Hotel Location by Hotel Property ID


A Hotel Search or Hotel Supper Shopper request can be modified to request one or more specific properties by Property ID (Hotel Code). Vendor Location searches are not limited to properties in a specific locale.

Either a VendorLocation value or an alternate HotelSearchLocation value is required in the search request.

Note that in some In some transactions, Hotel Property IDs are alternately requested using HotelProperty @HotelCode.

Implementation by Provider

See Implemented Transactions for provider functionality specific to each transaction.



Galileo (1G) VendorLocation is supported for Galileo.
Apollo (1V) VendorLocation is supported for Apollo.
Worldspan (1P)

VendorLocation is supported for Worldspan.



The following attributes are required if the VendorLocation element is sent in request.

Element/Attribute Description

Provides hotel Property ID information.

@ProviderCode The provider for the vendor request: "1G", "1V", "1P".

The chain code for the hotel chain that owns the requested property.



The property code for the hotel chain that owns the requested property.

The VendorCode and VendorLocationID must correspond to the codes used by the specified provider. Because different providers use different numbering systems to identify hotel properties, the ProviderCode attribute indicates the provider associated with the property number.


The response returns availability data only for the requested Property IDs, even if additional modifiers were included in the request. If multiple HotelSearchLocation modifiers are sent in the request they are prioritized in this order: VendorLocation, and HotelLocation.

Error and Warning Messages

A warning is also returned: The @Location attribute is ignored, because VendorLocationID is applied.

The returned data includes ProviderCode, VendorCode, VendorLocationID, and Key.


The VendorLocation element in Common.xsd is used to specify Properties IDs.

Note that VendorLocation is also used other types of travel segments. Information in this topic pertains only to VendorLocation usage for Hotel segments.


Implemented Transactions and XPaths