Air Shopping and Booking

The Air workflow allows you to do what most travel agents did in the past and what many search engines still do today: book a trip for a customer. Air service (Air.xsd) provides:

When a flight is booked, a Passenger Name Record (PNR) is created and added to a booking file record that Universal API creates, called the Universal Record Locator (UR) (UniversalRecordLocatorCode). The UR identifies a traveler's entire booking file, including general traveler information and travel provider information, as well as any PNR data from air, car, hotel, rail, or other travel segments available through Universal API. This booking record is specific to the Universal API, and can include PNRs from one or more providers that supplied the data for the bookings.

The Universal Record service (UniversalRecord.xsd) allows you to cancel, modify, and retrieve an air reservation, as well as refund if allowed by the provider (refunds and exchanges are not supported by all providers).

Note: Each request has a corresponding response, with the same naming structure. For example, LowFareSearchReq (request) and LowFareSearchRsp (response).

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