Hotel Location by IATA City/Airport Code
A Hotel Search Location value is required to complete an initial Hotel Search request for properties.
HotelLocation returns hotel properties based on the three-character IATA Airport, City, or City/Airport code.
Implementation by Provider
See Implemented Transactions for provider functionality specific to each transaction.
Provider |
Implementation |
Galileo (1G) | HotelLocation is supported by Galileo. |
Apollo (1V) | HotelLocation is supported by Galileo. |
Worldspan (1P) |
HotelLocation is supported by Worldspan. |
HotelSearchAvailabilityAsynchReq (v49.0 and earlier)/HotelSearchLocation/HotelLocation
An IATA city/airport code, in the Location attribute of the HotelLocation element.
- The LocationType attribute can be used to specify if the IATA code in @Location applies to an 'Airport' or 'City' code, or a combined Airport/City code.
- The default type is 'Airport'. However, if no location type is specified, the input code is first checked for matching airport codes. If no airport match is found, the code is checked for matching city codes.
- If the location is set to 'City', the search is conducted based on the input value as a city code.
- If desired, HotelSearchLocation @Distance can be added to the request to search in a specific distance and/or direction from
Encode/Decode functionality for IATA City/Airport codes is available using ReferenceDataRetrieveReq/Rsp (Util.xsd). IATA codes continue to be supported by @TypeCode=CityAirport”.
HotelSearchAvailabilityRsp/HotelSearchResult/HotelProperty @HotelLocation
HotelSearchAvailabilityAsynchRsp (v49.0 and earlier)/HotelSearchResult/HotelProperty @HotelLocation
HotelProperty @HotelLocation is implemented in: HotelSearchAvailabilityRsp, HotelSearchAvailabilityAsynchRsp (v49.0 and earlier), HotelDetailsReq, HotelDetailsRsp, HotelCreateReservationReq, HotelCreateReservationRsp, HotelCancelReq, HotelCancelRsp, UniversalRecordRetrieveRsp, and UniversalRecordRetrieveRsp.