HotelSearchAvailabilityReq (HotelReqRsp.xsd)

Name Type Enumeration Values R/O Default Description
HotelSearchAvailabilityReq element Request to search for hotel availability
PolicyReference string simple type Optional This attribute will be used to pass in a value on the request which would be used to link to a ‘Policy Group’ in a policy engine external to UAPI.
RetrieveProviderReservationDetails boolean simple type Optional false
AuthorizedBy string simple type Optional Used in showing who authorized the request. Use is optional.
LanguageCode token simple type Optional ISO 639 two-character language codes are used to retrieve specific information in the requested language. For Rich Content and Branding, language codes ZH-HANT (Chinese Traditional), ZH-HANS (Chinese Simplified), FR-CA (French Canadian) and PT-BR (Portuguese Brazil) can also be used. For RCH, language codes ENGB, ENUS, DEDE, DECH can also be used. Only certain services support this attribute. Providers: ACH, RCH, 1G, 1V, 1P.
OverrideLogging string simple type TRACE , DEBUG , INFO , WARN , ERROR , FATAL Optional Use to override the default logging level
TargetBranch string simple type Optional Used for Emulation - If authorised will execute the request as if the agent's parent branch is the TargetBranch specified.
TokenId string simple type Optional Authentication Token ID used when running in statefull operation. Obtained from the LoginRsp. Use is optional.
TraceId string simple type Optional Unique identifier for this atomic transaction traced by the user. Use is optional.
BillingPointOfSaleInfo element Point of Sale information for Billing
CIDBNumber integer simple type Optional A 10 Digit customer number generated by CIDB system.
OriginApplication string simple type Required Name of the Point of Sale application which initiated the Request.This information will be provided as part of the provisioning of the user.
AgentIDOverride element Vendor specific agent identifier overrides to be used to access vendor systems.
AgentID string simple type Required The Agent ID for the applicable supplier/vendor
ProviderCode string simple type Required Provider code to route the AgentId to proper provider.
SupplierCode string simple type Optional Supplier code to determine which vendor this AgentId belongs to.
TerminalSessionInfo string simple type Travelport use only. This element contains CDATA information representing existing GDS session data or ACH credentials information of the terminal user
OverridePCC element Used to emulate to another PCC or SID. Providers: 1G, 1V, 1P.
ProviderCode string simple type Required The code of the provider (e.g. 1G, 1S)
PseudoCityCode string simple type Required The PCC in the host system.
NextResultReference element Container to return/send additional retrieve/request additional search results
ProviderCode string simple type Optional The code of the Provider (e.g 1G,1S)
HotelSearchLocation element Location information for the hotel.
HotelLocation element Date and Location information for the Hotel. Location can be optional if a Reference Point is provided.
Location string simple type Optional IATA city/airport code
LocationType string simple type City , Airport Optional Airport
VendorLocation element Location definition specific to a Vendor in a specific provider (e.g. 1G) system.
Key string simple type Optional Key which maps vendor location with vehicles
MoreRatesToken string simple type Optional Enter the Token when provided by hotel property, more rates exist. HADS/HSS support only.
PreferredOption boolean simple type Optional Preferred Option marker for Location.
ProviderCode string simple type Required The code of the provider (e.g. 1G, 1S)
VendorCode string simple type Required The code of the vendor (e.g. HZ, etc.)
VendorLocationID string simple type Optional Location identifier
HotelAddress typeStructuredAddress complex type Search by address or postal code. Applicable for 1G, 1V, 1P
Key string simple type Optional Key for update/delete of the element
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
AddressName anonymous simple type If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
Street anonymous simple type The Address street and number, e.g. 105 Main St.
City anonymous simple type The city name for the requested address, e.g. Atlanta.
State element Container to house the state code for an address
PostalCode anonymous simple type The 5-15 alphanumeric postal Code for the requested address, e.g. 90210.
Country anonymous simple type The Full country name or two letter ISO country code e.g. US, France. A two letter country code is required for a Postal Code Searches.
ProviderReservationInfoRef element Container for Provider reservation reference key.
Key string simple type Required
ReferencePoint typeHotelReferencePoint complex type Search for hotels near a reference point. HotelLocation/Location is mandatory for aggregated scenario if ReferencePoint is used. Applicable for 1G,1V,1P. Country/State are only applicable for 1P
Country string simple type Optional Country code.
State string simple type Optional State or Province Code.
CoordinateLocation element Specific lat/long location, usually associated with a Distance
latitude double simple type Required
longitude double simple type Required
Distance element Container to encapsulate the a distance value with its unit of measure.
Direction string simple type Optional Directions: S, N, E, W, SE, NW, ...
Units string simple type MI , KM Optional MI
Value decimal simple type Required
HotelSearchModifiers element Controls and switches for the Hotel Search request
AggregateResults boolean simple type Optional false Indicator to identify GDS property match required or not.
AvailableHotelsOnly boolean simple type Optional Set to true to request only available hotels. Default is false and all results from the provider are returned.
IsRelaxed boolean simple type Optional Default is true. If false, only the results matching all the criteria returned.
MaxWait nonNegativeInteger simple type Optional Maximum wait time in milliseconds for hotel search results. Supported provider:HotelSuperShopper message.
NumOfRatePlans nonNegativeInteger simple type Optional The specific number of RatePlanTypes for each property responded on the message, integer 1 - 999. Supported provider: HotelSuperShopper message only.
NumberOfAdults long simple type Optional The total number of adult guests per booking. Defaults to ‘1’. Supported Providers: 1G, 1V, 1P.
NumberOfRooms long simple type Optional The number of rooms per booking. Defaults to ‘1’. Supported Providers 1G, 1V, 1P.
PreferredCurrency string simple type Optional Requested currency for target rate.
ReturnAmenities boolean simple type Optional false If hotel amenities are desired set as 'true', else default 'false' for no amenity support.
ReturnPropertyDescription boolean simple type Optional false Request hotel property description. Valid Values are "true" or "false". Default "false".
PermittedChains element Request hotel property description. Valid Values are "true" or "false". Default "false".
HotelChain element The hotel chain code
Code string simple type Required
ProhibitedChains element
HotelChain element The hotel chain code
Code string simple type Required
PermittedProviders element
Provider element Provider identifier
Code string simple type Required
LoyaltyCard element Provider loyalty card information
CardNumber string simple type Required
FreeText string simple type Optional
Level string simple type Optional
MembershipStatus string simple type Optional
PriorityCode string simple type Optional
Status string simple type Optional
SupplierType string simple type Air , Vehicle , Hotel , Rail , Cruise , Other Optional
VendorLocationRef string simple type Optional
AllianceLevel string simple type Optional
Key string simple type Optional
MembershipProgram string simple type Optional Loyalty Program membership Id of the traveler specific to Amtrak(2V) Guest Rewards
SupplierCode string simple type Required The code used to identify the Loyalty supplier, e.g. AA, ZE, MC
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
ProviderReservationSpecificInfo typeProviderReservationSpecificInfo complex type If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
ProviderReservationLevel boolean simple type Optional If true means Loyalty card is applied at ProviderReservation level.
ReservationLevel boolean simple type Optional If true means Loyalty card is applied at Universal Record Reservation level e.g. Hotel Reservation, Vehicle Reservation etc.
OperatedBy element This is the carrier code to support Cross Accrual
ProviderReservationInfoRef element Container for Provider reservation reference key.
Key string simple type Required
HotelName string simple type There can be at most one Hotel Name to be requested
CorporateDiscountID element These are zero or more negotiated rate codes
NegotiatedRateCode boolean simple type Optional When set to true, the data in the CorporateDiscountID is a negotiated rate code. Otherwise, this data is a Corporate Discount ID rate.
RateCategory typeOTACode simple type Search for specific rate categories
HotelRating element Hotel rating information
RatingProvider string simple type Required Rating providers, ie AAA, NTM
Rating typeSimpleHotelRating simple type Hotel rating value
RatingRange element Hotel rating value
MaximumRating integer simple type Optional
MinimumRating integer simple type Optional
SearchPriority element Override the search order for hotel availability request
Criteria element Override the search order for hotel availability request
Order int simple type Required Criteria order for hotel searchHighest Priority=1 Lowest Priority=7
Type string simple type CorporateDiscountID , PermittedChains , HotelName , Distance , RateCategory , HotelRating , Amenities , HotelTransportation Required Search type
HotelBedding element Specify desired bedding
Amount string simple type Optional Fee for bed type. Providers: 1g/1v/1p
Content string simple type Optional Additional information Providers: 1p
NumberOfBeds long simple type Optional Number of beds of desired Type in room. Use '0' to delete the hotel Optional Beds ( Only RA RC CR )
Type string simple type Required Queen, King, double, etc
Amenities element Amenity information
Amenity element Amenity information
AmenityType string simple type Optional Amenity type code. “HA” (Hotel Property Amenity) or “RA” (Room Amenity). Defaults to “HA” if no value is sent.
Code positiveInteger simple type Required
NumberOfChildren element Number of Children
Amount string simple type Optional Fee per child. Providers: 1g/1v
Count long simple type Required The total number of children in the booking. Supported Providers 1P.
Age int simple type The Ages of the Children. . The defined age of a Child traveler may vary by supplier, but is typically 1 to 17 years. Supported Providers 1G/1V.
HotelTransportation element OTA Transportation code. Search for specific transportation. Supported providers: 1G/1V. Only CourtesyBus '7' supported by 1P.
Type positiveInteger simple type Required Transportation type code
BookingGuestInformation element Information about requested rooms and guests allocation.
Room typeGuestRoomInformation complex type Individual room. Multiple occurrences if there are multiple rooms in the request. Maximum number of rooms may vary by supplier or aggregator.
Adults positiveInteger simple type The number of adult guests per room. Maximum number of adults may vary by supplier or aggregator.
BookingTravelerRef element Reference Element for Booking Traveler and Loyalty cards
Key string simple type Optional
LoyaltyCardRef element
Key string simple type Required
DriversLicenseRef element
Key string simple type Required
DiscountCardRef element
Key string simple type Required
PaymentRef element
Key string simple type Required
Child element Information about a child guest.
Age integer simple type Optional Age of the Child.
BookingTravelerRef element Reference Element for Booking Traveler and Loyalty cards
Key string simple type Optional
LoyaltyCardRef element
Key string simple type Required
DriversLicenseRef element
Key string simple type Required
DiscountCardRef element
Key string simple type Required
PaymentRef element
Key string simple type Required
HotelStay element Arrival and Departure dates
Key string simple type Optional
CheckinDate typeDate simple type
CheckoutDate typeDate simple type
PointOfSale element User can use this node to send a specific PCC to access fares allowed only for that PCC. This node gives the capability for fare redistribution at UR level. For fare redistribution at the stored fare level see AirPricingSolution/AirPricingInfo/AirPricingModifiers/PointOfSale.
IATA string simple type Optional Used for rapid reprice. This field is the IATA associated to this Point of Sale PCC. Providers: 1G/1V
Key string simple type Optional
ProviderCode string simple type Required The provider in which the PCC is defined.
PseudoCityCode string simple type Required The PCC in the host system.