Hotel Shopping and Booking

Several options are available for Hotel Shopping and Booking.



Standard Hotel Shopping and Booking

Hotel shopping and booking with the intuitive screens and displays in Smartpoint.

Shopping and Booking with Hotel Retail

Hotel Retail integrates into your hotel shopping and booking workflow to provide all relevant hotel information in one place.

Hotel Retail is installed as a Travelport Smartpoint plug-in and is available free of charge at Travelport Marketplace.

Access to Hotel Retail varies depending on your version of Travelport Smartpoint:

  • Travelport Smartpoint 8.0.2 and earlier

Hotel Retail is downloaded as standalone plug-in that can be ordered by agency administrators from Travelport Marketplace.

  • Travelport Smartpoint 8.1 and later

The Hotel Retail plug-in is included in the main Travelport Smartpoint installation for all agents. However, Hotel Retail must also be activated by an administrator in Travelport Marketplace to be available for an agency or individual agent.

Hotel Index Returns a comprehensive list of properties, regardless of availability.

Hotel Direct Sell

If you know all of the required booking information, you can sell a hotel segment directly without using a rate plan from a previous availability response.

Hotel Passive Segments

Passive segments are used to record booking data that is from an external source or is not part of an active travel segment.