knowledge Base.